Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: suggestive themes
missing mr @Colt so i am shaking a bag of treats at him. forward dated a little bit so threads in other locations make sense! set late at night!
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Oh, how stupid she was.
As much as Wren wished she didn't, she had cravings. Perhaps it was the time of year; the way the sun was high in the sky for longer, a ticking biological clock within everyone calling them to action. Or maybe it was more of her own recklessness. Perhaps it had nothing to do with biology, and more of the fact that she lacked concern for her own wellbeing. Either way, the burning memory of his legs around her hips and the lingering promise of more was getting harder and harder for her to bury in the back of her mind.
They'd made a deal, had they not?
Over the course of a few hours, Wren had made her way back to where she had first encountered him. The floodlands came into view, the cool blue moonlight shining on the banks of the delta acting as a beacon. When she parted her lips, she could almost smell him. Half-tempted to go further to the borders of his pack's territory, she stopped short when she'd begun to wade through the shallow overflows. A secret was a secret, and a secret they would be.
Dry land was a blessing, and one she didn't take for granted. Here she would perch, and throw her head back in a bellow. She could only hope he would recognize the sound of her voice.
May 05, 2023, 06:56 PM
colt'd been hungry for her, though he had stayed close to the isle, sharing company with miss @Iseul as she allowed, and goofing with @Sadey by turns. if asked, he would heartily deny any notions of courtship aimed at the deputy, though secretly briggs allowed himself a daydream here and there about a homestead, something he hadn't done before. the thoughts riled him up.
"yer jes' gettin' plumb domesticated, yew old rat," he growled to and at himself, stalking out to start one of his intermittent long hunts. "gotta git a move on afore you keep dreami--"
well. he knew that voice. colt switched the bolus of fresh birchbark into his other cheek, spat an arch of brown juice at the ground, and headed off at a jaunty prance.
he recognized it and the scent threaded around his throat like a lasso drew him fierce and up-close. colt nipped wren's throat and growled against her shoulder, "come on."
away from the packland, away from ulrich, who might see any woman so close his by right. colt hadn't a notion of marital loyalty, and so did not understand why any man would ignore temptation.
his red eyes burned like catching coals, all soft-sweet idea of homesteading put right out of his fully masculine head.
"yer jes' gettin' plumb domesticated, yew old rat," he growled to and at himself, stalking out to start one of his intermittent long hunts. "gotta git a move on afore you keep dreami--"
well. he knew that voice. colt switched the bolus of fresh birchbark into his other cheek, spat an arch of brown juice at the ground, and headed off at a jaunty prance.
he recognized it and the scent threaded around his throat like a lasso drew him fierce and up-close. colt nipped wren's throat and growled against her shoulder, "come on."
away from the packland, away from ulrich, who might see any woman so close his by right. colt hadn't a notion of marital loyalty, and so did not understand why any man would ignore temptation.
his red eyes burned like catching coals, all soft-sweet idea of homesteading put right out of his fully masculine head.
May 06, 2023, 12:25 AM
Oh, hello.
With a brief, wordless greeting from her in the form of a gentle touch of her nose to the hollow of his cheek, she begins to follow him. He hadn't needed to say it, yet he did anyway. She silently appreciated it.
She let him lead, trailing behind and catching up with him via the smells that he had carried with him. Ashy was his own scent, one she'd missed more than she possibly realized. Oh, how that fire burned! The females that lingered in the wisps of his wiry chestnut fur stood out to her, sending a momentary prickle of possessiveness down her spine, yet it fizzled out just as fast as it had come in. She was no particularly loyal woman herself. She had no right to speak. She was sure he could smell her other acquaintances on her just as well; though none had been in quite the same fashion as him.
Miss me, huh?Was all she'd said at first, a devilish, winding smile slipping across her lips. With how fast he'd come to her side, she was sure he couldn't deny it.
something about the other fragrances tangled into her withers excited colt; she'd had her full pick of whom she wanted but she'd come for him, he told himself, leading wren into a tangle of old trees with branches curving toward the ground like elephant ivories.
there he embraced her again if allowed, meaning to take his time with the seduction. it was a new thing for colt, who enjoyed a harder and faster foray. but if anyone had earned something new, it was her.
"an' yew came all the way to find me," briggs flashed back in a desirous yellow grin. he flicked his tongue across his lips, tilted a brow meaningfully. what did she want out of this? he craved her more than he was letting on, but years of miscommunication and angry words from jilted women, well — "i'm not a family man. ain't never gonna be no one's pa," colt told wren, knowing it might cut the moment right in half but feeling he liked her well enough not to leave her in the lurch.
briggs planned to cut out of the isle, after all. he didn't think sadey wanted to leave, not truly, and a man needed to wander or else he'd lose his mind, just like he felt he was about to with wren.
there he embraced her again if allowed, meaning to take his time with the seduction. it was a new thing for colt, who enjoyed a harder and faster foray. but if anyone had earned something new, it was her.
"an' yew came all the way to find me," briggs flashed back in a desirous yellow grin. he flicked his tongue across his lips, tilted a brow meaningfully. what did she want out of this? he craved her more than he was letting on, but years of miscommunication and angry words from jilted women, well — "i'm not a family man. ain't never gonna be no one's pa," colt told wren, knowing it might cut the moment right in half but feeling he liked her well enough not to leave her in the lurch.
briggs planned to cut out of the isle, after all. he didn't think sadey wanted to leave, not truly, and a man needed to wander or else he'd lose his mind, just like he felt he was about to with wren.
apologies for the late reply, i've been out of town D:
Accepting his embrace with a low, rumbling hum, the crown of her forehead presses into the crux of his shoulder. Solemnly intimate, and only lasting a fleeting moment before her tongue pokes from between her lips and hungrily presses into the fur that lay there.
Don't let it get to your head.she teases, pulling away to meet his eyes. Oh, how she'd missed those eyes, much more than she would ever let on.
Surprised to be met with something like a serious expression, she meets him where he's at with a quirk of a brow, smile falling and only lingering on one side of her mouth.
I don't want a family,she blows a puff of air from between her lips, shaking her head.
I'm never gonna be a 'ma', either.An odd thing to reassure someone about. Usually, she'd figured, it would be the opposite, in the form of half-hearted coos about how great growing one to four parasites within her would be, going on to birth them and be responsible for them. All because either the sire wanted it, or her supposed "maternal instincts" kicked in. Just the thought of it earns a wrinkle to her nose in disgust. Admittedly, it brought her some sense of relief that he sought not for children from her.
Perhaps it was sort of a gamble, an inherently reckless act to have crawled back to him like this, but maybe God would be on her side. She could only hope Colt would be, too.
But I do want you.
May 12, 2023, 11:11 AM
no worries at all!
absolved of paternal responsibility, colt drew his teeth along the fur over her left clavicle, flicking his tongue against the heat of her skin. "yew got me then."
at least for a time. the way wren looked at him was beginning to pick at his control, cutting the seams here and there. was anything else on the docket to discuss? briggs doubted it. "i'll stay, few days," the cowboy drawled, snaking a hard forearm around the small of her back but only in an embrace for now, not the true intention of today's meet-up.
"now. where to?" the firebrand eyes darkened to blood-scarlet; colt found this spot just as well for anything if she wasn't hot to leave just yet.
at least for a time. the way wren looked at him was beginning to pick at his control, cutting the seams here and there. was anything else on the docket to discuss? briggs doubted it. "i'll stay, few days," the cowboy drawled, snaking a hard forearm around the small of her back but only in an embrace for now, not the true intention of today's meet-up.
"now. where to?" the firebrand eyes darkened to blood-scarlet; colt found this spot just as well for anything if she wasn't hot to leave just yet.
May 12, 2023, 11:18 PM
Oh, well, aren't you generous?Wren all but purrs, a coy twist of her tongue paired with a grin that leaves dimples at the corners of her mouth. Her kisses trail up to his chin, now, soft and gentle against the prickly hairs that cover his jaw.
Y'know, Colt,she pauses briefly, cheek pressed against the harsh cut of his jawline. A whisper of a touch, although noticeable.
I don't think you and I are all that different. Maybe that's why I came back here for yah, eh?
A few days. She was content with that. Enough for the songbird to perch on his shoulder, drink from his palm, sink her talons in; but not enough time for either to grow restless.
Oh, what, you mean you don't wanna get muddy water all over yah while we're rollin' around?She nearly cackles at that, laughing at her own joke with a high, breathy chortle.
I don't know, pretty boy, you tell me, and I'll follow.
May 14, 2023, 10:44 AM
"maybe," he growled, enticed, intoxicated enough to blabber anything she wanted. he was a fool, but not such a fool that he didn't understand how it all worked. they'd stay together and when it ended, he would be on his way and he on hers, not a backwards look.
for now briggs nipped at her hip and sauntered away, in the direction of the copse which danced with sunlight.
would take them a fair piece to get there, though once they had, colt would waste no time in pulling wren close once more, sighing into her fur with delectation.
fitting place, he felt, waiting for her to signal progression or for them to hold off.
for now briggs nipped at her hip and sauntered away, in the direction of the copse which danced with sunlight.
would take them a fair piece to get there, though once they had, colt would waste no time in pulling wren close once more, sighing into her fur with delectation.
fitting place, he felt, waiting for her to signal progression or for them to hold off.
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