Swiftcurrent Creek luminescent
Swiftcurrent Creek
50 Posts
Ooc — Laur
All Welcome 
She spent most of her days following her acceptance into Swiftcurrent mostly resting and gorging on what food she could find in the territory, hoping her new pack mates didn't see the unbecoming gluttonous display – she hadn't realised just how hungry and tired she had actually been.

Winter had been kind to her, even as a wandering dispersal, but the renewed energy she felt from finally having a place to sleep comfortably and regular food (that wasn't just berries) had forced her to concede that maybe the life of a loner had quite a few more downsides than she had actually noticed.

Today, however – rested and re-energised – Pukei sought to map out more of the territory; if she was going to make a home of this place, she wanted to know every square inch of it! She was no scout, but figured the creek that cut through the area served as a handy starting point.

So she started from there, nose to the ground and following along the riverbank, taking in all the new scents of the land.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was never far from his wifes beck and call. But he still did have other duties even if she was his first priority. Her and their little munchkins growing hearty in her womb.

It was with determination he walked the borders and the pack lands. Eyeing for any intruders. Keeping a weather eye that no threats loomed.

He smiled as he came across a new face. Lifted his head from scenting the earth.

Swiftcurrent Creek
50 Posts
Ooc — Laur
A friendly greeting followed the sound of pawsteps, and Pukei looked up to see a dark male approach, the silver ring around his eye immediately catching her attention. What an odd marking. It didn't detract from his features, however; if anything, it complemented them. First Akavir and now this guy – were all the men in Swiftcurrent so handsome? Pukei felt her heart flutter in girlish bashfulness as she nodded her head in response with a delighted wave of her tail.

"Hello! Very sorry if I intruded on anything, I've just been trying to acquaint myself with the territory!"
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She was small like Arlette, but not as cream fur. But she did smell distinctly like herbs and grasses. He would have to mention it to Arlette she would probably like to talk shop.

You're good. I'm Arric. Have you found it to your liking?

He thought of the different places that he loved in the creek that Arlette loved.

My wife Arlette she tends a garden that way.

He pointed with his paw. Tapped his foot to the ground.

Theres a real nice bend in the river that way that makes for some excellent fishing
Swiftcurrent Creek
50 Posts
Ooc — Laur
He introduced himself in the same way that Akavir had; even his name was similar. She gave an exuberant nod at his question, before following his gesture as he pointed in the direction of a garden. Her eyes lit up in recognition, recalling what Akavir had said about Arlette. "Oh! She's Swiftcurrent's healer, right? Akavir mentioned you guys only had one!"

He spoke then of fishing, and she swung her head in the direction the river headed, making a mental note. At least she could practice her fishing skills here. She turned back to Arric, ears falling back politely as she remembered another crucial detail. "Wait, your wife – so that means you're Swiftcurrent's Beta? Akavir didn't mention your name! It's great to finally meet you!"

She paused, then quickly added. "Oh, and congratulations on the pups! You guys must be so excited!" Pukei didn't hide the fact that she shared in their joy as her tail waved in circles behind her.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded his head. That she is. And trust me when I say. Akavir and I were here without one for almost a year before she came. It was hell.

Arric chuckled and nodded. That I am. Nice to meet you. Yea i don't doubt it.

Akavir was gruff amd quiet and oftem he didn't mention Arric by name. Not because he didn't want others to know his name, but rather he was so used to Arric he just didn't share it.

We are. I can't wait to meet the littles.