Swiftcurrent Creek That Split The Night
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,033 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Arric had finally made it, he stood staring down across the land, eyes narrowed in repose. The white rim around his sky blue eyes, giving him the character that was sorely missed. The red undertones in his fur. His father had told him of this place, this swift current creek. He did not realize that another @Akavir was trying to make a home here.

He simply wanted to touch something that his father had touched. Traverse the land that his father had loved as much as him and his mother. Perhaps even more. The memories here that had been whispered in the darkest of nights. When stars had danced overhead and gentle voice of happy longing had curled around him.

Names that he couldn't remember, but would know if said, probably long since dead, but a part of the history his father had imparted upon him and now here he stood.
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
It had been some time since Paeon had allowed herself to take a dip of pleasure. The last time she encountered a body of water she was either hunting or cleaning herself. But swimming alone could be a source of enjoyment or one of exercise Paeon thought. Perhaps she might even be able to cross over to the other side of the creek she thought, standing on the East side.

Paeon walked into the water and just as it was about to touch her chest she noticed the unusually strong pull of the water. The current did not appear to be that strong from above, but as she stood in the water she realized just how deceiving it was. Thinking twice about it she walked out of the water and shook off. With her size, it would be difficult for her to venture into the water in this location. She was a bit embarrassed at how quickly she turned back, after all, she was supposed to be brave and prove herself out here. Luckily there was no one around... 

Then with the water to her back, she saw not so far off a reddened wolf.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,033 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric watched with introspective eyes as a she wolf, took a dip into the water.  Her black and grey fur was an interesting mix to the swirling water. He didn't say a word, simply observed knowing that the pull was probably stronger than she was expecting at this time of hour and with the colder weather bold and bright.

He didn't move to help her, unless need be but she seemed to handle it just fine. He moved closer and once he was sure she could see him, he dipped his head and gave a chuff of greeting. he didn't move any further than where he was, in case she didn't wish to speak to anyone, but the invitation was in the air now.
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The red male approached and lowered his head in greeting, but did say a word. As he approached she could see just how monstrous he was in size, though she expected him to be much thicker with that in mind. After taking in his size she too lowered her head in greeting... perhaps he wasn't much of a talker. Paeon thought to test it out. "Hello... I'm Paeon"
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,033 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Obsidian fur with red highlights, nothing terrible red unless up and near. Just the guard hairs, the small hairs, and the white circle around his eye. He stood near the muscular female. His father had been muscular and large, where his father had been, he was more slimmer, atlethicly trimmed rather than imposing trim.

Hello Miss. I'm Arric Du'Andris. Deep voice curled around her, and he offered a smile on black maw.

He tilted head. You from around the area?

He was curious if she was a newcomer like him or a veteran like his father would have been. He lifted sky blue eyes to dance along the area, taking in everything as well as he could. His mind working double time to take in everything and still offer decent conversation.
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
His voice matched his size and Paeon completely ditched the idea that he might just be shy. Despite that his greeting was polite as she introduced himself as Arric and smiled.

He asked her if she was new to the area. She thought about her attempt into the water. So he had seen she thought. Immediately she thought that others of this area must have known better and her display was a clear sign she had no idea what she was doing. She tried to play it cool. “It is that obvious that I’m not?” she asked humorously.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,033 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric had inheritated much from his father. From his good looks, to his size, to his voice. Deep warm and friendly. But also his temper, though he had inheritated his mothers control and drive.

Arric gave a deep chuckle. Not so much no, but I'm new too.

He lifted hia head and dipped hos nose towards the water. I just grew up around water. It can be its own mistress.
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
So his experience did not come from knowing the area but from knowing the water itself. Paeon had been introduced to water and knew how to swim and fish, but beyond that visiting the water was just that, a visit. Her home pack did not reside close to a large centralized body of moving water. 

"Gotcha. Well if you are new here like me. What brought you this way? Happen stance or by choice?" she asked. Something about Arric made Paeon feel like he moved with a purpose or desire.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,033 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric knew much of the waterways and things it could do. The way the mud could pull you under. The reeds that danced and prowled along the bottom that could also pull you to your doom. The tides that pulled and pushed you round and round. A river itself could be so much worse days after a rainfall than the day itself.

My father lived here a long time ago. I grew up hearing stories of it. So as an honor to his memory. I made the trip he and I had always planned. I will settle here. Well, not here in this exact spot, but you understand. Yes?
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Arric had a clear goal and one following the legacy of his father. Paeon thought this honorable. The way he spoke about his father sounded as though he had passed away, as he was not on the trip with his some at this point. "Yes, I believe I do. I'm sure your father is happy you decided to continue on this trip even in his absence. It's always good to follow the sentiments of a legacy or something similar." she said sincerely. Paeon hoped that one day she would be able to do the same, and perhaps her children after her.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,033 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was determined if nothing else to do what he could in his father's memory. Perhaps he could eek out a living here, with someone he loved. His father had tried and failed, and he was willing to try harder.

Arric grinned. I like to think he would be. An you are right.

He looked near the water and motioned with his muzzle. Water can be dangerous, but if you know what waits for you there. It's not so bad.
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
His words almost sounded cryptic. “What waits for you in the water?” Paeon questioned looking over at the water that could have easily pulled her under had she rushed into the water earlier. “I’m afraid I’m not picking up what you are putting down. Unless your talking about fish” Paeon stated. Fish and the potential of downing were the only things that his words made Paeon think of. “Or is it one of those… you’ll know it when you see it experiences?” She asked looking back at Arric.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,033 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He tilted his ears forward, and heard her questions. He wasn't entirely sure what was hard to understand what he was saying. It was nothing so cryptic as anything. Just a general warning to be prepared.

Well I mean. You have to know the waterways and yes sometimes the things underneath the water. Most wolves aren't gonna go as deep as where some of the large fish that could eat them live, but there are some predators in the shallows of some waterways. But it's not the fish you have to worry about. Y0u have to remember, current, and depth and what the weather was like the day before or even sometimes the week before.

Truthfully, you never could be fully prepared, but well experiences made better teachers than most anything else.
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Sorry for the late reply. A lot of IRL events/problems this month

She listened to his words and cataloged them in her mind. Some of it seemed common sense but others were helpful tips that could prove useful down the road. The thought of another predator being hidden away in the shallows had never crossed her mind before. Perhaps she had been lucky up until now.

"I'll keep that in mind. Where ever you do end up settling I imagine you will take full advantage of the waters around you. It was a pleasure meeting you Arric. Seems as though I'll have to find another spot to cross." she said ready to venture along the water until a more optimal path showed itself unless Arric had anything further to add.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,033 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She listened calmly said nothing at first. Just digested what he had told her. He studied the muddied waters, wondering. Perhaps he had been rude, but he hadnt meant to be.

He offered her a kind smile and nodded his head. 

Yes, I plan too. Good luck in your own endeavors.

He'd then turn away and head the way he had come, mind quiet.