Ouroboros Spine Hunter and Sea
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn moved through the moonglow pack lands a smile upon his face. He loved it here. It was beautiful, but he had a plan for the future. A plan with @Samani and he couldn't be more happy. There would be good things in their lives, he hoped.

he would miss the wolves here, but they were not far. They could see Moonglow from where they were going. It was beautiful and serene and fit the two of them like a puzzle piece, but he realized he had never shared with her any stories of his own life.

So deep within the reaches of his den, he pulled from the depths a polished stone. It was nothing beautiful, it merely had speckles from the river, and was brown as dirt, but he held it tightly in the center of his paw for his mother had given him that. A woman that was probably a saint.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Gonna say this is after her talk with Kukutux, if that’s alright with you, love. <3

Samani took a moment to gather herself. Her words with her mother had been difficult and emotional. She had struggled to grasp at the love she felt, so overpowering that she had been brought to tears. Her whole life she had known the goodness of her mother and yet she had never appreciated it in its entirety until it was time for her to go.

Quick peach paws carried the sea girl back to where she knew Rodyn would be. When she drew near to him, it seemed that he was occupied with something. Samani chuffed out a quiet greeting and approached at his side, jadewater eyes searching.

I have spoken to anaa, she said, voice hushed.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
That's fine with me <3

Rodyn could imagine in a way, how hard it would be for Samani to leave her mother. He had left his, but he had known it was coming. So him and her had time to prepare, it was something he had always known, because he was not a female.

He heard soft footfalls and lifted his head to see Samani coming towards him. There was a simle to his muzzle and he pressed to her shoulder with his nose. Though before he could speak she did and he searched her face. And gathered her to him.

Are you okay?
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I will be, she answered. She knew it to be so. No matter how homesick she grew, Samani would always be able to return to her home. They were connected. Her spirit belonged with the sea and with her mother, so she would find a way to keep them close. They were her heart. They were the love she gave to the man who held her.

We will make Moontide now, Rodyn. There will be a wedding for us. In the summer, I believe. I wish for my father’s eyes to shine in the light of the summer sun. I wish to see him prance upon the sands of the beach.

The girl nuzzled her snout into his fur. The smell of his coat was rich and familiar.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded, though there was sadness for her in his gaze. I know how hard it is to leave home, Samani. But it does get better, in time.

He knew this intimately. There were still times, where it would sneak up on him, the knowing, the whispering, the want of home. He longed to see his mother's warm face, bury his snout into the warmth of her fur. The russet red that licked like Autumn's flames. He longed sometimes to feel the way his father would ruffle his fur, by his ears, when he was small, small.

Summer sounds good, for it was summer when I arrived. A full circle.

He allowed her to take whatever liberty she needed. Whatever comfort. He would seek to give her what he could. To run a paw along her shoulders and lick at the small wet marks from her tears.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I have to shower and make dinner. I’ve been a bad little guy and haven’t eaten all day… and I smell so hahah! I must away! I shall return when I smell fresher and have a full stomach to continue writing.

Anaa will be your mother too, you know?

Samani offered him a smile. She kissed beneath his chin and then nuzzled her snout into the crook of his throat. She breathed in his scent until it had filled her.

When we are married, you will have a second mother and father. I must tell you… they are the best parents in all the world. The sea girl believed this with her heart. She could not fathom the thought of being born to another loving couple. Kukutux had given their home such light and warmth. They had been bathed in tradition and love. The things that Rodyn had shared about his father had made her sad. She hoped that this would give him hope for a large family – one that loved deeply, always.

How can I help you prepare? We should begin scouting Moontide and making it ours.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Motherly glare. Go eat! And Shower and do the self care things ILY now go. <3

He nodded. I know. She is already much like a mother to me. I adore her.

She pressed into his throat and breathed deep. He shifted so he could hold more of her to him.

They are very good. I wish you had met my mom, Liecia. As far as mother's go his was pretty great. He would be the first to admit, not as good as Kukutux, because she allowed his father to do harsh things, but she had been sweet in her own regard.

We will need to figure out our territory line and mark it. A den. I will be taking much of what is in my den for you to have comforts of Moonglow. I have furs that we can take for any wolves that come along.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Hahah! Not the motherly glare! >w< I’ve eaten, though not quite enough. Showered and even started laundry. I’m definitely not ready for Monday, though. <333

I wish I could meet your mother, too. I would like to thank her for making you so kind, she said with a small smile upon her snout.

Rodyn said they would need to mark their intended territory lines. She thought this was smart. She would need to speak to her sister and Vaire’s new husband before they set out. Kukutux had said that he was a man of the water and that his heart likely would not want to be far from that. The girl believed it was important to extend the offer, anyway. It would have been nice to surround herself with fresh love and familiar faces.

Rhaegal and Vaire may seek a new home, as well. Anaa says they could be inclined to be near the ocean.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
i hate mondays they'reso blech. <333

Rodyn chuckled. She'd appreciate that. No Ardeth will be rude. She would say.

Her sister and new brother in law. That could work nicely. Though that would be two mothers to have children if they ao wished Samani and Vaire. This would be alright, but they would have to hunt sooner rather than later.

Do you think they will? I have not met Rhaegal, but i have met your sister Vaire. Even hunted weasels with her.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
She is lovely, isn’t she? Samani asked, thinking of Vaire with fondness.

The sea girl could not imagine that her sister would take a husband who was not good and warm. Whoever Rhaegal was, he would surely be a good man to have in their midst. Rodyn could use a fellow hunter, she thought. They would make the coast their trading grounds. Sea and land would be available to them and there would never be a hungry belly. It pleased her to think of this.

I would like very much if they came with us, but I do not know if they have already made plans for themselves, she admitted to Rodyn. Her sea water eyes were thoughtful, deep in consideration for the future and the possibilities surrounding it.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded. He liked Vaire well enough. He didn't know her well, but he knew her enough to know she was kind. A true daughter of moonglow.

All we can do is ask. I am sure there wre others that would come or will come. The seashore has many wolves alone. I noticed it upon my trip.

He thought of the hunts they could have and the life they could build. It was going to be a good one.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
You made many friends on your long trading trip, didn’t you? she asked him.

Samani remembered listening to his story of hunting seals with a man and his son. Perhaps, when they had settled into the plateau, they could invite the family to join them for a great meal and the company of others. The sea girl thought it would be a fine festivity. She could invite Moonglow and Moonspear, as well. Their voices would carry through the night – she could already imagine the fun.

Maybe some of them might be looking for a new home. Or even just a reason for celebration, she laughed quietly. Her sea water eyes danced upon him.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded his head. I did. And made inrows for trade as well.

He had hunted seals with Njord and Swordfish. He had hunted fir seashells with meerkat. He had looked for otters and caribou woth Heph and Void. Melanius had walked with him home. There had been Germanicus of Mereo and Aresenio of Epoch. And the wolf Mahler and his children of Paleo. So many.

when i took furs to moonspear. I smelled meerkat, and Njord there. I am sure they would join us for a feast.

i should probably head to bed. Thank you for spreeing with me today and sharing your wondrous charies with mine <3
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Oh, yes! I remember them.

Samani was delighted to recognize the names that he shared. She thought back to their conversation about the sea wolves. Rodyn had hunted seal with the man Njord and his son. He had shared only positive things about them. The sea girl thought it would be good to know their faces so that she could match them to his stories.

I would very much like to meet them, she said. Her peachy snout was dipped down in her eagerness. There was a great deal of hope for their future.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled into her eyes with a gleam in his own. I will visit moonspear soon and take some of the items I have to give as gifts. I will talk with them then. I also wish to hunt with him again.

The first hunter thought fondly of hunting seal with Njord and his son and he hoped both were quite alright. He would need to see them sooner rather than later now. Because he had found friendship in the sea wolf.

Samani seemed so happy to be embarking on this new adventure and it made Rodyn's heart sing with joy. How lovely it was.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I would like to prepare a gift for you to take to them. You’ll help?

Samani knew the answer, already. Rodyn wouldn’t be likely to decline such a generous thing. They were his friends, after all. It was more intrusive for the peachy girl to intrude on the chance to give them anything.

There are some nice furs I have been tending. I left them in anaa’s village. We can make them smell nice. Pine cones give a good smell to a home. The girl chattered a bit while they walked with each other. She was pleased to share her company with Rodyn. It felt like their duties were stretched in opposite directions, as of late. It wouldn’t be long before they would have a home for themselves and their time would be closely woven together.

Some meats and herbs, she added next. The jadewater color of her eyes sparked.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A smile lit up his face, boyish and charming. Of course I will.

Then he listened as she spoke. He was momentarily distracted by the way the light played along her pelt, and the way her eyes sparkled, but he pulled himself together to hear what she had to say. This was important to her and he would do his best to make it work out for her.

Lately he was building borders while she still tended to things at Moonglow, but he and Heph were making headway at marking their borders. He would seek out recruiting next. And take gifts to Moonspear to tell them of their plans. Yes they were doing their best.

What kind of herbs? Like meat with herbs or two separate things? he was curious. It wasn't often that he tended to meat with herbs, he found it fascinating.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Oh… Meat on its own, and then a bundle of herbs, Samani clarified.

She realized that it may have sounded like she’d wanted to spice the meats with the herbs. It was a curious thing to imagine. Some herbs had a unique taste. The young woman had never considered that she might pair that with the food they ate. Samani didn’t believe she would risk it on their gifts. Meat was fine without any additions and the herbs would be good for most common illness or minor injuries.

It’s not too personal of a gift. The girl’s expression was thoughtful. But they are items that are necessary and will be put to use.

There would be time in the future for another gift. If they could build a bridge of friendship to these wolves, Samani would rest easy.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded in thoughtful silence. He could understand this. Meat on it's own was preferred to the hunter, but he understood that some wolves liked to add herbs to it. Why he didn't know, but he also didn't ask.

We can take personal gifts later. And I will go through some of my stores of furs and meat to take to your sister if you'd like at a later time.

IN his journey for the bride price for the beautiful woman beside him. He had gathered many things. And he continued to do his due diligence upon the borders, with hunting and so much more. He would make sure no one went without here in the coast.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.