Deepwood Weald Little weasels with tails of white
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Snow was coming to the territory. The weasels and ermine were mostly white now, so with those thoughts in mind. Rodyn headed towards the gigantic forest, where his once friend had lived and loved. He wondered after Astraios often, hoping that the male was happy and healthy wherever he maybe.

Ro sighed softly and followed the grooves in the ground, eyes on the horizon. Nose to the ground. There were many tiny furred creatures here, and he would have what he needed. Two were fairly easy to roust. They hung from his shoulders like a bloody coat of winter.

He briefly wondered if @Heph was near. It would be nice to have another on such a hunting trip as this. He couldn't wait to gather all he needed for the bride price. He was so close. Everything, but the ermine were packed away, nicely. He had even wrestled with Aiolos.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Though winter had not fully gripped the wilderness its cold still settled over it with a chill that Heph found pleasant. While she was looking forward to setting out she was finding the activity of exploring around the area enjoyable as well, there were plenty of secrets to be found through more careful inspection after all and the added benefit of lingering in one place was occasionally running into those acquaintances who also seemed to remain tied to a specific place even if their tether was rather long.

When she sensed the presence of Rodyn she smiled and altered her path, keeping her steps quiet in case he was on a hunt but curious to see him once again. For conversation if nothing else, but perhaps the ermines had shed their summer coats and would be able to provide him the pelts that he needed and her a meal if they were both lucky. "Rodyn, what a sight for sore eyes." When she finally recognized his pelt in her field of vision she called out to him, there was a wide openness to her laugh as her maw stretched over the words that belied the joke but she was genuinely glad to have run across him.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Winter was coming. The first snowfall had already begun. It had left cold and a little bit of pain in its wake as you drew the air into your lungs. Rodyn didn't mind overly much, his winter pelt had grown in nicely and he had a warm place to lay his head at night. And he was back where he liked to be, the wolves he liked to be around.

Rodyn felt that sixth sense of someone coming and he lifted his head to look around. The bloody ermine hung from his shoulders. The voice that met his ears, brought a smile to his jawline and he wuffed in return.

Why hello Heph!

His tail wagged and he stood waiting or her to make it to his side. I'm hunting ermine today, already caught two. A snack for you and I. Maybe more if we can roust them.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph was glad to see Rodyn looked well and he had already had some success. But the other wolf always seemed ready enough to hunt with her and she was glad for the company and skill that accompanied his presence. Her tone was almost playful but there was some small amount of seriousness that underscored that she was genuinely looking forward to seeing what could be found. "Well then let's see how many more are unlucky enough to be about." Heph grinned in turn and then let her head move about in a search for the strongest scents. The location was indeed a good one for hunting the small creatures plenty of places to make dens and she thought she might have spotted some running water a decent distance away, but close enough that they would have access to freshwater. With those overlapping trails of scent it took her a moment before she recognized a pair that seemed stronger than the others and leading to a location that was close by. Her tail wagging in anticipation she tilted her head in the direction and began a quiet stalk in that direction, trying to better refine her understanding of her prey's position as she neared them.

sorry for the late reply my muse is struggling a bit >.<
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn enjoyed hunting. Enjoyed the feel of the ground. Winter was coming, but it didn't feel bad, as of yet.

Rodyn gave a soft smile. Let's

He followed behind her, nose to the ground. Heph seemed to find it pretty quickly. Her boy was low in hunter's crouch. He chuffed and snorted and then quickly moved into action. There was a movement in his peripheal and he had two snapped up and shaken. Dripping from his maw, he grinned and threw them over his shoulder.

He would see if Heph would have as much luck.

No worries darling <3
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph grinned as she heard Rodyn fall into step along the same path, though she was not able to hear his pawsteps for long as he sought to conceal them and she herself was quiet as well so as not to disturb the hunt. She thought she heard the skitter of tiny paws but they were closer to him and instead she turned her attention to the faint smell and the hint of steps along with the fresh scent that she detected further along. Taking a few paces in that direction she barely had time to catch them in her sights before she lunged, crushing one in her jaws neatly while pinning the other with a paw that came down heavy on the earth. She winced at the slowness of that second kill but shook the creature's from its head so that its neck snapped quickly and it did not suffer long. The third one that she had heard just another lunge away had escaped. Picking both up by their heads gently in her maw and turned around grinning around her prey to reconvene with Rodyn.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Heph separated from him, but he admired that about her. They could easily fit into a routine the two of them. He actually wished she would hunt with all of moonglow during their caribou hunts. He felt she would do well. He wondered at that. He studied her as she came nearer.

Upon her shoulders were two just as he and he grinned.

We always do well when we hunt together. Thank you for that Heph.

He tilted his neck and watched as snow fell from the sky to land upon teh ground. A gentle dusting easily and quickly melted, but it was there all the same. Winter was upon them now.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph grinned at the compliment, she quite enjoyed hunting with Rodyn whether they were more cooperative or simply shared in the hunting grounds. She slung the ermine down, careful not to let their pelts become too crushed at the motion and let her smile speak for how she felt about his company "Thank you as well, it's always a pleasure." She sat and shifted a bit, curious after him and how the first snowfall had treated him. "How have you been? Wrestled the sun yet? Collected everything?" There was a slight teasing tone to her voice, but she did hope that he fared well in his journey to prove himself, seeing as she thought him a capable hunter and wolf in general.

She watched the snow fall and her smile softened. It was about time to head off, and she was excited. Although it was in a way bittersweet, if Rodyn settled within his pack's borders for the winter and Dreven and Atka did not travel then she would have to wait until her journey took her back to see them. But she wanted to see if the ocean would freeze over, it was water after all, and the mountain she had spotted to the north but had not chanced to climb. Perhaps more if it revealed itself to her.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The huntress grinned at his compliment and he was glad for it. He enjoyed hunting with her as well. She was one of the best hunters he had ever had the pleasure of journeying with and he hoped as Winter turned to spring, he could have more hunting trips with her. Though he also knew that other things would take precedence come spring for everyone.

I've been well. Busy. I became first hunter which means I am in a high place of honor in my pack. I have wrestled Sun man and gathered everything, but these. The weasels are the last part to my proof. How about you? Did your friends like their pelt?

He studied the snow too. The pretty white snowflakes landing on the two of them. It was always a time of deep change when winter came. Everything seemed so still. Rodyn didn't quite know how to explain it.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph's tail wagged at the news, subconsciously glad to hear it although it made its way to her awareness. "Congratulations on both fronts!" Her words held a genuine warmth but she could not help tipping her nose down in a teasing huff of laughter as she added "It's an honor for you pack as well to have such a hunter leading them - should I start calling you sunrise, or if you're the head hunter maybe a man of sunset is a better?" After all there was a certain way in which the end of life could be likened to the end of a day.

She switched to answering his own questions easily, glad to have good news to report. "They did. Hopefully, it'll serve them well and they don't wear it out spending all winter in bed." There was a humor-laced bark that punctuated those words, after all she was hardly ignorant of what Dreven and Atka also got around to, but if they chose to wear out the pelt doing that she supposed she'd have to get them another just so that she would have an excuse to see them again and never let them hear the end of it.

Her mind turned over what she had been up to, but nothing was quite as momentous as those events, but she remembered the meeting she had had awhile ago and had not thought of previously. But now, there, something familiar in Rodyn's scent, or his pack's, made her mind turn to the lanky she-wolf she had met prior. It may have been her imagination but she thought that his pack was nearby and the she-wolf had been looking for a village so it did not seem impossible although she had not put the puzzle pieces together then - if she had she might have asked if she should take her to Moonglow's borders. "I think I might've met someone who you might know in Neverwinter forest looking for a wolf named Lótë - a white she-wolf with what looks like a splash of firelight on her face and ears?" Her voice was bright as it tipped over the question, she did not really expect Rodyn to know the wolf but it would be an interesting possibility if so, and she was curious if the other canine had been okay following her slight panic at losing her way.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn gave a soft heh noise and bowed his head, shyly. Thank you.

At her jest he laughed outright and shook his head. You may call me whatever you wish. Both of those options are kind enough.

Heph was happy, glad to see him. Was kind and friendly. He was glad she was his friend.

At her inference, he coughed gently. Unsure what to say. He wasn't entirely ignorant when it came to such things, but he was not one who had emulated such things before. With the exception of that one very embarrassing moment, he preferred to ignore.

It sounds as if they are passionate about each other at any rate. Unless they just do that all around with anyone.

He didn't wish to think on that.

Rodyn sighed. Thinking it sounded like CallyopeThat Sounds like it is moon girl, Callyope. She takes separation very hard. Lote was like a second mother to her.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph tilted her head, his observation made sense as the she-wolf had seemed rather in distress. She hoped that if the separation sounded as set as it was that she would be able to recover from that. The one loss that Heph had not had control over in her life had left its own marks on her though, of course, she had not reacted in the exact same way as any of her family had to losing a brother and a son. But it was not quite fair to compare circumstances at any rate. Her voice was open but warm, she supposed if she saw Callyope later the other wolf might tell her more, but they had only met once so it was hardly Heph's business even if she did wish her well. "Ahhh well I hope she's well, she seemed friendly for someone who was shaken as you say." There was a slight smile but it lacked the edge of laughter, since she supposed that the other wolf had not acted that rashly or lashed out as much as she might have or Heph had encountered prior if she had been more than simply just a little turned around. The cutting words of some other wolves echoed in her head, their blows too though she had always been better at avoiding those.

She laughed outright, at Rodyn's response. He seemed much more the gentleman and unwilling to engage in such ribald humor although he understood it well enough and she had to appreciate that as well. She could not help adding a little bit more, breathless with the incongruous way he used such elocution to describe what she generally would have considered Atka and Dreven being driven by something less refined. "Well I'm not sure they're that shameless but I suppose it's the season for it." But she turned the conversation to other things so they need not linger on it since it did seem to be something that he would not enjoy and while she could appreciate a good exchange of words she wanted the wolf in front of her to likewise enjoy her company. "I think spring would have to be my favorite time of year, but I like winter well enough?" There was a slight question at the end, an upturn in the turn of her voice. Talking about the weather was incredibly tame but she found the movement of the seasons to hold a certain relevance to her - it dictated certain rhythms to the lives of wanderers and pack wolves alike.

Really sorry, heads up/explanation for gaps in replies about the next two weeks being increasingly hectic on my end (grad school apps + a lot of extra work before the holidays)
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled sadly. Callyope was not one to lash out, or fight back. She was a silent wolf. Preferring to turn her hurt inward. It saddened the russet boy who hoped to call her sister in law some day. And he hoped she'd learn to share more of herself with others eventually.

Callyope would treat all with friendliness. She is a gentle soul, preferring to show a happy face to the world. She sings wonderfully too. Perhaps you and she can sing sometime. If you like it and you see her again.

Rodyn cracked a smile, a low chuckle in his throat. Just because he didn't rib others back or joke in such a manner, didn't mean that he didn't find it as funny as the next wolf. It sounded as if this Dreven and Atka were an interesting pair. Good for them, for finding something in this world, if it was what they wanted.

Her next open ended question drew him pause and he had to think about it. What season. He liked Spring well enough, but Autumn was a favorite for the nostalgia it invoked.

I prefer Autumn. But that is more nostalgia than anything. Where we grew up our father called us his Autumn wolves for our coloring. And when I think of Fall I think of them.

You're fine. Good luck on your applications! <3
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph considered his words with a spark of interest. She had howled with her old pack and learned hunting songs along with other tunes to both pass the time and build up camaraderie between them. While such words had failed, in the end, to hold fast the bonds between them she would not deny that they had brought her some measure of enjoyment to sing in rhythm with the rest of her company. "Huh. I'll have to ask if I come across her again, I haven't sung in quite some time but I have fond memories of it." There was a soft almost lyrical quality to the cadence of her words as she spoke, as if to make up for the lack of laughter which might have blurred the edges of the words otherwise.

Rodyn's response was not incredibly surprising but also not something she might have expected. Although it made sense that the season would bring about nostalgia if he felt connected to it. While she thought that his brown coat might make him fit in well with the sun-burnt prairie grass of summer, as well as the stark tree bark of winter she had to admit that the autumn leaves suited his coloration as well. "Ahhh that is fitting. I take it you're also not from around here then?" She had not traveled very far until she had come upon this wide expanse of territory to explore but she knew that the world was wide and surely not all wolves hailed from those self-same places and there were myriads of stories to tell and thus places to see. The two paired quite nicely in her opinion and her enjoyment of both enjoying good company and exploring new locales.

Thank you! I still have a few due but I should be somewhat returned for a short while :D
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was not much for singing. He liked the songs, and he liked things that made music. However, that was not the same as singing. He wasn't even positive he could sing other than to give his howl to those who wanted and needed it, to support those that had a calling for it.

He smiled. She'd probably appreciate it. Even as a puppy she was singing constantly. She likes to sing when she works as well.

The words of autumn brought into sharp focus his longing for his parents. He missed them so much. However, it was not the way of his clan to go back, if you were male. So alas, he would never see them again. Not ever. Unless they visiting him in his dreams or when they were dying. He had heard tell of that happening, but had never had it happen to him before.

No, it took me almost a half a year to get here. And I would have kept going had I not met Moonwoman and her family.

You're welcome. Welcome Back
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph considered his words, half a year seemed all at once too long and too short a time. Given her age it was a significant journey to make, a wolf especially one as proficient in survival as Rodyn appeared to be could cover great distances in such a time. She nodded her head at the observation. It seemed as though he had found a good place to settle though in that case. While Heph had not grown up on grand stories of luck or fate there did seem to be some good fortune involved in him finding a place that suited him well and she had to admit that her own chancing upon this large expanse of territory had been fortuitous. "Well, hopefully you would have stopped at some point, at least long enough to grace some lucky woman with your bloodline." She teased lightly, her nose wrinkling at the upturn of laughter that touched the corners of her eyes. Though he did not seem the type to simply wander on leaving someone who had held his affections thus she could easily see a wolf being charmed by his manner or by his skills or both. It was a bit of a presumption to tease him about his lineage though as not all wolves cared about such things or perhaps simply did not care overmuch about the set of circumstances that so often surrounded the continuance of them.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The road to get here had been long and exhausting, but i had also been a learning experience, and allowed Rodyn to learn how to be a better hunter, survivor, and wolf. He had enjoyed it and loathed it, in equal parts. It was also a bit hard to swallow why he had to leave in the first place, simply because he was a male and his father didn't like them in the pack lands unless they weren't his and married to his sisters.

Rodyn chuckled. Only if she wanted me too, and i held a dose of affection to her. Though I do have a girl that has my eye. It is one of the reasons I am doing all these tasks. If our union should come about and we should have children. You must meet them. I'd have them learn to hunt from their aunt heph.

He teased, and yet meant it too. There was truth to his words. She had become dear to him in the small amount of time they had interacted and he wished her all the best.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
She was not sure how such a thing might be arranged, but all at once at his words she found herself excited at the prospect of meeting this she-wolf who had caught his eye and perhaps even getting on his bad side by giving the little hellions all sorts of antlers and things to run amok with and use for hunting games. He had become important to her and she enjoyed sharing the hunt with him and words after as well, and she had no doubt that anyone he had chosen would also be good company. There was a laugh that pulled itself from the bottom of her lungs as it shot out of her. "Well I'd certainly love teaching them to run circles around prey, but I'm not sure I could stop them from trying to same thing on you." But her mind had caught on the other side of what he had shared. So it seemed part of his proving his worth as a man was not only to his pack but also to this potential star in his eye. A sly smile slid its way across her face and her posture turned loose and joking as she gently let her paw nudge forward and back in a playful manner. "That is good news, good luck to the both of you - though I doubt you'll need it. But if you wanted help hunting down a pair of antlers I'm sure she couldn't help but notice those - or would she more appreciate a clever tune?" Heph did find herself curious, if she had to judge by his words she would say they had perhaps not been together for very long if that was how he described it, but she hardly knew anything about courting someone. Of course, she knew the straightforward ways to express interest, but as far as traditions or rituals she had left her pack before she had properly learned any of those beyond the flashier ones she could not help but take note of.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Heph was a happy wolf. He liked that about her. And her laughter was contagious. he had no doubt that Samani would like her.

That's what makes littles fun. The chasing. As long as they are learning skills I can run around a few times, though little teeth. Ugh. I'm ready to sacrifice my good looks for em.

Rodyn chuckled. I already gave her quite a few gifts before I left. But she would probably like antlers. I can't sing to save my life.

Samani is more a wolf that likes you to spend time. She would rather go hunting with you and I than have a gift given. Or go on a grand adventure. She loves the sea.

He thought of his preachy sea wolf and for a moment, a sense of such longing and sadness washed over him. He couldn't wait until this was all over and he had the means to ask for her hand in marriage. It would all be worth it.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
[size=medium]She grinned, she liked the sound of adventure even when it was not hers. It may have been considered too late in the season to really consider travelling but she had been on her own in the dead of winter and found it amenable to her. A smile quirked into the corners of her maw as she commented. “Well grand adventures I am familiar with, perhaps I’ll see you by the sea in the late summer.” It was a good time, the cold and sometimes unpredictable weather of fall would not make the journey too difficult but their pups if they had any would be old enough for the journey or to stay in the care of others. While some might have worried about being the odd one out in a pair she thought there was no harm in at least meeting them if their paths crossed as long as they did not over mind the intrusion, after all she shared the company of Atka and Dreven both. [/size]

[size=medium]She caught the look of longing in his gaze and at the conversation might have guessed the meaning. Nudging the coats of the ermines towards him she tilted her head “Not much longer I take it?” It had seemed his list was nearly complete, although perhaps there was more simply that she could not know or help with. Certainly every pack needed its secrets. And she knew from earlier conversations that while there was a certain logic to it all it was not one she was always familiar with. [/size]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had no issue with traveling in the winter, as long as you were careful and you made sure to take precautions and keep an eye on the weather in the sky. He had rather enjoyed it actually.

I hope you do. Though I must say if we bring Moonwoman too, or if you meet her, she may try and match make you to someone. She is known for that.

Rodyn didn't think Samani would mind the intrustion. As a matter of fact, he was fairly certain she would relish to thought of being able to speak with another adventurer.

Samani will pepper your ears with questions. She likes the ideas of adventuring. If you can get past her first shyness.

Not much longer no, but she can still say no. I was not to tell her of my intentions. so this may come as a surprise to her. She seems to feel the same, but well. One can never know, eh.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph couldn't help a small laugh. She was more and more intrigued by the prospect of this Moonwoman that she had heard described, she sounded like a remarkable wolf and kind as well which would be a boon if they ever did cross paths. Although she had to admit that of what she knew of herself she had a wandering spirit even if she was curious as to what this wolf might have to say. "Well I wouldn't begrudge any attempt though I'll admit that my faith in her abilities where I'm concerned may be somewhat lacking." Her voice turned a bit more steady and less joking when she replied in kind. "I'm sure you've read her well, and so long as my sense of humor doesn't scare her off I'll look forward to questions." Rodyn did not seem to be the kind of wolf who would push unwanted affections too strongly on another, and if this Moonwoman knew his intended then surely she would not support a match she knew one of the parties opposed to, although she could hardly know the agenda of all wolves. But Rodyn seemed to trust her judgement and he had been a good judge on both the hunt and of other wolves she had thought she might have come across.

I'd be down to wrap up around here and start a new thread if you are? :D
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Heph laughed and he shifted. She was a fun wolf. Quick to laugh and kind. He was glad to have met her.

Moonwoman was amazing. Granted she had her flaws as did any wolf, but Rodyn wasn't one to go around pointing out where people went wrong, that wasn't his style.

He smiled at the mention of Samani. You won't scare her. Samani was not a shakible wolf at least thus far. She was very strong of spirit.

He motioned towards the meat and then spoke softly. We'll meet again I hope Heph.

He smiled at her and then dipped his muzzle down. A small nudge to her shoulder.

Last post for me. Who starts the next one? As always thank you for the thread :)
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"Me too. Safe winter!" Heph grinned and began trotting off after returning the nudge. It had been good seeing him, and it was time to set off. But she had no doubt that she would be back, perhaps sooner rather than later if she managed to make the trip in good time and did not get caught up in pursuing other avenues on the way.

She trusted that their paths would cross again, perhaps with his lady in tow or perhaps not. The winter was a dangerous time, but it was also surprisingly bountiful. Frozen carcasses and weak prey that moved about was all around and she felt confident that she would be able to weather the season.

I'll start it up! Thank you too and for your patience :D