Blackfeather Woods aullaaqkiaŋŋa
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
For @Collision but also open!

The man alerted Kivaluk that he would be gone from Brecheliant, but this time it wasn't to venture to the village where his youngest children lived, but to go further afield on behalf of his home territory. He hoped to follow and track the herds.

They took him northeast for a day or two. Then they split their number between a northern direction and an easterly one, and Kigipigak chose to follow them east until their trail became tangled in the blackwood of a forest. It would be beneficial to his new home if he could bring back something of value — meat, or information, maybe. Perhaps something to gift to Kivaluk that his own babes could use.

Anything to keep his mind occupied, anything that might earn him a little favor with his eldest son.
Inupiaq. · Common.
Two Rivers Isle
256 Posts
Ooc — Impala
It was yet another day and yet another forest. Land that seemed to stretch on endlessly. He had forgotten how vast The Wilds were to be quite honest. From day to day he found himself altering between being exposed in expansive plains to weaving between the thick vegetation of a woodland. Today it was the latter.

 This one, however, felt all the more peaceful than the previous one he had endured a few nights within. Whereas before he was wrapped in a tenebrous cloak of darkness--this particular one seemed much more reserved. The inviting smell of fauna fastened to every tree and bush. There was life here. Perhaps, more than he was bargaining for.

 This particular odor was telling of one of his own kind drawing near. At best the wind brings the subtle aroma of one whom had long gone. At worst he was too close to a wanderer. It would have been rather simple. To alter his course and never look back. Why give a second thought to that which was not his concern? And yet....Collision had been particularly fortunate to not meet anyone with ill-intent. The closest being the jaded teenager, Ash. Before he had realized it a chuff had rolled from his mouth. Both an invitation to come near or perhaps a means of ushering the stranger away. Subconsciously? He was growing bored of his time alone.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The segment of the mule deer herd he followed, while small, was mostly female. They were headed by a pair of bucks which Kigipigak presumed were siblings based on their similar builds and ages, but there was no way to know for sure — only, they did not fight over the females despite the season. He imagined there was some sort of alliance between them. Perhaps they were too young, but he chose to think of them as a pair of brothers protecting their women.

The longer he lurked and tried to get a better view of them, the less and less likely that eventuality became. The slightest stirring of wind through the boughs, or cackle of a crow from overhead, sent the nimble deer running through paths they knew well, and Kigipigak did not.

He thought he chased down one possible route, but when he was presented by a brackish looking man instead of the slim bodies which he had hoped to find, the winterborn man stopped and watched. He was careful because the stranger looked to be fully grown, broad-bodied, and in good health.

The other man noticed him at the same time and chuffed. Kigipigak gave a small nod, the kind which men shared between one-another, and glanced beyond the figure to see if the deer lingered; although, it was easy to assume they did not.

I greet you, he said next, his voice warm despite the edge of caution he carried in the swagger of his steps.

The stranger did not carry any mark that Kigipigak recognized. Are you hunting alone?
Inupiaq. · Common.
Two Rivers Isle
256 Posts
Ooc — Impala

 Warily his eyes investigated the form of the approaching male. Collisions face grew neutral and the momentary silence was arguably deafening. This one was well-kept. His strong form indicative that he hailed from a pack. While both men were statuesque--and perhaps Collision was far from sickly. He doubt he hid the tell-tale signs of a nameless vagabond. To further, Collision's own form was no better, as he had intuitively taken up a more defensive footing. Ears only gently fell towards his head and perked to turn as the newcomer made idle and non-threatening remarks.

 Of course. He was hunting and Collision had likely ruined the chase. The thought of chasing anything down was as elusive as the prey to him. Still, the ghostly one had extended an attempt to communicate and to return the favor was only characteristic, "Likewise," Collision nodded his head in a show of greeting.

 Head swung over his shoulder as though he sought that which the male was after. With his brief inspection complete he took a step-back as to clear the path, "It wasn't my intention to impose on your feast, but yes, I find myself alone most of the time. Most days," He said this with unwavering stoicism. It didn't feel regrettable any longer. It simply was. Did the pale one intend to capture one by himself? While a good day away from malnourished: Collision was still plainly thin. His thick coat hiding some of the vacancy his stomach often went days enduring. "Are you alone?" Perhaps he could have introduced himself, but likewise, it would be in his best interest that he had not slowed an entire pack from their dinner time.
Interested in threading with me?
check out my OOC account for more information

 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,289 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
For the time being, he answered. A moment later there was an ease to his shoulders. The man glanced away from the stranger as if he had heard something, but then relaxed again and gave his full attention to the other man. I am Kigipigak. I live nearby, in the village upon the caldera a da or so from here.

It didn't bother him to share this. The village was small and could use more hunters. Kigipigak wasn't going to outright invite the man — not without a proper vetting. There was always the chance this man wasn't interested and preferred a life of freedom; this was something Kigipigak found himself missing more often lately.

If you are interested in a meal, I could use some help finding those deer again. Perhaps together we could bring one down? There had been a few does that were heavier set, likely fattened by one of the stags in the spring months.
Inupiaq. · Common.
Two Rivers Isle
256 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Alone. Not to be mistaken as the recurring loneliness Collision endured. There was a form of momentary respite that he would refrain from an audience. Packs had a tendency to take in all kinds. The Empire he originally assimilated to being no different. Darkness clouded parts of it. Thoughts he would refrain from visiting further today. 

 His name was different. Unique. Fleetingly Collision wondered from where those origins came, but as swiftly as the thought occurred it also was rather short-lived. Still, the confirmation that he wasn't all too far from a pack incurred other thoughts. He wondered what they were like. A family? A group that fed off one another for survival. There was no telling...and perhaps little to be discovered for him, "My name is Collision. It's been some time since I've wandered near here. I hope I've not drawn too close to home?" Stepping on toes was far from his day-to-day task. 

 And suddenly an invitation to participate. Collision couldn't help but endure a moment of subtle satisfaction. He enjoyed being of assistance. Regrettably, this particular endeavor was not his strong suit. He never had been quick on his feet. Perhaps the two of them, though, assuming the other didn't have his similar disadvantage, could manage to pluck one of the deer he mentioned down. On a day where he were more well-fed it wouldn't be uncharacteristic to decline. The tumultuous longing for food was presented with a solve. A meal. How could he resist? "Aye, I'll follow?" He was a soldier. It had been a long time since he had led anything in the slightest and today wouldn't be a remarkable feat against this. Then, perhaps he could repay the favor by assisting Kigipigak with bringing the meal home to his pack--his family. 
Interested in threading with me?
check out my OOC account for more information

 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.