Blackfeather Woods Keeping up with everything
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Keepimg vague about Nightstars return. @Maegi other tags for reference only

She had kept away from everyone for a bit after she returned. She focused on healing herself as well as @Rowan. She put herself and her pups in danger for the last time, maybe staying within the woods was the best thing for her and her pups. 

Her brother was here; he was alive and it was like a light shined in Moonshadows eyes once more. She was happy; yes but she knew there were other matters at hand and for this she sought out their leader.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
The Nona was making her rounds within the forest when she spotted the dark woman, looking as if she were on a mission; Maegi switched her path to make a beeline for the other wolf. Fortuitous, for she had been seeking out Moonshadow herself—there was much to discuss, and far too much time had passed between the last time they had spoken.

She knew Moonshadow had returned without Falling Star, which pained Maegi (and brought out a tinge of guilt as well, given that her own son had come home safely). That being said, she was happy for her friend that Nightstar was apparently back, and hopefully that reunion would give way to more good news. Not only for Moonshadow, but for the woods as a whole.

Hey, there, she said gently, tail swishing behind her as she approached. How are you holding up? How are Rowan and Moonshine?
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
As she walked through the woods she finally found maegi. "Hey." She said simply and let her continue on. "I'm doing okay given the circumstances. Moonshine is doing well and Rowan seems distant since we returned. We ran into Serem and she filled his head with I don't know what. She has a pack nearby and Rowan trespassed." She turned her face a little to show what happened. "I managed to get them away." At this moment she was staring at the floor.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Maegi frowned as she spoke of Rowan, mind flitting briefly to the boy she was so fond of. She'd have to visit him— Then Moonshadow threw out a name that wasn't familiar to her, although clearly her friend had no love for the wolf. And if they had a pack nearby. . .

Serem who? she asked blankly, cocking her head in inquiry. She frowned deeper upon seeing the fresh wounds; that there were already issues with a neighboring pack displeased her. She'd have to clean up this mess soon, she figured. Where is the pack?
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She looked at her friend with somewhat was eyes. "It's the name of the woman who kidnapped you last winter." She said. "They occupythe haunted woods." It was really close and Moonshadow shifted a bit uneasy in her spot.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
It's the name of the woman who kidnapped you. . .

Moonshadow's words faded, blended together, became meaningless as the rage began to mount within her. Maegi was unaware she was growling, a subterranean, feral rumble, and that her pelt began to bristle. She saw red, for a few blinding moments, and felt nothing but fury. 

She's alive? she asked flatly, voice cutting through the pounding of blood in her ears. And she got close to Rowan?

Maegi would kill her. She'd kill the woman. She'd find ways to torture this Serem until she breathed no longer and then would let Peryite handle her desecrated corpse.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was still looking at the ground but the more angry maegi got it made Moonshadow feel terrible that she couldn't fight her off more. "Yes." She said in response to the two questions that were asked. "They had been speaking and then she attacked him I arrived during the attack and fought her off but who knows the things she put in his head." It was bad enough he felt as though she couldn't protect them but what else did he think. "I feel him being drove away...I feel the disdain some of the other pups feel towards they feel as though they don't belong here...." the distance between them was almost deafening.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She attacked him. Not a question, but still flat like before. She felt incredibly close to the edge, ears pinned back, eyes narrowed. At Moonshadow's remark, her brows drew close together and her face downward in a frown. Why would they feel disdain? Your pups were born here first—they're children of the forest.

She would have words with any children who were treating their peers poorly. Hell, if Rowan merited a talking-to, Maegi would do that, too. They needed to get along, to band together. . .now, apparently, more than ever.

Did anything else happen on the trip I need to know about? Maegi asked, somewhat in a foul mood after the news about Serem (another name to add to the faces on her shit list). Staying in conversation with Moonshadow, though, would keep her from running after her kidnapper in reckless fashion. No one needed that at this time, and deep down, she knew it.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
It seemed like everything she said was fueling anger but it needed to be said. "Yes she attacked him." She answered simply. "I don't know why but a few days ago when I was hunting near the creek I heard Hela tell Rowan that the woods didn't need him and they were better off without him and it made me wonder if the other child saw them the same way." She felt a sadness when she spoke of it but kept her composure. "When tracking Falling Stars scent I ran into some redhawks. "
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She gritted her teeth upon hearing about her niece's sass, letting a sigh through flared nostrils. Hela and Scylla both have mouths on them the size of the Void, Maegi said wryly, her voice without humor but not, it seemed, her words. I'll see if I can talk to her, though, or at least Cassiopeia. The others shouldn't be saying that. . .and Rowan shouldn't take it to heart. But I know kids do take things to heart.

Proud as Vaati, she reckoned. Well, they'd have a rude awakening when Maegi saw them next. Moonshadow and her pups belonged just as much to these woods as the Melonii; the former had certainly put in her time, and the latter born right here, upon this sacred ground.

And just when she thought it couldn't get worse— Redhawks?! she exclaimed, her just-settled fur bristling once more. Gods' sake! Did they do anything, say anything? Did anyone get hurt? The Redhawks were nearly as bad as Serem! If not more so: for all her faults, at least Serem made no pretense of being a good-hearted wolf. Fuck the Redhawks and their moral high ground.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She gave a soft sigh. "Thank you." Was all she could say, she was glad maegi was leader she did it well and Moonshadow was content with it.

Now onto her next question. "No they didn't do anything. I made it clear I was simply looking for my child and one of the wolves let me continue but once no sign of him was near she merely told me to leave." And she left it at that.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Which wolf? What did she look like? Fuck, if it was one of the two that had accosted her. . . Moonshadow and her brood were lucky to get away safe. Even with that, Maegi wasn't overly fond of reminding the Redhawks of their continued presence.

Couldn't everyone just, you know, forget? Not necessarily forgive. . .but at least push it aside for more pressing matters?

She let out a sigh that was the twin of Moonshadow's, except more irritated, rather than relieved. Still, her eyes softened as she stared at her friend, the tension in her shoulders easing somewhat. I'm glad you are home safe, she murmured sincerely.

And I'm sorry your children are having problems with the others, she added, then gave Moonshadow a wry look. Granted, if they're starting fights, they should know how to finish them. But no one should be saying things like that to any pup here. We all belong—all of us. You're more Blackfeather than those who have just come and gone since you first got here.

And, by default, so were the woman's pups. Until they chose to abandon the woods (she fervently hoped they wouldn't) they were children of the dark forest. They belonged.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She tried to remember the female but also was never given her name. "She was a gold female. She helped me search a bit then told me it'd be best to leave." At the other things that maegi said she nodded her head. "Thank you I'm glad you were able to find your boy though." Even though she was a bit sad she was happy that at least one of them found what they had been looking for. "Thank you, for that. I try to explain that to them but their young so they take things to heart and don't let it go for some time however in time I'm sure they can all get along with everyone."
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She only needed to hear the word 'gold' to jump to a conclusion. I know her, Maegi growled, frown deepening. She was a bitch to me when I went to Redhawks to try and cover Mou's tracks. (Though not totally as bad as the black one who'd attacked her; still. . .no love lost there.) Thankfully Moonshadow's experience with her hadn't been so bad. Perhaps conflict could be avoided after all.

He found us, she said, shrugging. She didn't want to take credit at all for Sobek's return. He had done it on his own—she had failed. But thanks. I'm happy he's back. And I'm sorry you weren't able to find Falling Star, Maegi added. She gave Moonshadow a slightly watery smile. Don't lose hope. I lost my brothers once before and was able to reconnect with them. Your son may return.

Everything seemed settled, though Maegi felt as if she were still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Anything else I should know? she prompted, lifting her chin. Otherwise, it seemed as if they were done here—although if Moonshadow wanted some company, she was happy to provide.