Redhawk Caldera vanadium
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Master Medic
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for @Maia and @Bayek (if he comes along! <3) no posting order! set for tomorrow morning, light snow

the going would have been sooner, but a stormgale caught the company just as they left akashingo's lands. therefore they were delayed till dawn.

she trudged irately through the snow to the caldera's sloped borders, and once there, the sesh waited no time in calling out to the leaders of brecheliant, setting treva's bundle at her paws.
74 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Bayek had insisted on carrying the Sesh’s parcel. She had done it herself. The man wouldn’t make demands of her. He was there as a guardian, more than anything. The dark-furred woman had her business. It was not up to the Medjay to tell her how it should be conducted. 

At the border of Brecheliant, Tavina called for a member of their ranks. The scents at their border were strong. They had good numbers, from what he could tell. Bayek was curious about the visit. He had no reference for it’s importance. The Medjay was new to Akashingo and his role there would not be missed. Tavina’s, however… 

Bayek’s amethyst gaze shifted to her. He kept his snout dipped. Ears drawn back against the cold that was blown over him, flecked with snow. He hoped they would not wait long.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia was surprised that the call for her sounded familiar, but not like one of the packmates she knew. She didn’t remember the source, or her name, until she saw her. It was the one who had come and retrieved her packmate… Tavina, from Akashingo. Maia was glad to see her, and had worried about the two of them when they seemed tense about leaving. Though she’d since forgotten.

Tavina! What a nice surprise! How are you and Nala doing? She smiled as she came to meet them, then noticed another stranger and nodded to him too, a touch more nervous only because he was unknown. Hi. My name’s Maia. It’s nice to meet you too.

She was extremely curious why they were here, but she paused then, assuming they’d let her know. Even if it was just a social call, they were welcome! Lilitu and Teya both seemed iffy after their last experiences with Akashingo, but Maia wasn’t going to let that affect the friendships Brecheliant kept if she didn’t need to.
672 Posts
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Master Medic
"tavina, yes. how are you, maia?"

her eyes glowed for a moment. "nala and i are well. we are to be married soon, and we want children in the spring."

and then: "this is bayek, mazoi and medjay of akashingo. i've brought gifts for brecheliant from queen @Treva. and a message for lilitu, if she's here."

with a deft movement of her paws was the bundle unraveled. lavender, cinnamon, and sage leaves were there, along with a small amount of precious poppyflower. there was honey wrapped carefully in a smaller, skin-only pelt, strips of sheep-meat and marrow from the goats of the steppes. and for the children, a length of ivory as long as one's paw, marked by the priests with magickal symbols that would protect them.
74 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The two women were familiar with each other. Tavina shared that she was to be wed and that she and her mate would want children for themselves. The Medjay felt a pang in his chest for the son he had lost. He did not know if he would ever have children again. The man had not seen his wife in many seasons - their goals had drawn them to different paths. 

When the woman of Brecheliant regarded him with a friendly greeting, Bayek bowed his head deeply and held this show of respect for a few seconds before drawing his amethyst eyes to Maia’s chest. 

It is a pleasure to meet you, Maia of Brecheliant. 

That was all he needed to say. Maia and Tavina could discuss the reason for their visit in further detail.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
O-oh. That’s wonderful! Maia’s surprise was swiftly replaced by delight. She hadn’t realized the two women were so close, but was happy to hear that they were happy. She of course wondered about the mention of having children. How would they? Would they…. No. No way she was thinking down that line, especially about guests!

I’m sorry. Lilitu went to find her sister. She left a few weeks ago. Maia looked at the package, then back at Tavina curiously. We appreciate this, though. I’ll need to send something in return. Are you hungry? She’d have Bridget take these supplies, since it looked like something the medic could use more. None of it seemed to be the type of thing Eljay gave mothers, and her husband didn’t do much healing anymore outside of midwifery.

I can also take the message, in case she comes back. She’d promised she would and Maia believed her. If she was able, Lilitu would come home - and depending on the message, it would be waiting for her.
672 Posts
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Master Medic
"oh, i couldn't eat a bite, really." 

tavina meant it, genuinely as well as politely. she liked maia and brecheliant very much, but staying to share a meal would delay the brisk sesh from returning to her wife.

but it was not just her here. "but — the medjay. he's had to deal with me for hours. what do you, say, bayek? shall we stay for a bit?"

lilitu not being here threw a bit of a wrench into things. "well. it's sort of delicate but i don't see who better to entrust with it. before that, however, the queen treva has extended an invitation for a winter feast. family friendly, this time." not so much lust and drinking and blood. 

the message was delicate. it was not for bayek to hear, but she didn't very well know how to say it without ineptly insulting the mazoi.
74 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The conversation between the two women was polite. The message could not be directly passed to the intended target. Lilitu had gone to search for her sister, it seemed. Did this mean that their journey had been a waste? He was not certain. Maia was swift to offer food to the Sesh.

Tavina declined, which left Bayek feeling that their trip was intended to be short. If her paws hungered to return to the mesa, he would not stop her. The woman was considerate in asking if he might want to stay for a short time. Brecheliant did not seem like Akashingo, at all. It was curious for him to think of how they had struck an alliance with the Pharaoh and his palace.

I would be most humbled to eat with you, Sesh. And you, Maia of Brecheliant.

Bayek did not wish to be the determining factor, though.

If you are inclined to stay, I will stay. I understand there are many duties in Akashingo, however.

A simple smile was given to the two women. Bayek lowered his head out of respect and duty.

I am yours until the end of our journey. In other words, it was for Tavina to decide.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
They were extremely polite. The conversation was so constrained that Maia couldn’t help feeling a bit nervously out of place. How formal did she need to be? Should she have given a better thank you? Was there some kind of customary guest thing that she was missing?

While internally she fretted over that, she tidied up the things they’d brought while she listened to Tavina and Bayek discuss her offer.

She very much wanted to hear the message but didn’t want to press, and she wasn’t sure what Tavina meant by ‘delicate’.

It’s alright. I’m just not sure when she will be back. She’s looking for her sister. Had she said that already? Oh dear.

That’s nice of her, to open up their home. When will that be? A winter feast. Again, though, the qualifier gave her pause. So… they should bring the children? She hadn’t heard much about the previous Akashingo trip, nor did she know about their pack in general. Only the small gleanings she’d gotten from Nala, Tavina, and Lilitu that left her not sure how she felt about the place and it’s treatment of those there. It seemed a harsher world than Brecheliant, one where appearances mattered heavily. Imagining Jay running loose around there, or Aiden giving orders to the Pharaoh, or Chickadee and Shenanigans tag-teaming… maybe it was family friendly. But their ways were so different she wasn’t sure it would be friendly to their family. She would hate to force them to behave just to keep a stranger happy.
672 Posts
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Master Medic
bayek was charming. tavina was thankful that the crown prince had sent the medjay with her. "then we'll stay a bit, thank you, maia."

off, finding her sister. tavina wished her well. "perhaps more toward the end of winter, i am not exactly certain. i imagine she wants an idea of guests before she truly lays her plans." she did not know treva as more than firm and kind.

eventually she glanced to bayek and then back to maia. "i think she is eager to make a good impression on our allies as a newer queen."
74 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Please feel free to skip over me, unless addressed! You can assume Bayek is there but will do what he can to give them privacy to speak.

They would stay for a short while.

Maia and Tavina talked of their things. Bayek did what he could to sit a short distance away, only speaking if they called upon him or asked for him. He thought of many things while the women visited with each other. Most of all, he thought of his homeland and the life he’d had. It seemed so long ago – a wife, a home, a son. It was strange how swiftly life could change.

Keeping his manners, Bayek waited patiently for the hour when they would bid Brecheliant farewell and would journey back to the mesa. He already missed his trips to their borders. He missed the halls of Akashingo. It was not a home, but a post where he found comfort.
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bayek was quiet but Maia did not mind. She gave her entire attention to what Tavina said, nodding in understanding at the reason for the party. It’s so generous of them, to give so much to us and still welcome us into their home like that. We’d be honored. She would find a way to make sure someone was there to attend. Maybe she and Eljay could go this time. It would be nice to have a trip, and one that short wouldn’t be too much for them, especially now that the kids were all older.

Two of us at least. I don’t want to impose, but we can ask, if they are okay with more coming. Maia would hate to show up with a crew and throw off the plans. Four kids could make it through a surprising amount of food.

It’s okay, if you aren’t able to tell me, but… is everything alright? With Lilitu? Her expression took on a little more concern as she asked. Lilitu had come back and been fairly vague about things, but Maia had gotten the impression she was more glad to be home than she would have been if she enjoyed her time in Akashingo. She hated to assume, but she worried if this summons had anything to do with more serious matters.
672 Posts
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Master Medic
"princess lilitu and prince charles were not — successful, this year. she has moved on from akashingo in pursuit of her sister," tavina revealed, brow furrowing. "the pharaoh — invites her back, to dissolve her marriage and — seek another. with him, as Second Royal Wife."

but her own expression spoke of distaste and distrust.

tavina drew a breath. "come to see the queen. she will be pleased for it."
1,545 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh. That was quite the revelation!! Maia wasn’t sure how to feel about it. She didn’t know the full circumstances of how it all happened, but she had gotten the sense that Lilitu did not enjoy her time there. She paused, then replied a little hesitantly. I can ask her, when she comes back. If that’s something she’d want.

“Dissolve the marriage” wasn’t something Maia was familiar with, but it felt impolite to ask about it right now. A mateship was over, in her mind, when one of them decided they no longer wished to stay with the other. She would give the message, but she also resolved to make it plain that Lilitu did not owe them anything if she didn’t want to go back.

I’ll talk to Eljay about visiting. I’d love to meet the Queen, and maybe say hello to Nala while I’m there. She smiled, her look warming up again as they moved past the harder subjects. For now, let me at least send you with something to eat. Even if you want to have it on the road.

She would call someone to bring something or grab something fresh from nearby, sending them each with a meal. It felt wrong to let them leave after the generous gift, and Maia already had a soft spot for Tavina despite barely knowing her. She hoped that her Pharaoh would not be too disappointed by the news.

feel free to fade this if you like, so sorry to keep it hanging so long!