Redtail Rise Lost Language
12 Posts
Ooc — Alexis
Next to the border! Would love to interact with some pack members before leaving, conflict welcome!

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[Image: SONWXQ.png]
[Image: YZrVIR.png]

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Crowns of bone felled by those 
As tacit and immovable 
As the mountains

Guille is played through an illustrated comic format.
If her actions are unclear or your character is depicted inaccurately, let me know - I'm happy to edit or switch to text!
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
The Berserkr senses a stranger in the vicinity.

Dutifully, he strikes out and searches.

There, between the charred trees, a gray silhouette.

Tail flagged, he calls out a demand as he approaches;

Who are you?
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
386 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I can’t tell if she’s calling <3 I can adjust if need be. Just a cameo and def skippable in the background unless she’s drawn in

A stranger on the borders and a curious voice on the wind. Wealda turns her attention to the point, though with satisfaction she sees the Berserker already there. He has it well handled.

She is not needed right now but still remains, a silent shadow against the ridge’s base, observing.

There is only one right now. She is curious, but not enough to close the distance. The vantage is better from here.
12 Posts
Ooc — Alexis
Thanks for letting me know! I'll put extra descriptions in the text portion to clear things up from now on ^^

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[Image: N9uf0S.png]
[Image: WSMot3.png]

And so came
a flame and her shadow

"Who are you?"

Under the blast of four furnace eyes, Guille sat with the irreverence
of a backwater waif forced to hike miles uphill from the swamp to parlay.

"...I'm Guille, your neighbor - of which you seem to have many of..."

Three recent borders had been forming in the divots and channels between mountains. 

These borders were comparatively ancient, sowing sigils in the wind
which only seemed to find noses always pointed up and out towards the horizon.

Guille was familiar with none, doomed to one, and she considered a place here in the cold, thin atmosphere tempered by these northmen's igneous pelts. 

"Though you..."

With a squint and a curled lip, she saw the second scout.

"two... don't care to be bothered from this lonely peak?"

Guille is played through an illustrated comic format.
If her actions are unclear or your character is depicted inaccurately, let me know - I'm happy to edit or switch to text!
Redtail Rise
339 Posts
Ooc — April
She answers his question without outright hostility.

Guille is her name, he learns.

You should know, neighbor, you're near our claim. He informs, expressionless. 

Ignoring her question, he asks his own with a slight tilt of his head. What brings you?
[Image: VpR1P5E.png]
12 Posts
Ooc — Alexis
Fade here? ^^ tysm for the thread you guys!! I'm so invested in the rise/dragonspine drama rn,,

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[Image: 4Kp9y8.png]
[Image: 9ZkZGW.png]

Though his icy ambivalence was only the mirror image of Guille's, there was an imbalance. A convection of hot and cold air and the resulting turbulence. "I'm here to see the strength with which you hold that claim-" How quickly they arrived, how practiced their diplomacy and formation was. How could anything pierce this? From nowhere but within. "-and the form it will take when the tide of this taiga washes over you." Fledgeling and motherbird in the roost, orders unspoken. Avoid the witch, don't spark her omen. "If we meet again, boy," Guille rose and prepared for the road back to the dreamer's bunker. Those caves, wellsprings of pure, original sustenance, seeped upwards to where she stood and led her down safely. "it will be down, down in the valley." In a few weeks, in the epicenter of the taiga where once a glacier now left a staircase of barren rock, Guille would catch the scent of ash on the wind. It would disappear as quickly as it came.

Guille is played through an illustrated comic format.
If her actions are unclear or your character is depicted inaccurately, let me know - I'm happy to edit or switch to text!