@Kukutux but AW <3!
He had returned once, only to turn away again. They had happiness here, a new generation to raise in the ways of the village. Children to bring delight to anaa's face, to erase any sorrows his sudden departure and disappearance had wrought her. Stratos had thought himself noble when he had gone in search of Ani. Abandoning family, friends, to ensure her safe return.
But he had never found her.
He would have given the world for her. Even after her near drowning - even after her movements were no longer her own - he had loved her. He was sure he had, and the drive to find her had grown in her absence. In the memories of who he'd known her to be - though he knew he had known so very little, and yet, he had given her everything.
But how would she ever know?
He had never found her, and had lost himself along the way.
Yet here he waited under the pale moonlight, in silence, as his life had long been. Returning to the place that had first made him.
Hoping, perhaps, he might find something to remake him again.
Common | Inuktitut | Greek
October 23, 2023, 12:29 PM
Fur of fire kissed and white as snow underneath. Warm green eyes out of gentle face. She walked and listened. The brother's gone, and she missed them so much. They had gone on their spirit's journey's had sought out answers to questions their souls asked. She had gifted each of them something. A river rock to Arrluk for when he got home sick, a feather to Massaraq so he could return swiftly as he wanted. Kassuq had not gone yet, at least she didn't think so. HE didn't hold council with her as his brother's did.
It was with hope she had walked towards the borders today. Anxious to see if perhaps one or both would return. And she could lick their heads and make them tell her all their stories and of what they learned. So she could hear with her own ears of what transpired. Because she could make assumptions and imagine all sorts of scenario's all day. But they were not the same. No.
Instead what found her was a wolf that looked familiar in the way he held his head, the color of his fur. He was a mix of many that she held dear, but she didn't know of who or what or why. She froze with dainty paw poised to run, but with a twitch of ear and tail, she stepped forward minced and thoughtful. Unsure.
It was with hope she had walked towards the borders today. Anxious to see if perhaps one or both would return. And she could lick their heads and make them tell her all their stories and of what they learned. So she could hear with her own ears of what transpired. Because she could make assumptions and imagine all sorts of scenario's all day. But they were not the same. No.
Instead what found her was a wolf that looked familiar in the way he held his head, the color of his fur. He was a mix of many that she held dear, but she didn't know of who or what or why. She froze with dainty paw poised to run, but with a twitch of ear and tail, she stepped forward minced and thoughtful. Unsure.
Um Hello.She spoke softly.
I am Ajei. How can I help you?
October 27, 2023, 12:12 AM
:D <3 thanks for joining!
He expected anyone, really, and he wouldn't be choosy. He hadn't lifted his voice for anaa, after all; if he had, he knew she would come. And though he was back here... he wasn't completely sure he was ready to see her just yet.
The one who met him, though, bore little resemblance to Moonwoman - except, perhaps, in her delicate stature. She was red, something softer than his fox-like fur. More like the leaves that fell in the mid-winds of autumn. A look of flight about her, despite the clear curiosity or courtesy that made her stay.
Stratos supposed any young woman would run, when a strange man showed up on their doorstep unannounced. It would have made things easier for him if she had. But she met him with all the hospitality of Moonglow instead.
Ajei,he dipped his head, and wondered - a sister? a cousin? a niece?
This one greets you. I am Stratos -and what of titles? He wondered if anaa had spoken of him to these new youth. If they knew she had had a son amongst her daughters - if even they were still living here. If he wished to keep the guise of a stranger any second longer...
... aya, they would find out soon enough,
- first son of Moonwoman.
And he trusted Ajei could put the rest together.
Common | Inuktitut | Greek
October 27, 2023, 09:38 AM
OF course <3
The voice had not risen to call, it had been merely happenstance. He seemed a bit unsure now. Ajei too though, so she couldn't quite even say much to him. She herself was not one who stepped forward and into the light boldly, strongly. She was not that way.
A timid smile as she met him, as he looked her over. IT was a sense of duty, and courtesy, perhaps slight curiosity that kept her in her stance. Unable to turn away. Fearful that it would be considered a slight, and he seemed to need a friend. There was an air of sadness to him, in the fox fur of his pelt.
Ajei smiled then brightly.
Ah a good name and title. I am first daughter of Shikoba.It felt nice to admit that. Her mother had boys before her, Mojag and then Chiteo. And then she. And wasn't she not the best choice for daughter. So timid and shy, unlike her mother who was bold and brave and strong.
You have come home or you are just visiting? Should I call Moonwoman or Sunman?
October 28, 2023, 10:08 AM
She offered him no reproach. Just a kindly smile and like-mannered words. Though, perhaps kind was too light a thing to call her. Ajei still shone with the glow of youth, and though he took her as nothing close to bold, her eyes did not glaze with the shadow of cynicism he so often felt rimming the corners of his own.
She revealled herself to be amongst extended family, not by blood, but by hearth and home. First daughter, even.
He supposed he would find out soon enough, for she boiled down the matter, and his reservation faltered. Yes. No. Would she take both?
She revealled herself to be amongst extended family, not by blood, but by hearth and home. First daughter, even.
I know your brother,Stratos remarked,
we grew up together,what had become of him? Was he still here?
He supposed he would find out soon enough, for she boiled down the matter, and his reservation faltered. Yes. No. Would she take both?
... I'm not sure yet,he admitted, quiet. Did he want her to call for them? Did he want to see them yet, and give answer for why he was here now? He knew anaa would meet him with kindness and healing words -- he wasn't afraid! -- but he was first son. Had he ever really played the part?
They must be busy,he deterred the decision,
They still have have cubs on their paws, don't they?
Common | Inuktitut | Greek
October 28, 2023, 06:15 PM
In the moonlight hours Aiolos took to a stroll, one which had him walking the borders where he had previously lacked to do so for nearly a full moon cycle.
It was after an hour's walk did he happen upon the voices of the red coated pair and Aiolos came to join, where the familiar scent of his son struck him.
Last he knew, Stratos had two women which he wished to marry - sisters! Since, however, one of them had come here, lost in what seemed physically and mentally. Her sister and Stratos gone. Aiolos didnt know if they were lost too or simply had run off together without the other. Yet, here was his son now at his doorstep and not with the other.
It was after an hour's walk did he happen upon the voices of the red coated pair and Aiolos came to join, where the familiar scent of his son struck him.
Last he knew, Stratos had two women which he wished to marry - sisters! Since, however, one of them had come here, lost in what seemed physically and mentally. Her sister and Stratos gone. Aiolos didnt know if they were lost too or simply had run off together without the other. Yet, here was his son now at his doorstep and not with the other.
Stratos...The name fell from his lips, to lift his chin as he drew near at the sight of his now full grown boy - red like he, white like his mother and with a stature straddled between the two.
It's good to see you again.His smile is genuine, yet not without a look of question. Stratos had come and go freely from the moment he was able to do so. How long would he stay this time, if long at all?

moonglow daddy
Ajei was aware of bad things. She'd seen them felt them. However, she also refused to let them take root. Perhaps that was a part of her mother she so desperately wanted to be like. That small flicker of will.
Ajei smiled though it was tinged with the bitterness of not really knowing a brother. And her own littermate had grown distant.
A smile then a want to ruffle the fur of his ears amd smooth his brow as she would do for Massaraq, Arrluk and Kassaq. But she didn't have that right and he seemed unsure.
However, before she could answer Aiolos was there. A wag of her tail and a dip to Stratos.
Then with a gentle wiggle she excused herself.
Ajei smiled though it was tinged with the bitterness of not really knowing a brother. And her own littermate had grown distant.
Mojag stays in Moontide with heart brother Rodyn.
A smile then a want to ruffle the fur of his ears amd smooth his brow as she would do for Massaraq, Arrluk and Kassaq. But she didn't have that right and he seemed unsure.
However, before she could answer Aiolos was there. A wag of her tail and a dip to Stratos.
It has been good to meet you first son of Sun Man and Moonwoman. Hello Sun Man! I'll leave you two to catch up yes?
Then with a gentle wiggle she excused herself.
Last post from me unless you'd like her to stay.
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