Wheeling Gull Isle and truth be told, i never was yours
i'm a stitch away from making it
and a scar away from falling apart
66 Posts
Ooc — suledin
Limit Two 
the boy is battered and waterlogged, a limp mess of fur and flesh and bone swatted around by the sea — until finally she tires of him and hurls him upon the shore, abandoning her toy on a lonely stretch of beach with only the moon as witness. that is where the first flicker of consciousness returns to the bruised shell, a brief flash of the porch lights as if to say he was home, but not quite ready to receive anyone yet. he'd gone somewhere else for a moment; he'd felt it, though he doesn't know that now. into death's arms for the briefest kiss, then ripped away at the last moment. he's lucky, though he doesn't feel that way now.
sand-covered and suffocating, the boy's chest heaves. once, twice — and then he's coughing, hacking saltwater into the wet sand around him as the tide recedes. his throat burns, his eyes burn — and suddenly he realizes that's all he can feel. his limbs are numb. a blind, senseless panic seizes him then; he's dead, or going to die, surely. this must be the end. but the water is coming back, he can hear it, and even in his despair he still feels the will to live. summoning the last of his strength, he drags himself further up the sand, until it feels dry and crumbly beneath him. then he collapses, losing consciousness as quickly as he'd found it. with his last thought, he realizes he can't even remember his own name. and then it's dark again.
jaime is extremely expressive; other characters are welcome to notice any emotion referenced in his posts.
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Life on the island had been slow for the past couple of weeks. He spent most of his days breaking driftwood apart, by Hide’s side, or just wandering around on his own.

Orochi was on the shore again that day when he saw something wash up on the beach. More wood, he thought as he approached. Good. The other pieces had been reduced to shreds at this point. 

As he got closer however, he realized this ocean trash was covered in fur. Another washed up wolf? Orochi snarled. At least he wasn’t a nightwalker like last time. The yearling would have to kill him if that were the case.

Even though Orochi wouldn’t kill him, that didn’t mean he was in the clear. Unconscious or not, he’s still trespassing. He contemplated throwing him back in the ocean, but knowing his luck he’d probably be caught and scolded. He’d play nice for now.

He extended a paw and prodded the wolf. Wake up, he growled.
i'm a stitch away from making it
and a scar away from falling apart
66 Posts
Ooc — suledin
his second awakening is not quite as rude — but almost. after a moment, the prodding brings him back to consciousness with a start. immediately he starts to cough and heave again, expelling the last of the saltwater from his lungs. and then he realizes he can feel everything again; the ache in his head, the sharp pain in his ribs, the painfully odd angle of the leg he'd broken before. in short, he's fucked up; more than he's ever been. worse, he isn't dead.
that'd been his intention.
who — another coughing fit interrupts him as he looks up, attempting to see whoever or whatever was prodding him. but the pain in his head worsens when he tries to focus, and with his lungs burning, it's just too much to bear. so he trains his gaze on the ground and tries to focus on breathing; anything else would hurt too much.
jaime is extremely expressive; other characters are welcome to notice any emotion referenced in his posts.
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Never far was the red man from the shores of his home, least while he was on the island which he now governed. If not, he strode the sands of the mainland in where his scouting took into play. Today he was home, guarding and in doing so, making sure those who claimed themselves as guardians and warriors were doing the same. The Dragon Heights which encompassed the forestry of their home he often did not stray, thus, it did not take him long to come across Orochi and the broken down mess of salt and fur which laid at his feet.

Quickening his pace, Aiolos' woofed out towards them, hoping to gain Orochi's attention. He was, after all, their head Mercenary once more (though Aiolos had preferred Minori) and could only suspect he would be adamant to interrogate the wolf who laid well onto the sands of their territory. Sea must have decided he should live. Aiolos spoke as he slowed once nearing the pair. Eyes passed over the yearling-a long mess of tangled furs over a slim and delicate frame, be in from hunger or his natural physique. Either way, he was not a rather large wolf. Maybe we should get him looked at before we place judgment on him? After all, it did not at all look as though he had meant to trespass onto their shores. Either way, the Sea Mother had washed him up here and Aiolos had every intention of knowing as to why that was.

After another moment of amber eyes shifting between the little trespasser and Orochi, Aiolos lifted his muzzle upwards to call out for @Natshana. He did not know if she were near, though she was the only one he knew certain who knew a thing or two when it came to mending those in needing of aid. Mostly, it looked like the boy needed some rest and recovery. Still, having him looked over couldn’t do him any harm, should the wave and rocks battered him something fiercely.
moonglow daddy
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
wc: 192

He wasn’t dead now, but he probably would be soon. If he didn’t manage to choke on the sea water, Orochi would make him choke on his own blood. It’s what he deserved for lying around on Yuèlóng’s beach.

His sentence was cut off by both his coughing and the general’s growl. No. Who are you, and why are you on my beach? Orochi was looking for a quick answer. It’s only a matter of time before his patience ran thin and he starts using his teeth.

It’s this wash-up’s lucky day. Aiolos ran up to his side before the yearling could even take another step forward. Orochi wasn’t pleased with his peaceful approach. 

Why can’t we just throw him back in the ocean? He’s practically dead anyways. His eyes returned to heap of fur. He wasn’t even able to lift his damn head head! There’s no saving that.

But nevermind all that. Aiolos was already calling someone, much to Orochi’s displeasure. Fine, go on and help out a corpse. I got better shit to do. With that he spun around and headed back inland, gritting his teeth as he did so.
she was a forest fire by design
68 Posts
Ooc — vae
She is working in her stores when she hears the summons.  Lifting her head, one of her ears twitches as she takes a half-second to recognize the wolf who calls for her.  It sounds like the Emperor.  Regardless, she rises to stand, her jaws empty as she lopes toward the direction of the howl.  She has no way of knowing what the leader requires of her; therefore, she brings nothing with her.  

The first wolf she sees is an unfamiliar, retreating form.  Her eyes briefly track the shape of Orochi.  She hasn't met him before, yet she intends to - at least - remember his image.  The second detail she discovers involves Aiolos hovering over the limp form of yet another stranger.  She considers that this may be the reason she's been summoned.  Slowing her run seamlessly into a light trot, she arrives at the Emperor's side.  Her gaze washes over the waterlogged wolf at their paws, not unlike the moon which pulls the tides to ebb and flow.

"You have called," she greets one half of the leading pair with a bob of her head.  Natshana does not waste time looking to Aiolos for clarification (assuming he'll give it, if necessary); already, she is leaning down to sniff what the sea has brought in.  Her immediate thought is a near-drowning has occurred.  She begins to sniff down the length of his body until she chances upon his awkward leg. "It appears broken -- but old," the apothecary points out the terrible angle of the limb. "Can you speak?" her voice rises in volume as she talks directly to the drenched wolf. "What hurts?"
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Gonna move this forward, since Jamie unfortunately went inactive...

The Greek's muzzle fell from it's call, focusing yet then once more on their guard with hardened expression. I'd hope if you ever find yourself in danger, no one decides to do the same to you. He spoke, a growl edging his voice in warning as he takes one more single step into Orochi's direction. It would be a cold day in hell should Aiolos ever act in such a manner to a lady of his own, like Hua for instance, but a man was another thing. A man for the longest time was nothing but a challenge and Orochi here was showing it as to be still so. 

Be it as it may. The three footed man headed off, unhappy with the allowance of the wolf on their sands. Perhaps it would be all for naught. The mess of fur and salt would recover and leave. Perhaps however, he would become an asset to the ranks after all. 

Natshana comes then, a light woman with subtle brown points. He nods to her question and juts his nose to the boy as a silent 'go for it' to allow her to do her work. He takes a step back and sits down on the sands, watching curiously all the while. It was obvious he had been washed up here, of course, but all what the youth had gone through prior was up in the air lest they could get him conscious. I dont know if water still fills his lungs... He murmured, knowing a way to help push it out, but it did not always work out.
moonglow daddy
i'm a stitch away from making it
and a scar away from falling apart
66 Posts
Ooc — suledin
a different voice, this time — several, though he doesn't understand any of it until a feminine voice rises to address him. he stirs again, looking up, blinking unfocused eyes as he tries to see whoever is addressing him. all he sees is blurs of light and color. um... he coughs, shifting, trying to stand. the effort is futile, of course. everything? that's probably not a good answer. he tries again, voice tight with pain and stress. my chest... my leg. my head. that's all, right? i feel — another hacking cough. like i was caught in a stampede.
jaime is extremely expressive; other characters are welcome to notice any emotion referenced in his posts.
she was a forest fire by design
68 Posts
Ooc — vae
though natshana doesn't have much experience by ways of the sea, she has seen her fair share of drownings by lakes and rivers. heeding the emperor's concerns, she focuses her attention back to jaime. "i am natshana. lie still; do not try to get up," she orders him without any hesitation, bearing no qualms about taking control of the situation. he is her patient, and she is the attending healer. in this moment, even aiolos is second to her. "so long as he speaks, he has a chance," she explains to the leader at her side. "your airway is not obstructed but you may yet need to be monitored for any lingering water. i will need you in to stay in my den for observation," she leans down to hold her ear near his mouth. for several ticks, she listens to try to ascertain if she hears any signs of fluid in his breaths. after some time, she lifts her head and allows her eyes to travel down jaime's body. 

"take a deep breath for me -- in, and hold; out, and hold," she instructs jaime, waiting for him to do so before she makes her final assessment. "leader aiolos, i will need your assistance in taking him farther inland. he is too weak to make the trek to my den. yet, with some care, i believe he may be ready within a day or two." natshana spoke to aiolos frankly, while her eyes devoted half of their time to keep watch over jaime.
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
The little young wolf spoke then, saying that everything hurt and then deciding to elaborate. Having been tossed and thrown around within the ocean tides until winding up on their shores it was quite believable that everything hurt. The Sea was a powerful force. Water was a powerful force, more so then any element in his opinion for it was able to strip away at rock, extinguish flames, rush through in floods and take out every tree and limb in its path if it so chose. It was why they both loved the waters and respected it.

Downward his ears turned down at the mentioning of a stampede and his fiery attention shifted from the man and onto their working medic. He feels, though unspoken, just as she-it is she who ruled in this moment and he would be at her command if he was so needed in order to do her job correctly. It was true that he had such a chance, while he was able to speak. It would mean his lungs were not filled with water, that he was still able to breathe.

He watches, patiently, silently, for her verdict and she thinks so that he would make it. Time would tell if he would be of any use to their ranks for their efforts, though should he choose to stay or leave, Aiolos' conscience would be clear that he had done the right thing. Lowering down so that his torso touched the earth and his limbs bent at his sides, he directed, Try to get onto my back. Legs onto either side, bite onto my scruff for stability. Natshana will help you. The Greek assured, awaiting for the weight at his back and to be lead to their medic's quarters.
moonglow daddy
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
(Vague is vague)... Settling the injured wolf onto the earthen floor in the deeper parts of his home, Aiolos steps back and sits for a time, watching the pack's healer at work. After a time he would leave, allowing the stranger at their border to rest and, possible new member of their ranks.
moonglow daddy