Sun Mote Copse dreams see us through to forever, where clouds roll by for you and i
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Ooc — Kat
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Her husband looked tousled, in a handsome sort of way. Meerkat couldn’t help but smile gently at him, reaching up to touch at the blood on his jaw. It was just beginning to dry. Her tongue replaced her paw as she cleaned it for him, then peppered his nearer cheek with sweet little kisses.

I think that’s a very thoughtful parting gift. The caches are well-stocked otherwise. I know mom always insists she’s a poor hunter but I think she’s just being modest. She’s traveled so much, she’s surely improved her small game… game, Meerkat mused with a laugh. Jr and Seal are both capable. Nyssa too.

She found it reassuring to say these things aloud. She only hoped Njord found her words comforting too. They would, without a doubt, leave pieces of themselves behind when they left the copse. But as Meerkat more or less constantly reminded herself, they wouldn’t be gone forever.

Our village has always been small but mighty. That’s why it has staying power, I think. Everything—and everyone—will be okay in our absence. We’ve made sure of it.

There was one pain point emerging, however, and she hadn’t let herself think about the possibility too deeply. But here with Njord, it was suddenly impossible to ignore. It was a consideration that could waylay their entire plan, though Meerkat had reluctantly concluded that she wanted to forge ahead, regardless.

I’m not sure if Otter will come with us. I sense that she may want to stay. And I know she’ll be in good hands, safe here at home, but…

But the tears came as Meerkat pressed her face against her husband's neck. He would understand this most difficult impasse.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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