Dragoncrest Cliffs Of plants old and new
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
This can be a thread for anyone just to talk, or perhaps a thread for Guns to get botanist.

Sand colored paws though muted walked along the sandy beach. He was on his way inward, in his mouth he cradled a bundle of rabbit fur, and inside that rabbit fur was more of one of his mother's garden. He had found it days ago now, choked and overgrown with plants that didn't belong, but some of her more hardy plants were still pushing towards the sun. 

It had been a labor of love between his mother and Nerian, a place of bonding for the two, because lord knows they couldn't get along all the time. Gunnar had been young, and he didn't know all the details, but he had figured out enough as he had aged, that his mother had been deeply upset by what his father had done by taken another wife, deeply upset. 

However, he too had thought perhaps his mother was unfair in a way, she knew of his father's culture and he had denied himself his culture for a long time for her. And Nerian hadn't been all bad, she had been terrified of he and his siblings, but she had been kind and taught him some things too.

He found where he had started a garden, and lay the bundle down. Deep from inside the Aloe fell forward one of his mother's favorite healing plants. It soothed so many things, and smelled good too. And it was hardy, the outside shell hard, the inside what you wanted.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
775 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Chacal’s cravings for seafood grew with each day, and she felt grateful she’d made the choice to dig her whelping den not too far from the tunnel that led through the cliffs and down to the beach. Hunting became more and more uncomfortable as her belly grew, so she settled for scavenging the beach happily. 

She emerged from the shadow and stepped out onto the sand, pausing for a moment to stretch. Her paws left deep imprints in the soft grains of sand, and she chuckled as she pushed herself back up into a standing position. With her belly round like this, she was not so nimble anymore. 

She blinked, and scanned the area, taking note of the figure down the beach who had set something down on the sand. This was the new addition, the male her mother had allowed into the pack. He’d brought gifts for the children, and seemed to be keeping himself busy. 

Naturally, Chacal felt she should know him better, though her stomach rumbled and complained in hunger. Maybe she could convince him to scavenge with her- two pairs of eyes were better than one, so she made her way toward him. Once she caught sight of the rabbit’s pelt, a thing he seemed to use often to carry other things, her curiosity was piqued. 

”What ‘ave you got dere?” chimed the woman pleasantly.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar was watching as the surf came in, mind on far reaching things. He had smelled the coming and goings of one of the she wolves, but wasn't certain of her name. Though she smelled a bit like the two leaders. 

Gunnar lifted his head had the sound of a voice nearby. The natural cadence much like Sea Queen Erzulie. His eyes took in her well rounded sides and he shared a small smile with her.

 This is aloe. My mother used to grow it. Can be used for abrasions, and soothing cream for any burns or irritations. it also can help your stomach and your teeth.

I'm Gunnar I don't believe we've met. You look like you have little ones coming, would you like something to eat? My  mother was always hungry when she was having my siblings.

Gunnar shifted his weight, eyes downcast unsure what else to say. This was a matriarchal hierarchy and he didn't wish to cause any issues, he enjoyed this place and so far the wolves.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
775 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Chacal looked at his collection of plants as he explained them. Aloe she knew- the thick, stubby stalks, and the pasty inside that felt cool and seemed to ease pain and burns, but she was surprised to hear it could help teeth as well. She made a small, impressed noise when he stated that fact. 

”I like aloe. It soothes,” She said. After all, herbal knowledge was something that was passed on through her family. It wasn’t her specialty, but she appreciated others becoming experts on the matter- and felt there wasn’t really such a thing as having too many medics. 

He brought up food and her features brightened. She nodded eagerly. ”Yes, I am famished all de time,” She chimed with a merry laugh. ”Growin’ babes is ‘ungry business, dear. I scavenge often along ‘ere,” She said, gesturing toward the shoreline and the boulders that collected water when the tides went out. ”I would appreciate de ‘Elp, an’ will eat just about anyt’ing but kelp,” She joked. ”I am Chacal. You are?”
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar was not proud or vain in many aspects. However, he was quite proud of his knowledge of plant lore. He knew more of how to take care of them, than what they healed, but he knew enough to get by. Aloe was a special favorite of his.

He agreed with her. That it does. It was a special favorite of my mother's. He had always endeavored to know enough healing that his mother didn't need to do it all. Julooke had been training, and Nerian had known enough. ANd then they both left leaving his mother by herself again. Which he felt a small pang, he had done also.

I'm Gunnar. Seaweed, my mother used it for binding wounds as well. Now shall we get you somthing for those babes? What are you hungry for?

He could share his plant knowledge and feed her at the same time, he'd wager. No pregnant wolfess should go hungry when there was able bodies to help feed her growing littles.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
775 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
It was with fondness again that he mentioned his mother- a likeable quality in a male, she thought, to respect their matriarch. Perhaps it was why she found him a decent fit for the pack- he complimented their structure and seemed to respect the leadership being women. 

Seaweed would help for binding wounds, he suggested, but she was looking for something to eat. ”Anyt’ing we can find,” came her amused, musical reply, before they set out to scavenge the beach for food.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.