Otter Creek set the controls for the heart of the sun
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
@Serem - forward dated to April 3

The Blackfeather babes had brought forth the nightmares in her. Maegi liked to sleep close to the den--or in it, if Relmyna permitted--but it was with a sort of dull masochism that she did so, gazing upon the girls with sorrowful eyes. One white, one black. Cuddled inseparably together.

Once she and Ramsay had been inseparable, too. One white, one black. It was them, and Euron, too, against the world. Against nature. Against their mother.

They still were inseparable, in a way. In the foul twisted way that brought their visages forth in Maegi's dreams, at times twisted like demons, still other times the bone-white of skulls. They laughed, they screamed, they danced a sort of macabre dance around her before striking, sinking their fangs deep into her flesh.

But worse were the dreams where she was the instigator of violence. Everything in her mind screamed "No!", yet some inexorable force pressed her forward, tearing them limb from limb until all that was left was scraps and shreds of flesh and blood at her feet.

Her blood, too.

The daedra taunted Maegi with these dreams, and each time she awoke, she felt more worn down than before. It was nearly two weeks since the pups had been born, and something within her had shattered. She rose that day with a new purpose, a new resolve.

If the daedra would torture her so, then she would end that torture. She would find her brothers, bring them back to Blackfeather. . .and perhaps the agony would finally end, for her.

So eager was she to stop the madness that she left without a word, fleeing the dark forest, a white, furtive shadow across the plains. She followed the creek, remembering it from her voyage back--but, being otherwise utterly clueless about direction, had no idea she had headed in the opposite direction Cicero had taken, when they'd first left. Foolish bravery kept her going.

The mountains rose high and foreboding above her, and she stopped for a moment to look up, mismatched eyes not wide, as they'd been upon first seeing the crags--but narrowed with determination. Chanting a prayer to herself, she forged ahead on her journey, the chaos in her head growing louder and louder.

It would not stop until Cicero's and Potema's children were together once more. She knew that.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The dark one had been lurking nearby after her altercation with a wolf she met on the way here. Hiding and using the shadows to her advantage as she watched a young wolf through the trees. She seemed to be battling her own inner problems or at least that was what Serem saw. She knew that feeling all too well.

She smelled of a pack, possibly the one nearby. The female removed herself from her spot and slowly walked towards. "Aren't you little young to be unaccompanied?" She asked softly as she hid her true intentions.
”Common” "Spanish"
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Rustling nearby caught her attention--Maegi had spent too much time within a forest to not notice even the most subtle of sounds--and her eyes snapped sideways in time to catch a black-furred woman emerge from the trees, heading toward her. Not Blackfeather, clearly. . .but she looked as if she could be, what with those dark eyes and muscular body.

She bristled at the she-wolf's query, shooting her an insolent glare. "Aren't you a little old to ask stupid questions like that?" Maegi inquired sourly, lashing her tail in irritation. All she wanted to do was be on her way, and now she was being bothered.

The mountains loomed large in the distance; if she could reach them by nightfall, she'd be well on her way to finding Ramsay and Euron. She remembered, vaguely, the scent of many wolves living within the crags, and figured that maybe, just maybe, Cicero had taken her brothers to one of these havens. Or if not, at least perhaps they'd know which way they'd gone.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Serem chuckled, this young one sure was feisty. Perhaps the nightstalker might have fun with this one. The she-wolf wondered but only for a split second before she made up her devious mind. "I assure you I am not that old. A forest is a dangerous place for a young wolf. Especially when they are alone."
”Common” "Spanish"
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
First the insulting question, now laughter? Maegi at her best was not a girl for games; on a mission and a little bit lost, her patience was completely depleted. She met the woman's chuckle with a stony stare, shaking her head as the dark-furred stranger spoke.

"I live in a forest," she said coolly, making to brush past the woman and continue on her way. "One a lot more dangerous than this one."

It was true: the shade of the alders might have been a bit dim, but it was nothing compared to the darkness of Blackfeather Woods. These trees were child's play, to Maegi. And although she was a bit nervous to be away from home, completely alone, she wouldn't dare let it show on her face. To do so would be a fatal error. 

Mephala, guide my paws, she thought, a prayer on the fly. Her mind was moving quickly, much too quickly to retrieve a learned hymn from the depths of her brain. Show me the way. Help me to find what I seek this day.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
phone post
The female is quck to get in front of the young pup. "I'm sorry but I can't let you leave." Serem spoke with a sinister smile gracing her muzzle. The female wished to take the other to her pack and let Kelina decide what to do with her. Perhaps it was time for Serem to pull her own weight.
”Common” "Spanish"
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
For the first time in the short conversation, she felt fear rather than annoyance. She was growing like a weed, but the woman was still quite larger than her, and blocked her way easily. With a long swallow, Maegi's eyes darted about, trying to find a means of escape. She had her cornered, one side to the river. . .but there was a chance she could escape into the shadow of the trees. . .

She thought for an instant for calling for help, but there were things wrong with that solution as well. Then Kove and the others would know she'd left without permission, and she'd be in grave trouble. It could also call attention to any companions this woman may have. And even if the Blackfeather wolves heard and rose to her call, could they arrive in time?

No, it was up to her to save her own skin.

"Yes, you can," Maegi said defiantly, and darted to the right, racing toward the brush.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The young had guts and Serem admired that but the female was determined to not fail. The wolf shakes her head as she attempts to race in front of the pup. If she succeded Serem would try and pin her down. She knew that she couldn't let her get away. She could warn others of her presence and she was not able to fight a pack on her own. Nor did she want to. Serem wanted to make this quick.
”Common” "Spanish"
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
The woman was quick, and Maegi soon found her in front once more, blocking her path to the brush. Giving a low hiss under her breath, she darted the other direction, running toward the creek. Her mangled forepaw slowed her down a bit, but she still gained momentum, a white blur as she sailed over the edge into the creek. It flowed toward the Woods, and if she swam with the current, she might be able to be back in the safety of her home before the woman could catch her.

She landed with a loud splash, legs churning in the water. Maegi gasped and sputtered--she'd never really swam before--trying to keep her head afloat. Water stung her eyes and got into her nose, but she kept on with her ungainly paddle, not even thinking of looking back to keep track of her pursuer. The current was fairly strong, and tugged her body along with it, heading toward the dark line of trees.

It was past time for pride, and her jaws opened in a small, waterlogged cry. "Help!" she called, hoping desperately that someone was at the very western edge of the Woods to hear her.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Serem for some odd reason knew that she couldn't just let the young wolf die, raced against the river as she extended her neck out to attempt and grab her by the scruff and drag her out. That would make it a lot easier to take her back to shadow mountain as well.
”Common” "Spanish"
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Oh, gods, she was in pursuit. Maegi paddled faster, her breathing shallow as she went with the current. She was beginning to tire, though, and hoped that the creek could carry her quick enough along to escape the woman. Every muscle ached, and her eyes drooped.

But she felt rather than saw the stranger's teeth near her neck, and a new panic set in. Desperate, she figured now was a good a time as any to see how long she could hold her breath underwater. She said another quick, silent prayer to Mephala. . .and, sucking in one final gasp of air, ducked beneath the surface.

Her eyes were shut; there was no way she was going to open them, not in these unfamiliar conditions. Blind as the day she was born, her body hurtled through the icy depths, careening with the current. The seconds ticked by, and her lungs were beginning to burn. Her toes skirted the bottom of the creek, raking painfully against the jagged pebbles.

Soon, it had to be soon! She needed to breathe. She ducked her head down, intending to launch herself back to the surface, her body half-somersaulting, one sharp crack!--

Maegi fell headlong into darkness, rendered unconscious from the boulder's blow to her temple.