Ouroboros Spine Windsong and Sunshine
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
@Callyope only if you have time, all welcome

Rodyn visited moonmother and now he moved through the grounds. If his boys were near, he wanted to give them time to meet cousins amd uncles and aunties.

He had heard that song girl Callyope had returned. And he hoped to see her. He had always thought of her fondly and he remembered their last meeting had been a fraught one. She had been quite unhappy as he set out in his bride price journey.

He traced pawsteps that Samani had paced. He circled around their dens. Dipping his head into the first den he had dug. Sweeping the dust and the dirt away with his tail. Pulling cobwebs from the pretty dtones he had placed along the wall. He had hoped someone would have found it and used it, but not yet it seemed.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
She was no longer that girl.

When she walked into her home village, it was with a comfort wrapped around her. The feather from White Elk spoke of her growth upon returning already! She meant to tell her mother her plans, but not yet. She would not smother the strife with talks of men.

Only she found one, familiar and aged in ways different than herself.

Bear hunter, She greeted him warmly and wondered what he would see when he looked to her. Perhaps the face of frustration from a girl who had been so upset with a man for fulfilling his duties to village and wife.

Perhaps he would see her composure now, too.

"inuktitut" || "common"
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn raised his head. Yellow eyes on the she wolf in front of him. So young had been his last sight and now she had grown into womanhood well.

He was proud of her. Happy to see her

Callyope! Song girl! Hello. a smile lit up his face and eyes. Turning them warm and kind.

It is good to see your face, are you well?

He stepped closer, trying to remove some of the dust from himself. He stretched to greet her with scent and a smile.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
Song girl.

She smiled soft and polite. How far removed she felt from such a title now! Yet she knew youth still clung to her even if she was no longer a girl.

The question left her a touch dazzled — if only for the fact that were so many things going on at once! Loss and arrival in equal turns. She knew not how to answer besides —

It is good to be home.

She meant to step towards him now and embrace him as brother if he would allow it.

"inuktitut" || "common"
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Perhaps it no longer fit her the name he had given her a few seasons ago. So he determined to call her Callyope or what she wanted. Perhaps she had even taken a sifferent name like Ariadne had.

He caught her in a wolfish hug. Squeezing head over delicate shoulders. It was so good to see her.

This hunter is glad you're home. You must come visit Moontide when you've rested.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
She did not think she might be turned away from any Moon village, but she smiled wide to hear this invitation from his lips.

You must tell me of the hunting your village does! Perhaps your hunters might even take me along on one.

This was easily decided with a smile on her face.

It was nice to look towards the future and not be so horrified of uncertainty.

"inuktitut" || "common"
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn would never turn a daughter or son of moonwoman and sunman away. They were welcome no matter what. Even if they were overflowing he would find a way.

He grinned then sure and fast. We are close to the forest to hunt deer and small game and yet also near the sea to hunt seal and fish and crabs.

He shifted moving his paws as his excitement leaked into his voice. This last Autumn we had giant group hunt with moon villages, Breceliant and Sapphique and many others. We hunted bison felled more than 2 of the giant beasts. There were women circles and healing circles. Then a group from the desert traded with us. They seek also marriages.

He frowned at that and shook his head. You are welcome to hunt with me or our pack anytime.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
He boasted grand things!

She had been all too eager to think to the future now, too. How they might set up another great hunt to fell beasts big enough for plenty.

Yet she had not missed the frown, the shake of his head. These things followed his words of a desert village. Did he not seem pleased that they talked of marriage?

Tell me what you think of the desert village?

Encouraging more than any kind of demand. She meant to hear his words as sister, as council, as support.

"inuktitut" || "common"
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was not trying to boast. He was mostly just excited at hunting. The prospect of doing more.

We hope to do another this autumn and I will begin trading again at the end of summer.

Rodyn blinked. They seem nice. Thoigh they like riches too much in my opinion. And they have strange ways of marriage. Women only seem to have some small choice. It must be to better the pack and some cannot marry at all.

He frowned thinking. I only spoke briefly to them of marriage, because I still grieve at times when the topic is brought up, I miss your sistra very much. So i must also add that I may have misinterpreted what they were saying.

does she know that Samani passed away during childbirth?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
oh dear, i don't think so :')

It sounded like marriage was not so much of love but of the bettering of a village.

She wondered if these wolves took multiple wives or husbands. If perhaps their first was of necessity and the next was of heart. Maybe that was an idealistic and whimsical way of looking at it.

"because I still grieve at times"

Her ears stood tall now and her attention went away from the villages of far lands.

"I miss your sistraa very much"

Her heart had sunk somewhere low, low, low. All else was forgotten save for this one thing.


"inuktitut" || "common"
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Like the cool ocean tide, something broke over him. When he misspoke. He choked bsck a small gasp. Unsure now. Surely he thought Kukutux would have told her of Samani, did she even know of Shikoba?

Had no one told her any of this. And like a trap his heart snapped. The pain the sadness washing over him all over again. To have to speak of that horrific day when everyone else knew. Because Callyope deserved more than traders. She deserved the truth that he was not just a widow who was still sad.

His yellow eyes grew watery and he had to take a deep breath.

Your ana broke the taboo for Shikoba, but I will not say your sisters name this time in case it is too much for you.

His voice wavered growing soft and full of emotion he tried to keep down, but this time could not.

She and I were going to bring new life into Moontide and everything went so well. She was sick in the first few weeks, but Moonwoman said this was normal. I couldn't save her it all happened so fast. We had two boys Panuk and Rolayne. A little girl. But sedna took both your sistra and our daughter to the dancing lights in seconds. I'm sorry Callyope. I'm so sorry. She rests in moontide by the sea. She was sang to the dsncing lights and I helped Moonwoman build her, her death Ulaq.

He stumbled over his words. His tongue feeling to heavy for his mouth. He stared at the ground grieving anew. He would spare her the details of how he had gotten there and Samani had too much blood. How it had been so quickly he could have done nothing. A truth even he had a hard time with. He knew if Callyope struck out at him. It would be in grief. He would forgive her, but it would hurt.

she came when they were still singing the songs for Shikoba. But I can edit out Shikobas name if she doesn't know that either. Don't want to traumatize her too much.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
Shikoba was still so fresh —

Her face was steeled but her eyes bled emotions unspoken. How cruel, how cruel, how cruel. A daughter and a wife gone in one sweep. A sister. A traveler, a teacher...

She had been so many things. She still was many things in the heart of Callyope. Her name could not be spoken — but not for taboo, no. The large woman was worried that if she said it, the sound would only be a horrific wail.

All of the emotions mounted within.

She wanted to strike, she wanted to coddle. They needed to heal.

Her next move was to pull Rodyn into an embrace, a hug. If not for him, then perhaps for herself.

"inuktitut" || "common"
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
This had not been his intention today. To dig into his own heartbreak and break the hesrt of one he dearly cared for. He had watched Callyope grow and it upset him to hurt her in this way. Even if it was truth she deserved.

Rodyn was shocked and pulled. His teeth rattling against his skull for a moment. But he shifted and curled large forearma and paws around her. Curling her into and himself too. How hard this was. How much he missed Samani.

I'm sorry.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
It is ok,

An exhale into his dark fur.

It was not, it never would be, but life went on. Everyone would carry their griefs or burdens and move forward with memories.

They knew only love until they were called.

"inuktitut" || "common"
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
IT didn't feel okay. It felt as if he were being flayed open all over again. And to have to tell Callyope who had loved her sister fiercely. Well that felt like a deep betrayal and a gaping chasm of wrongness. Even though it hadn't been his fault, he would bear that guilt that he was alive and she was gone.

That is true. Thank you for that. He rubbed at his eyes. Panuk and Rolayne are good strong boys. I will bring them to see you.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
Let me come look upon them in their village. So that they might show me it through the eyes of young boys!

Her smile was warm now. Too happy to move on to brighter things, to think about if the boys would carry her face or the face of bearhunter.

fade for something new sometime soon? <3

"inuktitut" || "common"
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Anytime. Though he's going to be traveling through June. Which she is welcome to join on a few trips if she'd like.

He nodded. They will tire you out for sure. But it is nice to see I through their eyes.

He thought if their laughter and joy. Of how much they lived to explore and lesrn and show. It wouldbe good for them to spend time with another auntie.

He dipped his head. Would you like to fish with me or go for a walk. This work can wait for another day? I would like to know of your adventures and whatever you wish to share.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
Let us walk and I will tell you all.

Of great beasts useful in both furs and meats, of cold lands that bordered colder waters.

Her heart had a great many things of happiness to cast light over the grief that had tangled through moments before.

"inuktitut" || "common"