Ouroboros Spine The city of the moon
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
Large rocks rose from the earth and formed a gate around the marked location of a wolf pack, or so the warrior could infer from the scents that were placed around the territory in strategic locations.

Their numbers did not seem lacking. Foxfur had not scented the princeling there, but he understood the importance of sharing word. There was a fine chance that one of the guardians of the mountain had seen the dark boy. There were too many scent markers for the seer to have gone unnoticed.

Drawing to the border of the claimed territory, calculating the terrain with a narrow eye and a twitch of his whiskers, Foxfur called to the residents and bid a small meeting at their border.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,273 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
It was Kigipigak's work ethic that would stave off the worst of his emotions. Giving him something to practice rather than give in to the thoughts of Sakhmet, the plateau, and whatever path that future would have lead him down. He was here now, within the village of Moonglow, and he had work to do.

It would take time for him to learn all that he could of Moonglow. He knew of the healing ulax and not much else. The outer limits called to him this day, so it was with a focused sprint he ran the paths upon the outskirts.

A call rang out an hour in to his patrol. It sounded sharp against the rocks, echoing from some distance away. Kigipigak moved to intercept whoever it was; but when he neared the area he saw a copper coat with dark marks, and bristled, thinking it was a young and foolish fox venturing too close.

The creature was somehow larger than a fox, and upon further observation only the face held warm tones. Kigipigak did not know what to make of them yet - but he chuffed, testing the creature for a response.
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The wait was filled with air that ruffled the warrior’s coat and carried fragrances that he had never smelled before. The numbers within the pack were strong, from what he could catch at the edge of their claim. That was not counting any youth who may have been tucked into a safer part of the territory.

When a member of the group did approach at the border, Foxfur regarded him with a shrewd squint of his brown eyes. The man was large, brutish in his build, scars had ripped open his flesh and healed over pink. He walked in a cloak of pale fur and issued a chuff of greeting.

Good day, white warrior. I am Foxfur of the Starsea. The weary figure bowed his head slightly, unwilling to bend so low that he removed his eye from the stranger.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,273 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
I greet you, Foxfur of the Starsea. Kigipigak relayed in response, his tone a little bit more serious than usual. He did not know this person nor where they hailed from. He did not know why they lingered so near the village. Knowing that Kukutux had recently given birth to her daughters was reason enough for Kigipigak to be on-edge. He was adamant about the protection of her land, as she was kin.

You approach the village of Moonglow. He said as he watched the young man, noting the respectful manner of their posture and the shrewd warrior's gaze, which never left Kigipigak's face. What troubles you? There did seem to be something weathered about the stranger — then again, Kigipigak knew what it was like to range far without a home.
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Well, that was that, the warrior thought to himself after receiving the pale man’s verbal greeting. There was no name offered to the wolf of Starsea, nothing more than a formal acceptance of what had been offered. This was the way of some wolves.

The claimed territory was one called Moonglow. A name that might have reminded the traveler of his home, were his sights not set on larger things.

A fine claim, Foxfur stated plainly, nodding to the rocky borders. I seek a runaway boy. Dark and slight, will call himself Crowfeather. The warrior’s brown gaze sought the pale figure’s. Foxfur did not seek to harm or steal, only to gather information on a lost prize.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,273 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
In the mere days since Kigipigak had been given full access to the village, he had not taken it upon himself to learn of each wolf that lived within. He knew of the leadership and of some names, some scents in passing, and not much else. There had not appeared to be a proper hunting party; the men were scattered to odd jobs, but perhaps among them was the wolf that this one asked for.

As it stood in that moment, Kigipigak was ill-equipped to answer. He thought about calling for someone to make up for his ignorance, and thought immediately of Kukutux, who was bedridden; then of @Aiolos, who was likely keeping watch over his new daughters and his wife. The only other name that came to mind was that of @Sialuk who Kukutux had spoken of often enough with him.

I do not recognize that name, but, perhaps someone else might. Let me call for them. He turned his attention inward to the heart of the village and lifted his head to make a brief summoning call for the eldest daughter. Once the sound faded he looked to the warrior, the serious nature of his expression having softened somewhat. Kigipigak knew what it was like to be searching for someone lost.

If anyone would know, it is the one I call for.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
A voice, one anaa told her was "Kigipigak" rang for her presence. Sialuk was loathe to leave her mother's side, but she knew it was part of her duty as star of this pack. Kissing the twins gently on their foreheads before she departed, Sialuk made haste to the epicenter of the call.

Before her was a rather stunningly visual creature, and the one she assumed was Kigipigak based on @Kukutux's description. He was large, whitish silver, and had yellow eyes. Neither of the two were difficult to look at, and Sialuk felt a tingle in her belly when she arrived.

I greet you, she said when their ears were close enough for her voice to reach them. You are Kigipigak, yes? she said, asking the large silvery-white wolf.

And how are you named? she asked the other. He looked to be both fire and earth wrapped into one. It was intriguing. Sialuk knew her mother would have thought of a clever name for him, but the star did not possess such an ability.

Above, Sixsix circled high in the sky, observing the world from another perspective.
Atkan Aleut
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The snowy brute made a comment that he did not recognize the name that was offered. The warrior cursed within his mind, regretting his decision to chase after the young seer. Was it worth his time to trek across each foreign land to find the boy?

Not all hope was lost, however. The pale man stated that he would call out to someone who might know of the missing Starsea member. Foxfur nodded his head in appreciation. He had not anticipated that the stoic border-watcher would go beyond their basic conversation. The red-masked wolf shifted slightly and waited with the larger male in silence.

A female approached, young, pale as the surface of a glimmering moon. She was formal with her greeting. Foxfur bowed his head and blinked slowly to the yearling.

I am Foxfur, a warrior of Starsea. I have been sent to retrieve a member of our clan. He is a dark boy, and he is called Crowfeather. Have you seen any matching his description? the weary warrior asked of the young woman with a bowed head.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,273 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
In short order the girl arrived. She looked to Kigipigak first, and he gave her a cursory once-over before nodding, confirming his name. The visitor was quick to repeat what had been said before — and then Kigipigak followed up himself.

I was not sure if this Crowfeather was one of your kin, or perhaps someone who had visited before my time. Is it someone familiar? There was a thin hope within Kigipigak, as he wanted very much for this man to find whom they sought, and somehow live vicariously through that triumph. Perhaps if there was good fortune for one, there would be good fortune for others - himself, specifically.

Otherwise, Kigipigak was silent. He waited to see what Sialuk had to say.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
He addressed her, introducing himself and putting forth his purpose. His name in particular was fitting, as was the boy's name he searched for, based on the short description. She imagined the wayward child looked much like her Sixsix in wolf form. Sadly, none of the names he mentioned were familiar to her ears, nor was the simple description that was given.

Sialuk shook her head.

This Crowfeather is not of Moonglow, Sialuk said, nor have I seen a boy with a crow's cloak about him. She wished that she could have given him more, but there was nothing she could do to help.

If he does come to Moonglow, shall I tell him that Foxfur of Starsea seeks him? Sometimes, knowing that one was being sought could scare them away. Perhaps this Crowfeather was one such creature.
Atkan Aleut
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It would have been far too easy for Foxfur to have located the princeling at the first pack he reached. Nevertheless, the warrior felt a sweeping sense of disappointment at the news that Crowfeather had not met them or joined their ranks. The young woman was kind enough to offer to notify the dark boy if she should see him.

To this, Foxfur shook his head. The warrior hoped that she would understand.

I’m afraid if you told him, he’d only seek to hide further than he has already. The tired figure offered the woman and her pale guard a respectful bow. You have been kind to offer, though. If you would not mind howling if you should meet him. I would be appreciative, he said to the Moonglow leader.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,273 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Sorry for the wait!

It was not a resolution that Kigipigak would have been happy with, had he been searching for someone. He had met resistance from others during his own search for Sakhmet and knew the keen sense of disappointment that accompanied the denial; no, this Crowfeather was not among the village number; no, they could not be found here.

He looked to the visitor next, listening, watching. Kigipigak had nothing he could say, though he was attentive to the conversation between the fox-man and Sialuk.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Foxfur explained what she had feared: the boy was not only on the run, but possibly afraid of being found. She nodded in understanding and agreement to the terms, wishing she could do more to help.

My eyes will search for him, and my voice will sing for you if he comes this way, she said. Sialuk realized she had not given her own name, though she was quick to correct her mistake.

I am called Sialuk, Ulloriaq, beta of Moonglow. A sudden sweep of self-consciousness overcame her, an uncommon emotion in her, and she struggled to press it down. She wished to sweep herself away and hide from these men, her inner voice telling her she was speaking too highly of herself. This Foxfur did not care of her title; he was seeking a child.

I do not wish to keep you from your search, she said, the words flowing more quickly than the others had.
Atkan Aleut
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The pale girl was kind in her answer. She offered to call for Foxfur if she should happen across the runaway prince. The warrior displayed his graciousness in a bow for both the young leader and her large pale guard.

It was something, Foxfur had to remind himself. The wolves of the Moonglow clan were willing to alert him if Crowfeather was seen around their claim. This would mean that the hunter did not need to return to their borders unless he was summoned. For that, Foxfur did not mind. He would gladly travel the entire stretch of unknown land if it meant his job had been completed.

Sialuk, Ulloriaq of Moonglow, I thank you most sincerely, the warrior offered to her. A small nod was provided to the silent male before Foxfur turned to depart from their lands and to continue his hunt.