Blackfeather Woods When will all the pain end.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Dated for the 10th whenever you have time

The Forest was in mourning, she felt the shift in the air when she returned. Moonshadow has been out searching for her daughter for a few days now and something was wrong. It seemed that the birds had lost their song and it was silent. Perhaps they were scared off by the rumbling of the earth. She still had yet to see the real damage other than the falling trees that she had seen. But for now she sought out and howled for @Maegi.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
The howl disturbed her from a light slumber out in the open, barely sleeping, dreaming only of bad things. Maegi woke, rose and stretched, every bone aching, every muscle sore. The voice was comforting and familiar and she heeded the call with some haste, hoping to see Moonshadow with her daughter at her side. Alas. . .

You didn't find Moonshine? Maegi asked, the grief welling up all-too easily in her throat. She swallowed, face more drawn than it ever had been as she motioned toward the edge of the forest. Come on. . .we're not staying here under the trees. We're out in the meadow.

Once her friend was on the same page, she'd move forward, loath to receive another negative progress report from the Cryptid, and even more reluctant to share the news of her son's demise.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her call was answered shortly after it was made and she looked to her friend with a sad expression when she spoke of her daughter. "No I lost her scent at the creek. Rowan's bird friends said they'd look for her so I'm hoping they can. They think she is in a pack east of here. " It was the only lead that the female had. "I believe I know the pack, I came to see if Rowan was alright and to gather my strength before I set out again."

When she spoke about moving, she was a little shocked. Especially since she had tried hard to obtain the woods again but it did make sense. If the shaking got worse being near things that can crush a wolf wasn't the best idea. "How long will we occupy the meadow?" She would be scared if she returned and she couldn't find them and her last remaining pup.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Well, at least she was within a pack. . .though whether that meant she was safe or not was debatable. Maegi knew all too well Blackfeather had enemies scattered throughout the wilds, courtesy of her darker-hearted ancestors. She frowned, hoping for the best. At the question, she shrugged, any light in her eyes promptly extinguished.

I. . .don't know. Whenever the ground stops shaking. Whenever the trees stop falling. The two women padded along in silence for a little while, heading to open ground. Maegi's mouth trembled, pulled taut, as she warred with her feelings. But the Cryptid deserved an explanation, and so. . .

Anansi is dead, she said flatly, her tone at odds with the turbulence in her heart. A tree fell on him. She kept her gaze straight ahead, fixed on the path, unable to focus on anything else lest she break down yet again. It would be stupid of us to stay in the forest while things continue to go wrong.

Any arguments would be refuted. Any emotional ties to the woods had to be quashed. No piece of ground was worth their children's lives.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her heart went out to Maegi when she heard about what happened to one of her young. "Oh Maegi....I'm so sorry." She didn't know what else she could say to her but if allowed she would nudge her friend kindly. It made sense to not want to be around the trees and she couldn't blame her at all for wanting to leave the woods. Moonshadow was speechless now and was unable to speak; despite it not being her child she knows the loss of a child all to well. "No mother should have to go through loosing a child ever and I'm sorry you had to. Know I am here for you." That's all she could do. "Once we are settled in a new area I will set out."
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
At Moonshadow's nudge, she was overwhelmed by the urge to collapse, to curl up into the older woman's embrace and let loose the sobs so close to the surface. To be a child again, crying to a mother. But she was a mother, still, and so she remained stoic, accepting the touch with a brusque nod and returning the brush. She was silent for a few moments longer before murmuring, Thank you.

There wasn't much she could say, beyond that. No words were adequate.

Be careful, Maegi said in response to Moonshadow's plans to search again. Jaes only knows when these earthquakes will end. The mountains could be especially dangerous. Falling trees, falling rocks, water rising and falling. . . Was this it? Was this the end of it all?