Two Eyes Cenote metalurgy
672 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
backdated to jan 1 during aphelion

outside muat-riya was not warm. the desert could not freeze in the way that the rest of the teekon did, but it was certainly bitter, and @Gucci had little to keep his small frame from the cold.

"well?" surely he must have called her outside for something important.
326 Posts
Ooc — Bees
and he did strut up along her in solemn silence, until they were outside - a most important politician out for a meeting with head physician.

t'was, until they were truly out, away from pryin' eyes, and his facade was cracked by a smile.

"well"? that all ya gonna say? gucci was amused, warm eyes looking up and down his friend - were those light hairs dust, years or stress?

how fares th' temple? he added, more seriously, but the smile wasn't quick to fade. how fare you, ol' girl?
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]
672 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
what? he'd only called her out here to gab? it was freezing! but maybe the little vizier of akashingo had dragged them into the snow as some sort of segue into a bit of gossip or overheard information.

"the temple is good. nazli tends it. and i am well. i have much to do."

many things to take her mind from nala or contemplating the nature of her new — of eset. "tell me how you have been, gucci."
326 Posts
Ooc — Bees
gucci pouted in place of an answer.

yew stretched yerself thin ag'in. the little man diagnosed. ah'm, as ever, fine'n'plump- sure, there's another matter, but yew, tavina-

he shuffled in place, coiling his luxurious tail about himself for warmth.

...could ya at least ease mah worries, tell me y'll take sabbatical come spring, coast or woods or sam-where?
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]
672 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
rolling her eyes a little, tavina exhaled. gucci was right. she needed a break. eset needed a break, too, but she couldn't simply spirit the hebsut away. and besides; she didn't even know where she and eset stood.

"i'll go. senmut i guess is thinking about going to the sea. i think i might accompany his party, if he does. nazli will be here if anything goes wrong, even though she's a priestess now."

tavina was thoughtful, silent for a second.
326 Posts
Ooc — Bees
he eyed her with over-exaggerated mistrust, but with a deep sight gucci ceded. she'd know best for herself, he'd have to trust.

glad to hear. a smile.

yet, his expression grew once again solemn, as gucci himself didn't intrude upon the silence for a long moment. needed to wait for levity to air out.

tavina, he began ah asked once, but ah hafta agin- didja hear anythin' o' interest since th' weddin'? 'bout lowlands themselves, packs in this area, n-- thangs more local.

he shuffled a smidge nearer, dropped his voice.

what does th' consort plan?
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]
672 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
tavina shrugged. "he doesn't share his plans with me, gucci. i know no more than you do. as vizier, you should simply persuade him to tell you."

she smirked, more aware of the neb's charms these days. "what are you afraid he will do? come now, tell me."
326 Posts
Ooc — Bees
a fang snagged on his lower lip as gucci chewed it.

ah don't trust 'im! none a-them foreigners what came like vultures, flew off jest as quick. he could- could persuade our pharaoh tah make awful decisions! weaken us tah invasion, tah inner turmoil. n them children! nawt yet made, but ah fear how he'd influence 'em...

he pulled a warm paw from the safety of his curled tail. placing it on tavnia's, he looked his dearest friend in the eyes, brows furrowed with determination of a man still tightly grasping onto the world as it once was.

tavina, ah know ah jest advised ya tah vacation, but fer ya return- ah'll need ya be mah ears 'ere. when them heirs come, ah beg ya tah, as personal physician, suggest tah pharaoh that ah be one a-th' mentors.

if possible, above senmut.
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]
672 Posts
Ooc —
Master Medic
above senmut? this garnered the little man a snap of her ears, the crisp unfurling of a doctor's whites; had she glasses she might have peered over a set of snappy spectacles at gucci now.

"do you not trust our prince either?" the sesh asked in a long, dry tone, though her eyes asked truly if there was something else afoot.