Dragoncrest Cliffs Ti gason vlope nan fouri
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
means little boys wrapped in fur

Etienne left his mothers side, humming quietly to hismelf. One of the songs she sang to him. He loved the vibration of the hum deep in his chest.

He continued on his leisurely walk. Finally, stopping and sitting still to observe. Though a small crab caught his attention.

He bent dow to sniff it and jumped in the air as it clamped onto the skin of his nose. He howled and shook his head the creature clamping tighter. Tears fell from his eyes as he whimpered trying to dislodge it.
365 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Suzu did not often stray from the shadow of one of her family members. Even while she was some distance back, she stalked her brother down to the beach, moving slowly and carefully as the gulls wheeled overhead. Their cries were discomforting, even though they were almost always ever-present. 

Curiosity led her to follow Étienne, but she was a timid, shy child who did not want to grab attention. She was content to trail along, unnoticed and quiet, like a memory. 

She watched from behind a shock of sea grass on the dunes as her brother meandered along, faintly catching a note or two of his tune over the sound of the wind. It was only when his voice lifted in a shriek that she stiffened and lifted her head to look in horror, as something now dangled from his face.

She froze- unable to move, call for help or help her brother. Once she unlocked her joints, she hunkered down into the sand, and started to try and dig herself a little hole to hide in, trying to block out the agonized yowls of her brother.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Etienne finally dislodged it though blood welled from his nose. He settled to his belly for a moment. Dipping his nose into the sea, it stung but also soothed.

Finally he stood and turned a movement caught his attention and he sighed. When he saw it was his sister. Suzu was a timid thing.

He bumbled over and curled next to her. Gentle chin against back.

Is okay Suzu. I okay. You okay?

He licked her ears li byen, sè
365 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The sand turned darker, the more she dug, and by the time she’d dug down enough to sink up to her shoulders when she lay in her pit, it felt quite cool beneath her. The sand on the surface was much warmer, more dry. But the darker sand helped her blend in a bit more. 

She lifted her head to peek through the grasses only to see Étienne there. She gasped in surprise, and her eyes widened when she saw the torn flesh of his nose, and the blood that dripped from it. 

While she ate meat, seeing blood dripping from her brother’s nose was horrifying. He tried to assure her, and curled up next to her but she stiffened and pulled away, whites of her eyes still showing. ”B-b-b-blood, Étienne!” she whispered. She didn’t like the smell of it, and didn’t want any of it to touch her pelt. While she loved her brother and felt bad about him getting hurt, she found herself absolutely foolish with fear to see him bleeding.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne was surpised at the pit awning beneath his sister. She had dug so much. He touched the darker sand feeling the wetness and were he not so sorry and in pain he would have played with it.

Blood. Yes. Oh i sorry Suzu.

He shifted to get away from her. She was unhappy had stiffened at his touch which hurt more than his nose. But he forced himself away from her and stood nearby. Tail limp behind him. His eyes prickling dangerously the threat of tears further vexing.
365 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She relaxed slightly when he pulled away, though she pouted to see the hurt on his face. The blood still made her feel uneasy, and she couldn’t look at him for long or it made her stomach turn. She pawed at the sand, trailing little, shaky claw marks. 

”You hurt?” An olive branch, extended out of concern, though she could not lift her gaze to look at him again.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne saw his sisters pout and he wanted to nudge her twll her all was fine. However it was clear she didn't like the blood.

He frowned. A crab gotted me, Suzu. It pinchy claws.

He was a little irked he hadn't moved faster than the scuttle monster.

You okay?
365 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Crabs. She liked to eat them, and enjoyed crunching on their shells, but was still very wary of tackling a live one herself. They had been warned of the crab’s pinch, and now Étienne had experienced it first hand. She sniffled indignantly. How dare it hurt her brother! 

”I be otay,” she answered, with a little shrug. She frowned, disappointed in herself. ”Don’ like blood, Étienne,” She rasped in a pleading, apologetic tone. She wanted to comfort him, and wanted him to comfort her, but she didn’t want to go anywhere near his bloody nose. 

She didn’t look at him, but turned her face toward him, a bit. ”Mama fix?” She asked. She wasn’t able to help, but perhaps they could find their mother, or perhaps Sobo to help him cure his nose.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had enjoyed eating them too. And he had mostly seen the dead ones. Their mother had wsrn3d of their dangers and he had ignored her sage advice.

Etienne I knowed you doesn't he told her quietly. He didn't blame her. She would seek to comfort after it was fixed he was sure.

Maybe. I putted in water. But won't stop. he frowned irritated at his nose. He didn't like to upset suzu. She seldom came out or away from their family.
365 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Regardless of how much it may or may not have hurt him, Étienne didn’t seem terribly bothered or traumatized, and for that she thought him brave. He seemed more concerned for her well being, and for that she thought him benevolent and selfless. She felt small, weakened by her fears. 

Her expression worsened when he spoke. ”W-w-won’ stop?” She stammered fearfully. What if Etienne’s nose never stopped bleeding? Would she never be able to look at him again? ”M-m-mebbe we fin’ Sobo?” She volunteered once again. ”Hafta make it stop,” She pressed.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne's nose stung a little. And it tasted bitter and metallic on is tongue. It still dripped, though he supposed it started to lessen some. But he was more concerned with Suzu, he didn't wish this to sour her on the outside world. She was not like he and Theo.

We can fin' sobo, yes. Good idear.

He moved for his sister to follow him. Let's go to manman first then she can call unc. Sobo.
365 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She was glad he was willing to go find someone who could hopefully stop his nose from bleeding forever. She stood up and shook some of the sand out of her coat, though some of it still stuck to her about her underside and hocks. She gestured for Étienne to lead the way- both because she preferred to follow, and so that she wouldn’t have to see his nose. 

”I tell Maman, fin’ dat crab, pull him craws off,” Suzu growled as she trailed along. ”Den we ‘ave snack of it.” She suggested. Revenge would taste delicious, she thought.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
858 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne watched his sister with careful eye. To be certain she got to her feet okay. He sniffled once. It still burned and hurt, but he was trying so hard not to cry. He didn't want Suzu to cry too.

I like dat plan. Pull him claws off, yea. He wagged his tail You can 'ave da biggest parts. he began a jaunt to their manman.
365 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She felt a bit of weight lift off her chest as they headed off to find someone who could fix Étienne’s nose. She cared, she truly did- but blood was not something she could handle. 

But revenge-eating crab claws? Absolutely.