Redhawk Caldera a s j a
146 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
She didn’t run away on purpose. Eager to explore and oblivious to the danger, Silktail frolicked into the wilderness in search of adventure. She forayed further and further from her family’s most recent rendezvous point, barely sparing a thought for how worried her parents would be when they returned from their hunt to discover their daughter had disappeared.

Giggling under her breath, the wayward puppy gave chase to a rabbit, which easily gave her the slip. After catching her breath, Silktail looked around and clapped eyes upon a small mountain in the distance. She trotted toward it, slowing a little when she came across the scent of wolves.

She finally thought of her mom, dad and brother. Silktail came to a stop and turned to look over her shoulder, as if she might see her small family off in the distance, despite the hours and miles she had traveled. Blowing a raspberry, she took a few steps back in that direction before halting again to rub sleepily at her eyes.
Ani suffers from a condition visually comparable to cerebellar hypoplasia. For a visual reference, check out this video.
63 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bluejay could hardly let his siblings have all of the fun, could he!?

Giggling like a small madman, Jay ran from the sound of his mom's exasperated threats to come back.  He knew they were empty and, besides... that was future Jay's problem.  Current Jay was having a blast playing "keep away from the adults".  Right now he was winning.

He didn't realize he'd come so far until he saw the strange wolf.  This must be the strange wolf place Deedee talked about!!  Cept... this strange wolf wasn't scary!  He didn't need to bark at someone his size, at least, he didn't think so.

Who're you?!  Bluejay bounded towards them but pulled up short when he hit the scent of wolf.  Something told him if he crossed it he'd be in actual trouble.... so he stayed on his side, looking at Silktail with open curiosity.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tag for ref or to join! <3

somehow she felt better with each day.
maybe it was reyes. maybe it was being away from the lake. either way, teya decided not to question the feeling.
she had @Sorana with her today. they frolicked. her laughter was clear and often in the hours they spent together. and then the scent on the wind caught teya, and turned her businesslike once more.
she trotted toward the border, tempering her speed for the pirate queen.
little jay was there. the raven chuffed to him, tail swaying as she looked over their small visitor. she couldn't have been much older than the babies of brecheliant. something in teya softened. "where mama? daddy?" she inquired, attempting to use language that the child might understand.
95 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Life was better away from the island. Sorana didn't know why that was; mama and daddy didn't fight as often, or if they did, it wasn't confined to a small area where she could overhear it. The lake was a looming black blemish on her consciousness, but if she closed her eyes and played pretend, she could almost forget it was there.

She could never forget the feeling or the fear, but if she played pretend, then life was good.

Sora streaked after Teya, bounding through brush and clearing with the vigour of a young fawn. Once, an unfamiliar smell tickled her nostrils and she paused to tip her nose up into the breeze. That must be what Teya was heading toward, Sora decided.

Sensing the time for frolicking was past, she trotted along more somberly, at least until she caught sight of Jay. Sora rushed to her friend's side, jostling against him in her haste to mouth at his cheek, and only looked around to notice the stranger when Teya began to speak.

Her eyes on Silktail were large and round. She made a questioning, crooning sound in her throat.
146 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She heard footsteps pattering her way and turned, blinking her suddenly droopy eyes at the figure bounding toward her. Silktail had never met a stranger, so she immediately beamed at the newcomer.

Shenanigans! she shouted, which was not only her current favorite word but the only one she’d uttered repeatedly this past week (perhaps her parents and Waxwing wouldn’t miss that…).

Before she could further acquaint with her fellow pup, two additional figures approached. Silktail’s whole rear end wagged as she beheld the pair, her ears twitching at the adult’s inquiry.

I denno, she said with a careless shrug, right before grinning at her two new playmates and bouncing toward them with a playful bark that quickly morphed into a dramatic yawn.
Ani suffers from a condition visually comparable to cerebellar hypoplasia. For a visual reference, check out this video.
63 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bluejay wasn't thrilled when Teya burst on the scene because now that she was here, he'd lost the game!  He forgot that completely as soon as he noticed she was followed by Sorana.  ANAAAAA!! He giggled and put a paw on her back so that he could reach to nip a time or two at her ears.

That was a weird name.  Shenana a,  he repeated it as best he could as he eyed her, but his tail wagged because she seemed friendly!  But Bluejay was at the stranger place and Sorana was here, so instead of bouncing to play too, he kept close to his friend.  Maybe she'd be scared like Chickadee was.  She didn't have to be if he was here!

But he did want to play.... and he shifted his paws as she bounced in.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
sorana was cautious. jay was exuberant. his energy was matched by this young gril who had turned upon on their borders. teya licked her jaws and looked around. she put her muzzle close to the child as she romped, searching for the scent of pack or parent.
"what your name?" she asked, trying again to glean any identifying information from the little one. she couldn't very well leave her out here, but eljay and maia must be consulted before they made any permanent moves.
for now she watched over the three pups, beginning to guide them away from the border, deeper into brecheliant.
95 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Sorana giggled and ducked down at the feeling of Jay's breath on her ears. It was tickly and warm! She didn't forget about Shenanigans, though, to whom her eyes remained glued. Jay tried her name on for size, and Sora couldn't resist trying herself: shenagana?

Truth be told, Sora was a little worried about being here. Her friends had told her all about the big stranger on the borders and all the adults showing up. Well, not all of them, but a lot of them! It was enough to caution her from approaching them herself, but she reminded herself that she and Jay weren't here alone. Mama was here, so it had to be safe, right? Besides, Shenanigans didn't seem that scary.

Sora skittered back a little when the strange puppy bounced forward, then let out a burst of laughter and kicked a pinecone playfully toward the other girl.
146 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Her mouth clapped shut right around the time the pinecone hit her square in the chest. It didn’t hurt, though Silktail suddenly sat back on her haunches and clutched her forepaws against her small chest. She let out a dramatic wail, which quickly tapered off into giggles.

The adult asked about her name and Silktail shouted by rote, Shenanigans! She! Nan! Igans!

Now she scooped up the pinecone and batted it toward the gray boy, hopeful for a rousing game of soccer, even as a second yawn split her jaws apart. Her whole body shook with the force of it, all the way to the tip of her wiggling tail.
Ani suffers from a condition visually comparable to cerebellar hypoplasia. For a visual reference, check out this video.
63 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He couldn't get the name right and gave up as soon as the pine cone flew his way.  Rather than kick it back he lunged for it, missed catching, and snatched it up anyway.  Then he took off, tail whirring, towards home and further into the territory.

They would have to chase to get it!  This was totally his win right now! 

can potentially be my last if he isn't stopped!
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
can be my last too! <3

that was it. teya did not have time to think about things. sorana was laughing and then jay was running, and there was a pinecone. "sorana," she chuffed to her daughter. "and you, come with me." she motioned to the new pup, nudging her along after jay. 
teya rushed the two after the boy, keeping him in sight. and the next wolf she found would be assigned babysitter to their new little guest, at least until she could consult her co-leaders.
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95 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
SHE! NA! NAGA! NIN! Sorana crowed, losing control of her tongue halfway through so by the end of it, she was spouting nonsense. Jay swooped in and stole the pinecone right out from under the two girls, earning a loud admonishment from Sora: JAAAAY!

That was her pinecone! Or, well, she supposed it was Shenanaganinaginsin's pinecone now, since she had kicked it to her, which definitely transferred ownership. She was about to rocket after the boy when Teya summoned her attention with her name, but when she looked back and nothing immediately happened, Sorana glanced at Shenannigananina and then took off after her friend with a holler of, JAAAAY, GET BACK HERE!
146 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Wrapping for us!

Her jaws snapped shut with a loud click! when the little boy nabbed the pinecone and ran off with it, only to reopen as she prepared to shout something playfully indignant after him. But the other young girl beat her to it. Silktail’s eyes flew wide and she giggled merrily at her loud exclamations.

The adult nudged her to come along with them. She nodded eagerly and did as she was told, bounding after the other retreating youngsters, a tired but cheerful hey! accompanying every bounce.
Ani suffers from a condition visually comparable to cerebellar hypoplasia. For a visual reference, check out this video.