Lion Head Mesa polish
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
All Welcome 
Charles will be training with the guard, so I figured I'd throw up a thread! Would love one or all of @Khaba @Bayek @Reyson for training :D (i'll backdate a few days to accomodate Reyson still being here) Let me know if any of the details are off, I tried to stay vague. :)

Charles didn't like the position that the Pharaoh had put him in. Unlike Ramesses, Charles did not have the same polished image in his head; the one of the prince heading the troops, proud and strong, an inspiration to the people. No, Charles only saw that he was being made a mockery of. He was made to humiliate himself by training in something that he was absolutely worthless in.

So far, it wasn't going very well. Charles had half-heartedly told the guards that he wanted to train with them. He hadn't mentioned Ramesses' commands, because he imagined it would only make the guards think that they had some sort of imaginary power over him. He did not want that. It was probably clear to them by now that Charles was... not very good at fighting. Not even sparring. Not even play-fighting. And not even just training his body or mind. He hadn't had any embarrassing melt-downs yet, but they haunted him every time that he trained. He was filled with a deep-seeded fear that it would happen again at the worst of moments. He was a prince here, but how long could he keep that up if these lowly guards would find out that he was truly lower than them? Charles knew he'd never be the shining image that Ramesses wanted of him, and yet he kept trying. Mostly because it was better than going out there again. Fake it until you make it; that was Charles' theory thus far.

Today Charles showed up for another training from one or all of the warriors within Akashingo's ranks, as half-heartedly as before. He'd eaten a few berries, but managed to contain himself. He needed just a few to not be so nervous. Take the edge off a little. The coywolf wondered what today would bring him. He couldn't wait until later today, when he would be pampered with a comforting bath, being groomed, being fed, and maybe just a few berries.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,124 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson had a nervous energy to him now. And these days he threw himself into training, so hard and so long that his body gave out at night. He would simply lay down and go to sleep immediately. He hadn't been this hard on his body in a coon's age, but he didn't know what else to do. He hated the wolves that resided here, at least the ones in power. The ones who felt like they could just play with other wolves' and creatures lives. It was sickening. But who was he gonna tell? Everyone here, was fine with the way of things. Disgusting as it was.

They had a new trainee, that had shown up a few times. A Charles. A coywolf, would have been good looking had hard living not ruined him and the fact that he always reeked of berries. This did not go over well with Reyson who hated the berries on principle as both a soldier and a wolf. They addled your mindset, lessened your reaction time, and fogged up your brain.

Speak of the devil there the beast came. Reyson shifted mid walk and moved towards the other beast.

Charles. What do you want to work on today? Sparring? Learning Terrain? How to fight in different weather patterns? Or climates?
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Reyson was hard to read. Good thing that he was only a temporary guest here, and was going home at some point, so that Charles wouldn't have to deal with him anymore.

Reyson was the only one who was there today, and asked him what he wanted to learn. Charles wasn't used to be the one in charge, and it showed in his apathy. He was used to being commanded around and being told what he should do. So when confronted with a question that should've been easy enough, he blinked owlishly and looked indecisive at first.

Uh, he said while studying Reyson's scarred, muscular — very muscular — physique. He found himself easily distracted by the man's looks. Climates? He asked it more as a question, because he didn't know what climate was, but it came out looking as though he was suggesting that he learn about fighting in different climates.

thanks for joining! :D

@Bayek @Khaba you are still very welcome to join in too, or make a new thread and tag me if you'd like :)
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,124 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson made it a habit to not let other's know what he was thinking. And if he did let you know it was because he either cared too much for you or not at all. For instance the pharaoh. He had shown the pharaoh a glimpse of how he felt about the man, because he wanted him to know he hated him with everything. He had shown his anger to Khaba and Makono so they knew they had overstepped when it came to Meadow.

Reyson disliked it when other's didn't know what they want. It was one thing if you knew a least a little bit of what you wanted, especially when you requested. But this coy wolf had requested to learn, and yet he didn't know what he wanted to learn. It rankled, truly.

Reyson nodded. That's a lot of talking. Not too much physical action. At least not here. There' s only one climate dry.

Reyson looked around. When you are in a climate like this. You want to scope out any water sources and there is where it is going to be your fight. You are gonna have to fight to keep the place, and fight to get the place.

Reyson looked the wolf over knowingly. He was a male who liked males too, but unlike the one in front of him. He held no shame for this type of love. None. It was just something that made up Reyson.

In snow and ice, you want warm dry places, when fighting you will need to watch their shadows. Because the wind and snow is going to be too much. Their claws and teeth as long as white, will blend in with the snow.

OF course it's been so long since I had an Iris thread and now i have two :D <3 and i like Charles.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Charles nodded when Reyson said that it would be a lot of talking. That was exactly why he chose it. Ah, right, he said, as if he had maybe not thought of it altogether too much, but just wanted to learn about it at the time. Reyson didn't need to know his choice was a calculated one.

Reyson mentioned scoping out water places, and that you should fight there. Why? asked Charles, who blinked owlishly. He understood the need to have water, but he figured fights usually took really short anyway. So who cared whether you were right next to the water?

Charles nodded rapidly while Reyson explained about snow. Honestly, he didn't understand it altogether too much, but he wanted to just get it over with. He knew that he needed to learn, and probably should actually train to get better and have any chance of getting over his dumb instincts, but why was learning so hard?

yay! it's great that you are back - it's lovely to write with you again Danni! :D
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,124 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson wasn't a fan of talking, he was more a man of action, but he didn't mind sharing what he knew. He blinked at the man, trying to study to make sure he understood what he was saying, before he tried to teach more than he just had.

Reyson offered a smile, that transformed his face as it always did. He spoke again. Notice I said in a dry climate like here. You want the water source, because then you control the advantage. In a dry place, water is going to be hard to come by. So you want easy access to it. Not to mention if you are a cruel wolf, you could keep others from it. I don't condone this, but it is what it is.

Had Charles asked the truth about instincts, Reyson would have told him they were very hard to get over. Could be done, but it took years of conditioning and discimpline.

D'aww thank you <3
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: suggestion of sex

Charles still thought it was kinda weird to keep others from the water. Of course, he imagined it would only make them more likely to beat him up because they wanted to get to the water, anyway; so it seemed like a pretty dangerous and dumb move. He nodded, nonetheless, acting as if he understood and mapped it. Very smart, he even added, even though it was contradictory to his thoughts. Charles might not be the strongest or smartest, but he had gathered enough street smarts in his life to know that going against him now would only invoke.. probably more boring lessons. Charles stared at the muscular, scarred man and could not help but daydream about what it would be like to be plowed to the ground by them, those strong front legs pinning him down to the ground and teeth tearing into him. The coywolf was not so sure whether he was aroused or frightened by the prospect. Perhaps a bit of both. Dang, he was messed up. It wasn't that Charles enjoyed pain. It was just that some part of him always thought he deserved to be punished. Maybe he should go against Reyson; just to see what he would do.

Instead, Charles asked conversationally, How long are you stay here?
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,124 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Outwardly the wolf seemed like he was listening, but inward Reyson was willing to bet he had no clue what was being said. Which had been the entirety of the training with Charles. Reyson had not felt a full hearted willing and wanting to learn from Charles. It seemed like it was just something he was doing. Unfortunately, Reyson had met a few like that and when the real war came one of two things happened. They ran or deserted, or they were killed quickly and usually got the wolves around them killed too.

Reyson tilted his head at the change of conversation, but he followed with it. only a few more days. I am set to back to Mereo, very soon. What brought you to Akashingo? Or were you born here?
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected.