Wheeling Gull Isle nothing but goodbye
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
Pack Activity 
WOO! real packtivity, some PP for flow :) might be a disorganized mess but we'll see. no post order, just rounds starting w me lol, next round begins on Jun 1

Huā felt it was time for a game of sorts. The pack was thriving, they had many dedicated members, and it only felt right to further unite them all- especially if she could do so through fun, and lighten the spirits of her people. She had left the puppies under the care of whomever doesn't post in this thread, and summoned the rest with a howl to the Quiet. In devising the game she had considered the labyrinth, but decided it was too complicated- and the spacious tunnel that dug into the mountain still had many nooks and crannies, boulders and rock formations to hide in and behind. 

As members began to arrive, she would greet them politely with a nod or a word or two, but nothing much more. Once most had showed themselves, she would settle comfortably on her haunches at the entrance of the Quiet, facing the world outside where they stood before her. Today we will play game. I call this hide-and-seek. Some wolf go hide in the cave. Other look for them, win if they find, lose if they don't. You may think, what about the smell? Of wolf? Well, I en..encourage everyone to bathe in the shallow river here. Smell like the cave river, i-impossible to track through smell. She explained, and as if to demonstrate, the little siren slipped herself into the cool shallows. For a moment she submerged her head, shutting her eyes tightly, before pulling out and climbing back onto the grey stone. Her wettened figure revealed her to be even skinnier than she usually appeared, as willowy as a swan's neck.

The empress shook out her fur, possibly splattering some of the closest members with riverwater as well. She grinned at them cheekily. You divide yourself into team- and people who hunt, do not look while hiding people hide. Okay? Once it seemed that everyone understood and had chosen a team, Huā waited for the seekers to turn their eyes away before she raced into the cave with the other hiders. She had to still her wagging tail as she came upon a little nook in the wall, slipping into the spot which was only big enough for a small thing like her- and curling into a tightened ball, poking only her dark ears and glowing eyes beyond to keep watchful.
this might be a big dumpster fire mess but we'll see LOL. basically just try to divide toons evenly in teams, idc if it's a little more on one side, no worries. this isnt a spar so it doesnt hurt anyone no matter who wins/loses, so just try to have fun with it ^^
edit: my dumbass forgot @Astaroth @Aiolos @Minori @Tyche @Ruvik @Oleander @Tzila @Takara @Daiyu 
574 Posts
Ooc — Jay
The siren's call woke Minori from a deep sleep and she blinked slowly into the sunlight as the dreams faded away. With a sigh she rose and stretched out before making her way toward the tunnels and slipping in greeting Hua with a wag of her tail and a smile. As others began to arrive the reason of the call was announced: A game of hide and seek. Surprised Minori looked around to gauge the reactions from the others. Was this normal? Trying not to focus on how long it had been since she'd played anything at all she breathed out and tried not to appear too self conscious as the leader went on to explain the way it was played soaking herself in water and stepping out. Without much time to react she was sprayed with water, one eye squinting shut as a droplet hit it dead on. Rising to her paws she walked toward the stream trying not to smile and stepped into the water, soaking her fur and stepping back out before pointedly looking at Hua and with a mischeivous smile shaking out her fur likely to spray her back in return. "You're on" she said and followed her off turning in a different direction. After a few moments of being stuck on where to hide she found a boulder in the shadows low enough for her to leap onto. She figured if she pressed herself as far back as she could and as flat as possible there was a chance she wouldn't be found with her scent hidden too,
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
Purple= japanese
Bold= english
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos followed the call (after giving @Huojin a lick to his crown) which lead him to The Quiet of their home. He trailed along the salty river which flowed within, opening up to the lake and deadend, wide and open space. Dimly lit, cool and still. That is, until Hua mentioned the little game they were to play, soaking herself in the sea water and shaking about.

Other wolves began following suit, Aiolos which kept him his placement as he watched them, smirk upon his mug. Aiolos never had the opportunity to play games as a child, being an unwanted basterd son. He remembered in his youth watching the others play and secretly, now allowed to so himself, made his chest flutter. Happiness, it was. Pure happiness. 

His lower half folded against the hard and cold rock. His rump up and tail waving like a banner. He waited and then, sprung up, adding in a little jolted hop towards the backside of the cavern. Come out, come out... Wherever you are...!
moonglow daddy
stars cannot shine without darkness
469 Posts
Ooc — Mai
A summoning howl from Hua roused Tzila, who had been resting in the comforting shade of a tree. Slowly, she picked her head up, dark ears twitching. She hadn't been asleep fortunately. The occasional rumbles of nausea and hunger pangs had kept her from getting a sound nights rest as of late. The Empress’s call didn't sound particularly urgent. It sounded...inviting. Figuring that she could use a distraction from the stresses of her pregnancy, Tzila got up and headed to the source of Hua's voice. The Quiet.

When she arrived, only a few other wolves including Hua herself and Minori, plus a firery male she wasn't all that familiar with, were already there. She rose a dark brow, remaining silent as Hua explained the purpose of this little get together. A...game? She hesitated, unaware of what might be showing on her face. Having had less than a perfect childhood, Tzila never indulged in games. She was too focused looking after herself, on toughening up.

But...she supposed she could give this a shot. Slipping into the water, she inhaled a breath, ducking her head underneath, to wash her scent clean from her fur. Emerging to hear the last of Hua's instructions, she had already decided which team she would be on. She smirked to herself. She would hide. She was infamous for her stealth, for her ability to melt into the darkness. Her namesake wasn't just for nothing you know. Taking off silently, she hugged the lines of a far wall where the shadows stretched, reaching a point where the rocky ground dipped into a bowl like impression before her. Here she ducked down into this low-lying hiding spot, crouching in wait, nearly flush against the stone.
91 Posts
Ooc — Lullaby
She was aroused when her lover moved, Pale blue eyes watched as the dark warrior stretched and yawned. After she was done the songbird mimicked her actions, stretching like a luxurious cat after a long nap. She followed close behind as they arrived, the announcement came with a surprise. A game, now this made sense to the woman as she was permitted into this new home with the basis that she was a singer. They were to play hide an seek, a game that she and her late friend @Issun would play as children. It made her smile as she thought of those happier memories before she closed her eyes, she would be a finder like the rich mahogany man beside her. 

She leaned against a rock beside him, her tail too waving like a banner as she began to count with him. "1.... 2.... 3...." She singsonged as the dark women found their hiding locations, "4.... 5.... 6...." She heard splashing, was someone removing their scent? "7..... 8..... 9....." she sang loudly to make sure everyone knew they were close to the end of the counting phase, they had better be hidden."9.... 10......" Oh MInori... "Ready or not! Here I come!" She laughed as she bounced up with Aiolos her tail swaying her eyes sparkling with joy.
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[Image: counselor.gif] 0/5 | [Image: chronicler.gif] 3/5
387 Posts
Ooc —
games had been apart of his life since before he could remember, hide-and-seek being a particular favorite. he'd discovered early on that he preferred seeking rather than hiding, likely due to the same instincts that guided him when hunting any other prey. and so as half of them split off to go hide, he remained with those who would seek.

the rules of the game were familiar to him, and so while the hiders went off to go find their spot, he turned to face the other way while one of his teammates counted down the seconds. the other two seekers seemed overly happy, which only further boosted his own enthusiasm. and so once the time had ended and they were free to seek, astaroth followed after his teammates before splitting off to go search for those waiting to be found.
available for threads
available for sprees
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
round 2! sorry if this post is abit dull :D seekers feel free to include some reasonable powerplay/finding!! :D

Those who arrived were agreeable; some slipped into the playful mood more easily than others. In time they had divided themselves, and so Huā remained in her little hole-in-the-wall. Realizing her ears stood up upon her black head, she flattened them to her skull, trying to blend in with the darkness as much as possible. Even an eye shut- the only remaint of color being the single seaglass eye that peeked over the entrance. Takara, Aiolos, Astaroth- which one would come after her? She snuggled herself into a little ball, focused on keeping as quiet and still as she could, though that blue eye monitored what movement she could see beyond the hole. 
a visual of her hiding place for people like me who think in pictures :D
574 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Not long after she'd managed to get ontop of her hiding place she heard the sound of another in the water, someone else to hide amomgst the tunnels. Then to her delight came a voice singing out, counting down the time teasingly until she'd hunt. Of course Minori knew it was her who would be sought and stifled down a warm laugh, pressing flatter to the stone beneath her ears pinned to her skull. Closing her eyes so they wouldn't catch the light she focused her breathing remembering the stealth training from when her father would train her. A slower heartbeat and calmer mindset would give off less body heat and therefore produce less scent as her fur began to slowly dry out in spots that caught breeze slipping through cracks in the walls. Not gonna be that easy...  She smiled to herself as she waited, cracking open one seafoam eye to peek out beneath her to check on the whereabouts of her beloved huntress actually more excited to be found than at the prospect of winning for once. Of course she expected it to be Takara who hunted her down but she knew there were two others as well seeking, as well as another hiding aside from her and Hua. Raven hued fur helped in this situation as she pressed to the shadows a mischievous sensation giddily rising like when she was just a girl. 
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
Purple= japanese
Bold= english
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
It just so happened that luck was on the hidder's side, given the fact that not only were they in a dark cave, but two of the three wolves happened to be almost all black and the third was a small little thing, capable of slipping into spots others may not. 

His tail waving excitedly, he shot a glance over to his two seeking partners who seemed just as upbeat as he. It was a past time he had never the chance to have and he felt his adrenaline pump from the thrill of it. Hunting down other predators was far different then hunting down prey. 

Aiolos began to sniff around the edges of the cavern's walls, his head mostly remaining low (when he should have been looking up!) as he dipped his muzzle into little cracks and nooks, eyes narrowing in the dim lighting to try and see. For a moment he had thought he saw an eye glisten, but after an exclaimed Ah-Ha! and jumping forth, realized it was but a shimmering reflection of the pretty rocks in the lake. Damn. 

Pressing on, he huffs yet still as his head darted around, nose continuing to try and go to work. Nails clicking on the hard, damp rock and then - AHHH!! He yells out as his foot goes into something far fluffier and softer then the ground. What did he just step on!?! He jerked back as quickly as he stepped, realizing he had just stumbled upon (literally) Tzila's ass.
moonglow daddy
stars cannot shine without darkness
469 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Crouched low, Tzila had been waiting. Pale eyes darting to either side, her ears finely tuned for any approach of others coming close. She desperately wanted to peek up over the rim of the shallow, mini crater in which she had placed herself. Had wanted to let her tail wag in anticipation. But she resisted, knowing she would give herself away.

With baited breath she listened and watched where she could. Only she wasn't expecting a quietly misplaced paw to slip down and press against her posterior. Ears flying upright, with a reeling screech of surprise, she turned around to face Aiolos, her accidental discoverer. Rather than snap at him, her brows crinkled in an expression of mock seriousness, before she broke out into a play bow.
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
wrapping since this is old and some people are ppc'd ^_^

As much as she wished to remain hidden, Huā was quite the impulsive mermaid- and so when there came a short yelp from within the cave, her head popped up further, neck swiveling till she could spot the situation. Aiolos- and someone dark, whom she could not tell from here the specific identity of. Still, she grinned, and soon enough one seeker or another found her. At the end of the day, as silly as the games seemed, the empress thoroughly enjoyed the ability to open up with her packmates and be children again for a day. She could only hope they felt the same.