Blackfeather Woods from a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block
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Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
All Welcome 
Days had passed since she'd seen @Lilah, and today, Maegi sought the young woman out, wondering how she was settling into the woods. She was awfully quiet and reserved, perhaps due to what she had revealed during their short conversation. Having a husband assigned. . .Maegi couldn't imagine. A whole life, revolving around a man.

(But was it truly different than having a whole life revolve around a god?)

She padded the familiar forest trails, skirting the area near the Redgrove. Familiar to her, sure, but perhaps not to the newcomer. Maegi wondered about wolves' first impression of this place. Did it scare them? Intrigue them? Repulse them? All of the above? And yet, Lilah had been desperate enough to seek shelter here, regardless of any negative emotion. She had, too, pledged loyalty.

The Melonii let out a gentle but insistent call for the girl, tired of hobbling around and blindly seeking her out.