Swiftcurrent Creek timeless
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
"Thank you so much for coming with me today," Eshe said to @Arlette as they made their way towards the garden. "I figured it'd be helpful for you to know how to tend to the herbs if I happen to be away." Although she didn't anticipate seeing her family too often, she figured that it didn't hurt to have help when she was visiting them.

"I'm not sure if I told you," she couldn't remember who she'd told in passing about her siblings, "But some of my family recently moved into the area." It was strange to have them so close—especially since she'd set out to be on her own—but it was also nice to have some of them nearby. "And some of these plants are a bit finicky, so I don't want them to die!" With all the effort it'd taken to collect and replant them, she didn't want to take any risks.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette wagged her tail. "Of course," she hummed. She was excited to learn. She had started a garden before, but she was pretty sure she hadn't done a good job of it. This would make them able to heal others so much better, so this was a vital skill for a healer to have in her eyes. Perhaps this wouldn't be her favorite skillset but at least it would help her expand knowledge on how the plants grow and under which conditions. "I agree, it could always happen and then I can take care of it as well."

Arlette shook her head. "No, you didn't tell me. That is wonderful. My family lives close as well, so I know what it is like," she hummed. Arlette instantly pulled her focus into place and nodded. She knew this was a new subject for her but she would absorb it all and ask questions when needed. "Yes, Alright show me," she hummed. She was ready for it.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She smiled. "The sprouts are still small, but I figured that seeing them would help you learn." It was a miracle that most of them grew without a hitch; they usually sprouted during the spring, but she'd arranged the garden in the shade.

"Oh?" Eshe said when Arlette mentioned her family. "I didn't know you were from around here. Where does your family live?" Were they in the pack? Or were they elsewhere?

They arrived not long after Arlette confirmed she was ready. The plot of land was small and a few yards away from Eshe's den. There were rows of dirt mounds with tenny, tiny green outgrowths poking through the ground.

"There aren't too many at the moment, but this is what I have so far," she explained, sitting at the edge of the upturned soil. "I have some mint and lemon balm to the left," she began, pointing to the area with her paw, "And then, to the right of that, we have the flowers—the lavender, feverfew, marigold, and poppies." There was an apparent divide between the mints and flowers; the latter sprouted with bulbs.

Eshe looked at Arlette. "Any questions so far?" she asked.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head. She followed Eshe. She soon noticed the sprouts not the ground, at least what she assumed were the sprouts. She glanced over them. Arlette lifted her head. "My son and his ... girlfriend are in Kvarsheim. So the next pack over," she offered. The rest of her family... She didn't know where they were. Derg... Maybe one day. Though now it felt they had been longer apart than together which... sucked to realize.

Arlette focussed on the lesson instead. "Where did you get the tiny plants?," she asked. "They look quite delicate, how did you get them here? I assume you took them from somewhere else?," she asked. She had many questions. She noticed the different leaves and scents. Especially the mint smelled different. She could tell plants apart. "Perhaps some plant basics won't hurt?"
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Kvarsheim—she knew about them! "That pack is the place to be, it seems," she observed, remembering her encounter with the pack's alpha. "I've met some of their members and leader, Gunnar. Do you know him?" She asked, tilting her head curiously. "He's very kind." He had helped her find the flowers she wanted to harvest and offered to show her the ocean later in the year. It'd been very generous of him, especially when she'd been a stranger.

When the questions began, a smile spread across her face. "I found the flowers in the Wapun Meadow and the mints in Herbalist's Cache." She paused and cleared her throat when she felt a tickle. "Sorry about that," she said, excusing herself for the slight delay, "I dug up the plants with the roots intact and carried them back here. I planted mint, lemon balm, and lavender roots about a claw-length deep in the ground. I did the same for the poppies but used their seeds instead of the roots."

"I plant seeds if a plant has them, but if they don't, I use the roots instead. I'll space out whatever I'm growing to give them room to expand, like how you can see there's a decent gap between the lemon balm and mint." She motioned towards them with her paw. "They're both in the mint family and grow like weeds, so I know they need space. When they mature, I'll need to transfer them to a new plot in the shade, but for now, they're fine." She wasn't even scratching the surface of gardening; the knowledge needed to master the craft was vast and involved.

"Like I mentioned the last time we met: they're growing a little slower since I'm trying to grow them out of season, and they're requiring more attention," attention she'd rather be directing to Akavir, if she was being honest with herself. "But if it were spring when the weather is cooler and wetter, they'd be able to grow much quicker."

She paused then, anticipating more questions.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette chuckled. "Yeah it seems so," she responded. Her son seemed to enjoy his time there. So that is why she was glad to see him there. For her, being in that pack would be a little too personal seeing that she was born there and it was under different leadership. Arlette dipped her head in reply. "Yes!," she commented. "Very friendly."

Eshe then started to explain where she got everything from and that she now moved it here. She was pretty impressed that the plants still seemed to do well. "What does lemon balm do?," she asked, not familiar with that plant. She studied the plants and curiously watched them a little bit closer, noting down mentally how the other female had planted these plants. "Oh? Is there and advantage to seeds?," she asked.

Arlette nodded. "I see, and knowing the adult plant you know how big they are going to get, so you will have to at least give them that space," she reasoned, mostly thinking out loud. "If they need wet and cold, why don't you plant them closer to the riverbed? Then they might have more of that water they need," she offered in thought.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
”Lemon balm is versatile—it has calming and aid sleep,” she began, “Recently, I made a paste with it to repel the effects of poison ivy. Arric and I were destroying some that was growing over there,” she motioned to the ivy-less tree, “and it protected us from the oil.”

When asked about seeds, she considered her answer for a beat. “Not really,” she admitted, as if she didn’t entirely believe herself. “I prefer to use them when they’re available. Roots tend to be more fragile and are harder to extract.” Still deep in thought, she idly brought her foot to her ear and scratched as she mulled over it. “Yeah,” she said decided, dropping her foot.

The mention of the water source brought a smile to her face. “Very good observation!” She praised. “My plan for now is to keep the garden close to my den—I’m just worried about how they’ll grow—but I’ll move it closer to the creek when the plants are more mature.”

“I was hoping that was something you could help me out with.”
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head, listening like a grade A student. She was always willing to learn and with this new information she thought to of Moss that might benefit from lemon balm as well. She quirked up her lips into a smile. "Thank you, that is a wonderful experiment," Arlette hummed. She always avoided poison ivy for that reason. This was smart of Eshe.

"But then I assume with the seeds it is more intensive and hard work to get them to grow?," she offered. She could see both sides. "Well perhaps with the poppies we can do a test to see what works better seed or roots, unless you've already done that study," Arlette offered. She didn't want to overstep.

"Yeah at the riverbank a deer might get them, while here they probably wouldn't stroll across," Arlette chuckled. "I'm very excited learning about this, thank you!," Arlette beamed. She always felt that she had to learn herself. "Of course, what is it?"
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Arlette’s idea was brilliant. ”I haven’t tested that before—testing that has never crossed my mind.” This was why she loved collaborating. It allowed her to do things she wouldn’t have otherwise. ”It's a great theory. Let’s do it!” She was already planning how to prepare for it. ”I can have the ground ready for it in a day or so … if you want! She reined her excitement a bit when she realized she was getting ahead of herself.

She nodded in agreement regarding the deer. ”See—that was an experiment I was thinking about doing. I was going to move some plants closer to the creek to see if they’d get eaten,” it was as if she’d read her mind. ”Any chance you could help me prep the ground and transfer some plants? I figure it’d help you get a paw-on experience!” Given how enthusiastic Arlette had been, Eshe didn’t expect her idea to be turned down.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette didn't think she was brilliant, she was glad to think along and perhaps help Eshe. She was glad she put in some new input that the woman hadn't tried. "I'm glad. We could try it," she offered with a smile. "Okay! Yes!," Arlette felt motivated. She looked at Eshe, and really found that the female was bringing her so much joy. Talking about topics that interested her but also to be allowed to share her ideas and help her with them. It was great.

"I would love to! Thanks for listening to my ideas," she hummed. Arlette's tail was wagging. The deer could be tricky. Arlette nodded. "Yes, of course. If you show me I will try my best to prep the ground," she returned. "It would be a bummer if they get eaten but then again, we know where not to plant those plants then." It would also give some insight in what deer might love to eat. If they knew that, then Eshe could pinpoint hunting locations based on botany. This woman was rather smart in Arlette's eyes.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
The feeling was mutual—Eshe liked Arlette, too. She hoped they could hang out more in the future, share ideas, and tend to the garden together.

They discussed their plans for the plant relocation and decided to meet another time before the actual move to strategize the move.

When Arlette had to go, Eshe took a break herself and decided to go for a swim. It’d been a fun day of sharing knowledge, and she could end the day perfectly by spending some time in the creek.