The Sunspire dandelion fluff
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
for @Zane!

that day, teya decided to push herself beyond the previously set limits. being out upon the frozen water with the striking man reminded the girl that there was more than the snow and the chill of winter.
for how long she traveled, teya did not know, except that her trail emptied into the mountains she had once known during their trek from seelie court. her jaw tightened; the greypumpkin shadow had accepted that sundance would not be back.
and still it pained her.
teya shivered, shoulders brushing against the rock juts at the base of a towering mountain as she paused to rest.
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179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
They were mid-marking for the new digs, and still Zane was having a time of it with the whole 'one wrong step and you might be dead' aspect.  Plus these climbs were brutal on his legs a really fucking good core workout.

He'd managed to pee all down the western side of the lower reaches and was completely out of juice when he spotted an unfamiliar wolf near the base.  They were small and didn't seem too interested in the place - therefore, they were the perfect easy solve for a "guardian" with no interest in actually guarding.  Hell, he'd already paid his dues here (he really hadn't).

Aye, yo, this ain't some kind of.... aww shit.  He started off with a yell, but tapered off into a hiss and a smile as he set eyes on the wolf more clearly, descending more to their level.  This chick was fineHey there, sweetheart.  You lose something?  He only paused a second before he lifted his head and flashed the biggest, dumbest, cockiest grin he could manage.  Because i think I might be just what you are lookin for.  Eh, eh??
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
remember chance from homeward bound 2: lost in san francisco lol @ zane

teya had just begun to turn away when a handsome wolf with striking brown markings bounced seemingly from nowhere. his words did not immediately register; the girl's brow furrowed in confusion at sweetheart. it was not a name that had ever been applied to teya, and so she wrote it off at once as mockery.
why the man had descended to be cruel she did not know. small shoulders squared, though soft ears fell back in hurt. "i not need anything," teya declared, attempting to summon the fire woman's courage.
after a moment, the end of her tail switched, but she did not move deeper into the mountain territory. "you live here?"
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179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Not super well but well enough, omg.  yesss

Oh, alright.  She wasn't feelin it, but that was fine.  He was not the type of wolf to be easily deterred (much to everyone's detriment).  She was still cute though.  Strange accent, not a talker, and totally playing hard to get.  Maybe because she was into it.

Unperturbed, Zane smiled, then tried to stand a little more impressively.  Sure do.  Soon as he lost concentration, though, he was back to a casual stand.  I'm definitely a guardian of this place.  Just had to fight off a group not too long ago.  Five or six wolves, just myself, but I sent 'em runnin.  Don't worry, though, they were trouble.  I'll stick around, though, just in case a couple come back while you're restin here.  Not a bad story.  He tried to exude as much of that noble knight-like shit he could manage.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony

five or six wolves? alone? teya's lashes fluttered as she blinked in surprise. her gaze traveled over him with a vaguely impressed look, but she was not altogether convinced. "what name?" the girl stumbled next, motioning with her muzzle to the landscape — and then to him.
"teya," the little wolf added in the next moment, though her widewater eyes remained wary, regardless of what he might say. even at his most gentle had sundance not been able to calm her; she doubted anything more from this cocky stranger.
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179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Zane didn't even clue in that she was nervous.  He thought she was playing coy, which only made his (entirely too avid) interest skyrocket all the more.  Teya.  Short and sweet, just like mine.  He stretched nonchalantly, but definitely attempted to do so in a way that would give her all the good angles.  Name's Zane.  I'm not looking to brag or anything, but you're definitely lucky, running into me up here.  He circled, looking out, as though keeping an eye out for hidden enemies who he'd totally taken care of, oh yes indeed.

But I think I'm the real lucky one here, getting to hang out with an angel like yourself.  There was zero subtly when he made this remark, and while anyone with half a brain might have cringed, he said it with the sheer conviction of a wolf who knew it would work.  Fuck yeah, see, that's how you treat a chick.  She could take that compliment for free, but hell, he wouldn't be mad if it won him some points.  Please let it me some points.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya decided he was rather attractive in an overbearing sort of way. not that he meant to be forceful, but the charm rolling from him had been decidedly thick in its lathering. you do not need to try so hard, came the knowing smile that crossed her features.
but teya was discovering that she rather enjoyed being the subject of his attentions, however ferociously inclined they might be.
a wave of her tailtip in response. "zane. i be angel for a time." what he might make of that she could only speculate upon, but she favored him with a brief smile, channeling valmua as best she was able. "show me land?"
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179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She really did speak strangely.  He didn't think it was a turn on, but when it came with a face that pretty, he was hardly going to dock her.  Not when what she was spinning (from what he could make out) was so good.

That right? Well, y'know, chicks that are angles all the time are great, but I like a little wild.  You tellin me you got a bad side?  he asked, mock surprised.  I dunno if I buy it, you might have to prove it.  Awww shit that was clever.  Lookit you, Zaney boy.

I got this place down, easy.  You just tell me what you want to see, otherwise I'll give you the grand tour.  He had no clue what this place was even called, let alone enough to give anyone even a passing tour.  But it was rocks and trees and dirt, right? How hard could it be?  He started off easily, glancing back once to make sure she was following.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he was full of himself. teya found it enjoyable. "show everything," she instructed, sauntering beyond zane with a glance over one shoulder to invite him along. a confidence that she did not truly own had emerged from his flirtatious words; perhaps she would play his game.
"how long have you got this place?" teya asked softly, wishing for something to carry back to brecheliant. he seemed willing enough to volunteer any information, so long as she kept her stillwater eyes trained vaguely upon him.
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179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh yeah, good old... Tallrock.  Tallrock Mountain.  Zane said, looking up at the actual place for perhaps the first time. He didn't even know the spot's real name, but he'll, that had never stopped him before.  Damn she was fine and she knew it.  He watched her flirt with clear, burning appreciation.

Been here for weeks.  My pack's thataway, but every so often, a guy needs to be alone.  Get a little space to think, you know?  He hadn't thought a damn day in his life.  Tallrock's perfect.  It's got some amazing views, y'know.  Known for it's... boulders.  Yikes.  That was the only thing really around, so fuck, at least it made sense?
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tallrock. teya looked about. she supposed that it was a fitting moniker for the land that zane said was his. the weight of his hot eyes did not go unfelt, and though anxiousness gathered in her belly, she preened beneath it.
teya was beginning to realize how easily controlled men could be.
"show me view?" she asked, stepping forward to eye him with a suggestive air.
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179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Zane was practically an rc car when it came to pretty faces and flirtatious looks. He was caught, hook and line, though the sinker part varied.  He'd do just about anything to close the deal; lie, flatter, beg. Anything but keep a promise, because the instant Zane felt tied down, he ditched.  And much as he liked to say otherwise, a good patch of his spotty history with packs was by choice.

Her pretty eyes had walked him right the fuck into this one though.  He'd tossed himself smack dab into a corner and now was left with three choices... bail, make up an excuse and potentially turn her off, or man up and climb the damn mountain.

Uh, sure thing.  He looked around for a good place to start, then indicated a path that led with a more level incline.  Maybe he'd woo her before they got too high, or find some pretty lower ledge or some shit.  Someplace he wouldn't have to worry about her (or moreso himself) yeeting into space at any given time.

Just be sure to watch your step.  Expert like me has this down, course, but mountains can be pretty tricky and dangerous spots.  You stick with me, you'll be fine.  Fake it till you make it, bro, fake it till you make it.  One step in front of the other.

I'm still surprised, pretty thing like you, all alone?  Makes no sense.  He added after a moment, mostly to get his mind off of how stupid this was and how much he hated watching the few trees around slowly being to be swallowed by the ledge they now walked upon.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he headed up the mountain. teya cupped her ears after him and followed. she would have enjoyed climbing at a faster pace; her time in the place of ravens had warmed her to the stone. though she had traveled very little in the mountains due to her recovery, teya had not lost her love for them. 
most of her time had been spent in the sunspire, the violet considered, peering in interest at the drop beginning to grow below them. little fear in teya, only instinct that she might fall if she was not careful. "why not make sense? i travel."
perhaps he had mistaken her for delicate. teya smirked inwardly to herself.
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179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It became immediately clear that Teya was better at this than Zane, but that didn't sway him from attempting to lead the way.  The ledge they were on started out clear, but soon enough it transitioned to the same rocky rough that the rest of the place was cursed with.  Of course.  Whatever god was getting a good laugh out of this one, he hoped they choked.  Zane eyed the climb, then began to scramble up one of the sections towards a higher rise.  

This part's.... easier.... because of the.... uh.  The rocks.  That made zero sense, but who the fuck knew about climbing mountains? (Oops.)  He paused, heart pounding with the adrenaline.  No looking down, but momentary break time.  

I just figure, gorgeous girl like you would have guys beggin to accompany you.  He answered after a second or two.  Life of a loner isn't safe.  I'm fine with it, of course, because it's all I know.  Fine, tragic figure he struck.  Mysterious loner, tragic past, no home... shit like that drove 'em mad.

You, you I'd have expected to see a line behind.  He looked up, swallowed, and continued to try to climb.  Ahhh fuck fuck fuck.... the mantra continued in his mind the higher they got.  Teya, with her experience, would likely outstrip him easily.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
when they did not grow faster in their travelling, teya began to scrutinize her guide, and eventually came to the conclusion that he was not comfortable at this height. a smile then did spread across her face. "what do i need man for?" the she-wolf inquired gravely, and at last she tired of his monotony and his wandering, and slipped upward on her own mountain-goat path.
once above, teya searched for a wider ledge and toed her way toward it, tongue lolling in agreement with the exertion. "come up," she laughed to zane, ignoring his flirtations in order to tease him as gravel clacked its way down the stone face and her laughter followed.
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179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Zane would have enjoyed her teasing so much more if it wasn't delivered while she scaled a fucking wall.  It was a clear enough path, but steeper than anything he'd been comfortable taking.  She's gorgeous, shame she's fuckin insane too.. He thought, legs trembling as he stared up involuntarily.  Apparently he'd miscalculated and this chick had a death wish.  Cool, yeah, okay.  She could yeet herself off the side but he wasn't about to give her company in it.

Because it's dangerous out there, Y'know?  Got wolves that'll take advantage an' predators that'll attack a wolf without any kinda warnin.  Pretty face like yours, shame if it got ruined, and there's loads of guys who'd protect ya I'm sure without a single thought.  And I'm the top pick, obviously, the tone was meant to imply.

Might have helped if he actually moved to come up, but instead he delivered this loudly while trying, and failing, to force himself to move.  After a moment he couldn't even look up at her anymore when she vanished.  Oh shit.

I'll just... keep an eye out down here.  Think I heard something a while back, gotta make sure nothin followed.  He yelled up a moment later.  Had to do his due diligence as guide here, obviously.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he was speaking and speaking, but teya had wanted him to come up and perhaps entertain here upon the wide shelf of rock.
but his refusal suggested something other to the violet; she laughed and eventually dropped down goatlike and careless near him once more. "did you make a fib to me, zane?" teya teased, seeking to crowd him against the stone of their path. "you are all right to be this high?"
a hard glint to her gaze; she did not enjoy lies, as much as she had come to enjoy his face and cocky way of being.
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179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Zane definitely wasn't expecting her to come dropping out of the sky like some kind of cat. He thought she fell at first and gave a sharp intake, only to realize an instant later she was still on her feet and laughing at him. Hey now, what was that about?

Shitt, yeah. I'm fine. he answered, waving off the question as if she were crazy for asking it. He definitely didn't notice the warning signs and was not at all interested in admitting he had a fear of heights to the chick he'd just offered to escort. Not that it was stupid to want to keep his neck on one piece, mind you. He just... y'know. Fuck that.

He wasn't a hard wolf to read, though. Lying wasn't a specialty of his despite how often he did it.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya snorted a bit, brushing past zane as she chose a path that would be easier on his inferior footing. though she did not voice this aloud, it showed in the suddenly cool nature she displayed, moving into a thoughtless trot that carried her to the flatland of a higher ridge.
here she looked out at the expansive view, irritation ebbing and relaxation climbing into her bones. "it is beautiful sight," teya murmured, tipping a gentler gaze toward her roguish companion. he was not one for mountains. it was all right.
zane would be redeemed if he was good for what teya wanted in him.
the violet pushed toward the edge of the small cliff, shifting with a grin. "come here."
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179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Zane followed tensely, and doubtless she could smell his fear (along with half the damn mountain) try as he might to lie it off. Bro, what was it with wolves and heights? Wasn't like they had fucking wings or even were meant to climb. Steps, cool. Hills? Cool. Mountain cliffs where one wrong step meant spiraling down and cracking his head like an egg on some rocks? Uncool. The definition of uncool.

He could never shake that image or the feeling of "what if". And by the time he got to the point where she told him to come over, he was against the rocks at his back. Fuck. What did she want with him there?

Either she was lookin to enjoy the view or she was lookin to push him over the edge. Zane was a pretty trusting dude most days but on a mountain he was definitely going to sideye a chick for luring him over to a drop, didn't matter how much of a good time she looked like.

Shit. Alright, just, hold on. He wanted to chicken out so bad but fuck she was gorgeous. If she killed him he was so going to enjoy haunting her, at least. Wait, d'you think ghost chicks got lonely?
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya turned her attention from him, spreading coolwater gaze upon the details of the valley below. poignant. here she truly felt as though she might fly; the wind here was different. the air here was unchanged and carried a thousand messages. and to her, yes, it brought the goatish reek of zane's fear.
older than her, and still so fatigued at a cliff's edge —! when he had presumably drawn closer, teya bathed her lips with a coy flick of her tongue. "maybe i distract you from height," she suggested in a cunning tone, finding his eyes with a proud uptilt of her small head. she would not wait forever; now, with the howl of gusts against the unyielding stone of the mountain — now was his chance, and teya was prepared to make herself memorable.
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179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She wanted him to come closer and boy oh boy did he want to. He made it a ways, but the suggestion she made was heralded with a heavy tilting in his stomach. This was way higher than he normally went and he was bordering on panic.

He swallowed, then his eyes darted to hers and were caught. Fuck. Seriously!? His first chance in a while at some real action and he was about to blow it because of a fucking cliff.

Now that'd be a trick, he said, with a slightly strained, nervous chuckle. But he managed to take another step towards the edge, trying to keep his cool. He wasn't the bravest of wolves but, properly motivated, he could pretend.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
could faaaaade >D

she watched him, openly amused at his bumbling forward. she was humiliating him, and he only crept closer to the object of his lust. this senseless dedication inspired her now.
hips shifting beneath the fitlaid charcoal tangerine of her coat, figure flushed with invitation as zane grew closer, and closer still.
teya's coolwater eyes sought his own panicked look.
"do not look down."
her grin was malicious.
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179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
<3 I'm fine with that!! He's been laggin with everything!

No fuckin worries there, he replied, unable to stop the slight shake in his voice but also captivated. And you know... to be honest, the fear was kinda doing it for him. Combined with the look in her eye while she fuckin semi-mocked him, it wasn't bad.

She was sexy as hell and she knew it, and Zane was drinking it in while apparently learning he was into... well... whatever this was. And it seemed like she was too.

Well shit then. Bring it. He might've wondered if he was already dead, way his body was reacting, Cept his pulse was a damn stampede.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
a pulse she found, and meant to make burn hotter.
for a timeless while, the stone ledge held their figures and teya tasted the cut of the wind as she grinned back into zane and the cadence of his more retiring nature. not this time, she hoped.
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