Grouse Thicket Little Bird
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,673 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
3 Otter skins
3 pouches
3 noise makers made of fish bones
1 stag skin
1 rack of antlers
1 bison hoof
1 fur of seashells
2 caribou hides
1 marten pelt
1 Elk belly full of meat

Rolled a 4 for grouse

Rodyn had a pleasant visit in Sun Mote. He was on his way to another pack he didn't know. But he had hope that his natural kindness and even his trades would warm them up to him. And they maybe kind. He didn't know yet.

At the moment though, he was on the hunt for the grouse that he could smell. It wasn't often that he went in search of fowl, but he was trying to broaden his horizons and his meat to offer. He mentally reminded himself he would need to stop by moontide soon enough. Put the meat in the caves and caches, dry and salt some of it.

Long rangy limbs he lowered himself along the ground. Walking with slow deliberate steps. Grouse were quick. But if you did it right. You could sometimes catch more than one.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala

It was, in fact, hard to alter course when there was no intended destination. Likewise, it was simple to do so. However, on this particular day Collision found himself not changing his path as the scent of another that began to overtake his nose.

The wind blew gently, and his eyes caught the brown figure of another male. His ears rocked backwards as he felt the gentle urge to go elsewhere. Often it wasn't wise to approach a stranger. Still, there was something calculated about his steps.

Admittedly, he was a poor hunter. He went for each to find things, animals that were slower. Strength, often times was no issue, but he had never been fast. Additionally, he could admit that he wasn't at his strongest and hadn't been for some time. Living alone took that kind of toll on one.

Did the other need silence? An urge for conversation resonated in Collision. The desire to at least talk where he had been resistant to friendship for so long caused struggle between staying and leaving. Without hardly a though more a low chuff echoed from him, though, he stood in place...staring.

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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,673 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn hadn't seen many in the area. And he had wondered briefly if this was going to be a journey that bore fruit. He wasn't certain. Where it had seemed easy to do this with his bride price. The wolves just didn't seem as friendly as they did then. But he would keep trying.

Rodyn heard a chuff and quickly his head lifted. He kept an eye on the birds. They hadn't seemed bothered by the disturbance. So he altered his course and headed towards the other male a few steps away. An easy smile and a rangy grace in his step. A dip of his head.

A Whisper. Hello. I'm Rodyn. Fancy a hunt?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision watched as the brown male's attention shifted to himself. He remained quite neutral, though, as Rodyn drew near he began to relax. This was not the approach of hostility. A welcoming, subtly, smile began to form on his lips, but as was expected, hush tones eluded that he had interrupted something.

Collision's ears fell backwards and he lowered himself but slightly. He would follow--as usually he did. Perhaps he could be of aide to the brute. To multiply that which he was able to take home to his own family as well as secure himself something acceptable for a meal. He didn't presume this male was, in fact, a loner.

  "I-Alright," Pleasantries were excused for now. Collision paying no mind to the fact that he hadn't introduced himself. That could come later. There was a task to accomplish. He gently moved forward--low and slow. He would be sure to fall behind Rodyn to make sure he performed accurately.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,673 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had no problems conversing with the wolf after they caught the grouse. But he had already set his mind on them and now he was not willing to be deterred.

The hunter saw the movement and smiled softly. Hoping he hadn't offended. HE had merely been hunting and as was such, he was a bit of a wolf with a one track mind when it came to hunting. That was both a strength and a flaw.

Rodyn spoke softly. I Saw some grouse. I can flush and you can catch or you can flush and I can catch? Or we can take turns, which would you prefer?

Yellow eyes watchful on the little birds nearby.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala

Collision moved slow and methodical. Hunting was an art and Collision was not an artist. Still, two was better than one. He breathed heavily until the scent the other was on caught him and he was able to track better. Finding was not the issue--catching was.

Fortunately, a choice had been offered to him, "I'll flush," He glanced towards Rodyn and offered a nod. He began to move forward and found thick brush that was possible. With determined intention he peeled further from Rodyn. If he could get on the opposite side of the grouse, perhaps, when they became aware of his presence they would trail directly into the open jaws of the brown male.

He slinked slowly, silently, until his eyes fell upon one of the fowl. Once it became attuned to his presence, he knew it would explosively flee. He swallowed carefully until he felt brave enough to charge--and pause--at one of the creatures. Hopeful that his plan would work and he didn't come off as a total fool.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,673 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Where Collision may not have had the same skills. His help was a good change.

Rodyn moved out and around. Setting up a fair ways away so that hopefully, if all went well. The grouse would race right into his waiting jaws. He hoped it worked out.

The grouse screeched and in a flurry of dust and wings ran towards Rodyn. Four of thrm coming right at him. He managed to catch 1 and 2, hoping the other male could grasp at least one or two of the remaining. If not he'd try.

Snap of jaws and vigorous shake as spines broke. It was almost like a dance. Methodical in his movements. The young man had done well in helping.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
When the flurry started and one became four Collision's eyes did their absolute best to track the situation. Two took the path directly towards Rodyn, which was great, but two came more towards him. That...was less great. He would do his best.

Collision pushed forward towards the fleeing birds and quickly as he could dove after the two of them. Snapping jaws latched onto the backside of one and the kill was quick. Bones snapped and the body fell limp. For just a moment he discarded it to the forest floor and attempted to catch the fourth, but for him, it was a lost cause. It had such a gain on him there was no way for him to get it.

  His pace slowed in irritation, embarassment, and hope that Rodyn would either see opportunity he had not--or he could forgive the failure.

  Collision began to back away to gather the fowl he had managed to capture. That alone had been more luck of the draw than any true talent.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,673 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was quick to dispatch at least two of them. It was hard, but he managed. The other male was doing his level best and keeping up too. Rodyn appreciated it more than he could say.

With two at his paws and the third coming right at him. Rodyn jumped and managed to catch a wing. The loud crack of bone against teeth could be heard for a few feet. And he snapped the bird to him to quickly finish it off with a blow to the head, and then teeth to it's neck.

It was messy and louder than he had intended, but at least it was done. And four lay at their paws. A grin lit up his face, brightening his yellow eyes.

What a job! Thank you. My name is Rodyn Ardeth by the way. Pleased to meet you and thanks again. You did great.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision had taken the bird to Rodyn in a manner that could be described as sheepish. The brown male had manuevered himself quickly and effectively and had secured, what Collision considered, a very effective stockpile. 

There had to be need at his pack for such efforts to be made.

His kind words made Collision feel better--to a degree. To another point he took them like someone encouraging a young child to 'do-their-best' and 'just-have-fun' truthfully, this was something Collision should be better at.

Though, if it came to a larger, slower, prey. He would've been able to natural put on a better show.

"The pleasure is mine, Rodyn. My name is Collision Adravendi," There was something that he would label genuine about Rodyn. He seemed like he had the best of intentions at heart. A really warm kind of guy, "You must be taking these back to your pack...?" his head tilted inquisitively. The packs he knew long ago were long gone. He had learned of a handful of them--what remained?
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,673 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Younger than him and painted in colors of forest like Rodyn, but darker. He gave a soft smile. And flicked his ear, his tail moving gently behind him as he greeted.

Well met Collision.

The younger male seemed a little shy perhaps, or sheepish even. But Rodyn didn't know why he had done well, for hunting with a wolf he knew nothing about. Who's patterns he didn't recognize. They had made a good team.

Rodyn Shook his head. Yes and no. I'm a trader and I am on a trading journey for my pack Moontide. I lead there and I like to make new allies and make sure m y wolves are taken care of. I will take these minus one for you of course. But I will take some of these to other packs, make trades for more furs or items and also an invitation to join a group hunt in Autumn. Lone wolves can come as well if it interests you?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision would come to describe Rodyn as noble. His words translated to him being level-headed, diplomatic, and it was easy to see why he would be trusted as a leader. There was something honest about him, and quite frankly, Collision enjoyed it. It had been years since he had met someone that didn't carry some kind of hidden agenda for their kindness.

Collision wasn't sure about a group-hunt. Though, he also wasn't sure he would be a lone wolf much longer. Then again he didn't know if he was ready. Still...four seemed a bit much to carry. Well, three, given the donation.

  "Do you need help taking these wherever you plan to take them?" The words spill past his lips. would be good for him to consider a new home instead of running from the possibility, "I don't plan to be alone forever," He confesses. Some did enjoy the loner life. He wasn't one of them, "I don't mean to say I want to join you in your home....I don't mean to imply that I don't either," I don't know what I want.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,673 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had never thought himself leader material. He had been what many in his family called a good ole boy. Simply doing what he needed too, taking care of his family and making sure everyone was fade. He worked hard and he played hard sometimes. But for the most part he just survived as the best he could while looking out for others.

Rodyn didn't know if this male was interested in hunting or even a pack. But he would make a good addition to his pack if he was interested. And part of Rodyn hoped he would. To have another body and another hunter.

I have a small bundle nearby. I am trading a lot of items. I pull them on a bison fur. But if you aren't adverse to helping me take them there. I'd appreciate it.

Rodyn chuckled. That often happens when you are still learning about the world. No pressure. But I can tell you alittle about Moontide if you'd like and our sister villages Moonglow and Moonspear. One of them may interest you more than mine if you want to join a pack.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Rodyn presented as one that Collision expected was well-respected. What surprised him most was the mention of so many like-named packs. Were they all under the central rule of one? Branches of a kingdom? Who was the central ruler?

There was strength in numbers--that was true.

How often did they need that strength? How many did they have across the lands that were displeased with them. Collision considered their history...

"I don't mind helping," Collision could get him at least partially where he needed to go and then he could part ways. If he decided.

"You can fill me in on our way to your destination if you'd like? You don't need me holding you in one place," While Collision was sure he would appreciate the company. There was nothing wrong with making quick, good work. Multi-tasking was essential. He didn't know why he had offered his time, but he was certain it was going to fulfill something in him instead of the constant nothing-to-do he had been enduring.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,673 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn supposed he was well respected. He had been the best hunter of Moonglow for a time, only below Shikoba. He was a leader. A friend and often he was approached to offer advice. Yea he supposed it was what it wasw

Glad to have the help. Rodyn shifted so Collision could carry some of the game. A small smile on his face.

Well Moonglow is run by Moonwoman and Sunman or their given names are Kukutux and AIolos. They have had many children. I am widowed, but I had married one of their daughters and we started a tribe of our own, near the sea. Their other daughter Sialuk rules The village of moonspear. Moonspear has many healers, and seers. Moontide is built of hunters and traders. Moonglow is a mix of both.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
It was a lot of information. Moonglow, Moonspear, and Moontide. It made sense that the family had continued to grow and send their spawn out into the world to 'capture' it. That was how good kingdoms were built. Collision supposed Moonglow was the capital-of-the-kingdom and noted this away should he ever find need of the information.

Ultimately it sounded as though the kingdoms were each equally peaceful. To have so many devoted to actually helpful techniques must have paid off well. Were there no warriors? A place with no violence? Collision wondered what that was like. He had never had the pleasure.

  That wasn't to say he had lived a particularly violent life. His thoughts went back to The had defaulted to violence within its own walls. It didn't even need outside influence to crumble. Too bad.

  He gathered what he could to help Rodyn and followed closely.

  Briefly he wondered what it was like to have taken a mate but then lose her, "I'm sorry for your loss," Assuming there were no children involved and without making the situation further he focused on the packs, "It all sounds rather spiritual," He didn't know that he could quite hold true to any particular belief. If that was the standard for them, however, and they seemed to thrive through works--then fantastic.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,673 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn could spend all day talking about the moon packs and there would still be more to say. Except for maybe about Moontide. It didn't have such a storied history as Moonglow and Moonspear. But it still had lasted longer than most. And within memories.

A sad smile. Thank you. She was amazing. And I will miss her until I die. But she would be pleased with how MOontide is growing. And everything else.

A cant of his head and a sage nod. Yes it can be. Moontide isn't as spiritual as Moonspear or Moonglow, but we respect their lessons and their ways. My wife was. I was an outsider. So some of their traditions are lost on me.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision hadn't thought of settling down with a wife. well, once, but that was so long ago now. He didn't particularly know if it were ever in the cards for him--he was alright with that.

While he didn't pity the Moontide man; he did find himself regretful for him. A pain he likely wouldn't wish on anyone.

  Collision chuckled in between pulls and spoke, "I can imagine how the workings of such a large pack-family-system thing would begin to get a little complex," The Empire had around twenty at its height and it was often dramatic. maybe something smaller for him?

  "I might have to get myself around to that big hunt thing you have planned," Regardless of what happened between now and then...Collision really needed to get out more.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,673 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't know if he would settle again. He didn't know if this was in the cards. He was an open minded wolf, so he knew it was possible. But for now he was content with his lot and his memories. Samani had taken up such a large space in his heart. He wasn't ready to let someone share it. But he was getting there.

Rodyn barked a laugh. IT can be.

A swift nod. It will be near the Firefly glen, towards the mountains. YOu can also find me on the coast at Moontide. I will be glad to take you there. It would be in Autumn. There will be howls about it.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision couldn't think of a time he had ventured towards the coast. Regardless of what the future held for him--it was a journey that would be worth taking. Water wasn't his favorite, so perhaps that was the aversion. He didn't need to be in places that made his life more complicated.

"I've never seen the ocean," He muses, "I suppose, if not for the hunt and thrill, I'll make my journey there some day just to check it off the bucket-list," And he would. Life was short, but it was the longest thing you'd ever do.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,673 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled. Well I hope I'm there toshow you around. Now should we get this meat somewhere so it doesn't spoil. And i don't know about you, but I could definitely eat.

Rodyn chuckled softly. It was nice to spend the day with someone. To hunt and just have that small bit of comadrie. HE missed it. He should make more time for it.

Would you like to fade here? And have another sometime?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Rodyn suggests that they have a meal and get to their destination. The quiet rumble of his stomach can't deny a meal. He nods his head and gestures for Rodyn to begin. He would follow. He appreciated the kindness of the Moontide man. Collision figured it wouldn't be the last time they met; for now an acquaintance, but perhaps someday a friend.

Sounds great. <3 Thank you sm for the thread!
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.