The Sentinels Aero
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He smiled with sweetness. She was so perfect for him it ached. Then he dipped his head into the hollow of her throat and just held fast there. Body wound around her at the moment. Content and happy.

Would you like me to be there? Or is this for women only? He knew the rules of her people and respected them to the best of his ability.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Samani was content with him. She felt peaceful, close to the water that called to her. Close to the home where her heart was nestled. It was a good place, the plateau they had found.

Rodyn asked if she would like him there, when she spoke to Kukutux. The sea girl could not imagine taking him into that conversation. It would be difficult for her, even on her own. She mulled his question in her mind before answering, I will speak to her. Daughter to mother. It was the best way. Rodyn was first hunter and Samani was the daughter who had always stayed behind. When the others had ventured out and beyond their home, she had been resolute. She had been constant. This would be a difficult thing, she felt.

Are you ready to leave Moonglow, my love? she asked him softly.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A comfortable silence had fallen over the two lovers in the plateau. There was a hum of energy there, he could feel it. Things were changing very soon. Very soon. And he was fine with this. He had known it was coming and he would not quail when Samani needed him.

Very well. Soft voice filtered around them.

He gave a firm nod. Of course I am. My home is not moonglow Samani. It is where ever you are. I will have much to cart and carry and I will need to seek out Heph. She seems ready to settle down. We could probably convince her to come with us.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
At the mention of Heph, Samani’s tail began to thump.

Do you really believe she might? Oh, that would be wonderful. She should come to our wedding, at least. The sea girl had grown fond of Rodyn’s close friend. Nothing would make her happier than to have the delightful Heph present at their wedding. If she was inclined, Samani believed that the wandering woman would make a lovely addition to their new home.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn heard her tail move and he chuckled. He liked Heph as much as his wife, though he wondered if perhaps his future bride liked her just a little more and he didn't mind at all.

I think so. She promised to teach our children, and she seemed interested when we were talking about our own place. And I know she would come to the wedding. And she should. She helped me with the bride price. She helped me so much.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The girl sighed at his answer, pleased to hear that he believed so.

It will be nice to have a friend in our new home, won’t it?

Samani’s cheeks were warm. She wished that they could stay upon the plateau until the sun rose the next morning. She wished that she did not need to return to Moonglow. Guilt was swift to follow this thought. The sea girl knew that she would need to speak with her mother. She knew that she must share her heart with anaa. It was important that she remained open and that her heart stayed tied with Kukutux’.

I’m very excited, the girl hummed, her jade eyes seeking the features of her husband-to-be.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded. It will be yes. Especially one as skilled a hunter as Heph. She will help us grow strong.

There was a smile to his face, when he looked Samani over. Content in the moment, but he could see the weariness in her face. He knew that she worried for what was to come. So with teeth and claws and gentle movements, he would comb through her fur, if she'd allow.

Would you like to stay here overnight, Samani. We'll go home when the sun rises. It will be nice to watch it rise, no?

It was a milder night than it had been, so he wasn't concerned that they would get caught in a squall.

I promise I will wake you if I need too.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The sea girl had melted into the hunter man’s arms. She was light and soft. Her breathing came in on fluttering wings.

Rodyn asked if she would like to stay through the night. Samani nodded her head. She would enjoy that very much. The sight of the sun would bring her energy. The warmth of its light on the ocean would be a joy she did not think she could ever get used to. It would be their first night of many upon the plateau. The girl could feel it in the pit of her stomach.

I love you, she whispered to him. Her jadewater eyes closed.

Fade? New one? <3
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
OF course, always <3

She fit perfectly there in the paws and against his chest and the peach of her fur with the russet of his. Perfect melding, he was happy. Pleased with their choice.

I love you too. he whispered. And he lay his head across her shoulders. He'd keep watch, he was sure they'd be fine, but he would anyway. It was beautiful here. As the stars came out and the sky lit up with the moon. He could imagine growing old here.