Lion Head Mesa travelers
Pharaoh *
immortal longings
784 Posts
Ooc — anon
All Welcome 
attn to @Racharra and for @Miho too for reference !

Toula had collected the daughters of the Lake woman after speaking with their mother. one might have remained with their mother then, or perhaps not—Toula now sought the other, to keep her informed. 
with her fellahin accompanying her, Toula searched—she had a grand idea, too, to keep the girl occupied should she wish to partake on the latest endeavor of Akashingo!

ogre maiden
324 Posts
Ooc — bon
the girl of the lake was growing quickly. nearing 5 months old, as she found herself growing taller and taller with each passing month, the nebet also found herself mellowing down from puplike excitement and yearning for more responsibilities. so the cub passed the time carrying out more menial chores or exploring the territories, so when she heard the trickling word of "expansion," her paws ached to get moving.

finding her wasn't too much of a hassle, Racharra had stopped wandering off as often as she would as a younger cub. the steps of the fellahin and The Queen sounded like those of a herd trotting through the hallways — enough to get Racharra's lingering curiosity as she stuck her head out from her quarters. marigold eyes widened and wordlessly she gave a bow as soon as she realized who it was that galloped through Akashingo's halls.
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
Pharaoh *
immortal longings
784 Posts
Ooc — anon
there she was! tall, strong, beautiful. becoming more and more, by the day. tears nearly sprang to her eyes at the sight of the young girl, thriving in her own halls. it was true that Toula was not yet a mother, but was it so wrong to feel as though she were one to these two brilliant, growing girls? ah, but she recognized that they might not feel the same. she would not embarrass them with such sentiment, but neither did she hide her love for them. they would know that, at least.
my darling Nebet, it is good to see you! your mother, she is going to another branch that specializes in the physical recovery of wounds. mental as well, should there be any, she informed warmly. it was not a thing to fear, but she wanted the young Racharra apprised. where Zharille went from there was unknown; there was the task of reclaiming the Lake, but perhaps it might be a daughter to do so in Akashingo's name.
time would tell! if you wish to join her on that journey, you may—your sister might wish to. but, I did think of another task, should you seek a different responsibility, she offered, hoping to tempt the girl into joining this expedition. it requires some bravery, but I do not think you lack in such a thing, she said with a nod.

ogre maiden
324 Posts
Ooc — bon
that's good. she chuffed once informed of her mother's circumstances, but it was what Toula added after that made Racharra hesitate.
and suddenly, a conflict: to stay, or go?
she enjoyed her time in Akashingo but it seems just as soon as she'd finally accustomed to life, she'd be taken away from it and return to Greatwater Lake. a frown formed in her visage, though she averted her gaze from Toula to hide it. sorry. she mumbled, before turning once again to face Toula. afterall, she' mentioned a task, and it wasn't noble of her to have broken her gaze when in the presence of The Queen.
she swallowed her worry — it wasn't fit for a daughter of Zharille anyways — before inquiring. she may as well know all of her options.
what is it?
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
Pharaoh *
immortal longings
784 Posts
Ooc — anon
there seemed to be a conflict within the girl. Toula moved closer to the girl, but no longer was she so small as to wrap a foreleg around her to pull her near! instead, Toula offered an open arm so that the young one could move even nearer if she wished to. please, tell me what weighs upon your mind, she coaxed gently. she shook her head to the apology, for there was nothing to apologize for! 
you have no doubt heard of the expansion I endeavor to accomplish, for the good of Akashingo. have you any interest in joining such an expedition, under the watchful eye of our Erpa-Ha? she need never be alone, and Toula would not have that at her young age! but also, she could learn more of the way of royals and the important things that they alone must see to.

ogre maiden
324 Posts
Ooc — bon
Racharra hesitated, her stoicism getting the best of her as she felt a lump in her throat. but she gulped it down.
Toula was a kind woman, the lake cub knew that perhaps best of all as Akashingos invasion — no, rescue — of Greatwater returned to Racharra's immediate thought. besides, she wasn't going to deny the Queen's request. She was a lady, but she was still one underneath the queen and deep down, she feels she still owes the woman that reunited her with her mother.
but now, would those efforts go in vain if she accompanied Akashingo?

i worry for my family. my future. she started, voice distant. i grew to love Akashingo, but. she took a moment, this was more than she's used to. i do not wish to leave my mother either. our family is already divided. she thought of her remaining sister and brother. where were they, even? she hopes they are safe.
but i also don't want to leave Akashingo. i don't know what to do.
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
Pharaoh *
immortal longings
784 Posts
Ooc — anon
the truth came out, and Toula listened as the girl unburdened herself. this level of trust warmed the Queen, who would not take it for granted—not ever. your mother only leaves Akashingo physically, to better heal. but she is under its umbrella even still, as the new land that we found shall be. this is an outpost our Sesh Tavina both has worked and traded with, for herbs. soon they shall send one of their best to us to teach, the Sesh tells me. your loyalty can be to both—the well-being of your family, and Akashingo. there is no wrong answer as to what you choose to do. you can visit your mother if you so wish, she offers gently. 
what Zharille did after she healed was a separate matter. once your mother recovers fully, it is she who will decide what is next for her own life. be it returning here, reclaiming the Lake for Akashingo and her family… or anything else. you will perhaps know that better than me, in time, she said with a smile. she was the girls mother, after all! your life is your own. but you are young, and under my protection until such a time that you can hunt well. that much is my wish and will, and surely your mothers. but I would not begrudge you traveling to this outpost with her, with an escort to return you back here if it was not there you wished to remain. what would make you happiest, here and now? she asks with a tilt of her head. all this was important to her. the girl, so very dear to her own heart.
it was selfish, to wish she might stay. but she could understand the threads that pulled at her.

ogre maiden
324 Posts
Ooc — bon
her worries lifted, just a little. she pondered on Toula's words, before coming to her decision.

her mother is a strong woman, and Miho just as strong even at their age. if she's to accompany her mother, then Racharra has no doubt both will be fine. 
actually, even if her mother is on her own she knew that woman would be fine regardless; afterall, she was receiving the care she needs. she just does not wish for Zharille to be lonely.

as Toula says, it is Racharra's life. it's hers alone. and no matter what she chose, she'll be in good company.
i'll go on the expedition. she declared, so firm in its delivery. it's what a nebet should do.
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
Pharaoh *
immortal longings
784 Posts
Ooc — anon
Toula marveled as she watched the girl. the conflict flit away from her features, and Toula found herself further at ease to see this so. yes, indeed, Racharra was brave. braver than even Toula had initially thought! 
and Toula felt a burst of pride to see this come to pass. pity toward Zharille to not see this momentous moment where Racharra overcame so great an obstacle. but Toula would do her best to share what she had witnessed today. 
indeed, Toula commended, for she sensed Nebet was what she most wanted to emulate this hour. and as for your future… you will always have one here, if you wish it. whatever might come to pass… whatever you might feel, or where you have been—you are Akashingo, and my brave Nebet. do not forget that, she comforted. let that not be a fear of hers, she hoped (and would pray)! 
Senmut will be glad to have you join him. you know… I think I might have been your age, during my first excursion, so long ago it felt!

ogre maiden
324 Posts
Ooc — bon
Racharra returned Toula's words a small smile. thank you. strange how she felt more at home than in her birth pack. the marvels of growing up. i'm grateful it was Akashingo that day. she mused, closing her eyes as she gave a slight nod of her head to the Hemet-nekheb.

at the mention of the Erpa-ha, the lake cub could feel her heart pound against her chest. she hadn't gotten the chance to know Senmut as well as she has been able for Toula, but she felt a sense of gratefulness to him too. this journey may serve as a great way to learn about him too. learn about the fellow travelers, her fellow wolves of Akashingo. for once, she truly felt like a proper noble.

my age? she asked, blinking. what for?
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this