Moonsong Glacier you've got me singing, singing your choir
Sword of the Morning
577 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Pack Activity 
Tagging those who have expressed interest in the scouting mission! Others are welcome to join with a single post if they want to hear about the mission. We will go in rounds with no post order. @Sulukinak @Nephele @Ulloriaq @Fallen Sun

As things settled, Dutch could turn his attention from survival to joy — and the most joyous thing he could think of was marriage and children. Like his mother, he had always been the meddlesome type, as advertised in his suggestions to Eira about Fallen Sun. He was less concerned about his other, more vocal pack members being unable to find love, but there was one in particular he'd made promises to.

That — and he'd had something else brewing in him for quite some time, by then.

The chief lifted his head to sing:

"I seek scouts to carry good tidings,
come and listen, if you would hear,"
let the song of ice and fire begin...
92 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
A scouting mission?

Now this had the snow woman's attention.

She would not join in on the travel, preferring to stay nearer the village. But still, she would come to hear what their cheif would share.
The silent sun speaks more than meets the eye.
168 Posts
Ooc — Kai
The red sunset's ears flicked, and without word he came to his friend. 

Winter Song was already there. He took his seat beside her.

A head tilt, a curious sniff. 

What is it Silver Shadow wanted?
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Bearclaw Valley
230 Posts
Ooc — metic
there was familiarity found in the chief's voice, and there was unknown.

she was experienced in the ways of scouts and messengers, but the carrying of good tidings — not so much.

still, she adjusted her course to round near where the man had called from.

she kept to the edges of the gathering, tail curled neatly by her paws as she awaited the message.
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
Dutch's song drew the raven woman to him in steady, bounding lopes. Already having rested well from the journey home, her paws itched to explore once again.

When she arrived, she was relieved to see sunset man among the crowd, though the feather white woman besides him was a new face. As was the stormcloud woman nearby.

She sat stiffly a little way from Dutch, unsure of how to approach their closeness in such a public setting. But, her smile was bright and encouraging, head tilting in a wordless promise. You can count on me!
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
i walk my days on a wire
350 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
she had found a squirrel and had been trying in vain to coax it from a tree, when dutch called for the village. reluctant to leave her quarry, as sulukinak had never seen such a tiny and crafty creature, she would arrive quite late and then hang near the back of the assembly. there were too many people here; but she watched each of them, and dutch, and waited for the reason they had gathered.
1,413 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Master Coach
once upon a time, aditya would have leapt for the opportunity to carry the message.

as it was, he was slower to arrive than the others, but still strode gracefully toward his son's summons. he settled a little ways away from the shy girl sulukinak—imagine finding her again, and here!—and gave her a gentle smile.

he wondered who would travel, and what news they would bring to other packs.

villages, he amended. it was interesting how arjun had adopted the jargon and customs of these moonwolves, and it was starting to rub off on him, too.
Sword of the Morning
577 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
And it was traditions that the chief had in mind as prospective scouts and curious onlookers gathered 'round. Eria, of course, was expected — she seemed keen on knowing all there was to know about what went on in the territory. Ulloriaq, too, was no surprise, and received a warm look and an excited thump of the panther's tail when she arrived.

And then Nephele. Dutch supposed that made sense, and when he thought about it, there were certainly worse wolves around to carry messages.

His gaze darted to Fallen Sun. "Bless his cotton socks," Valiant liked to say.

Sulukinak lingered in the background. He met her gaze, giving her a small smile in greeting. He was a little surprised to see Aditya there, too, and perhaps for that reason, the sight warmed him.

"I have hope a few of you might be willing to carry a message for me," he said, although there were certainly those he hoped would not be departing on missions. "I would like to organize a peaceful gathering at the end of this summer, inviting all who wish to come and share song and stories of their culture and history. Its purpose is threefold: first, to grow in understanding of each other. Second, to bring far-flung wolves together, so that those lost might reunite and those searching might find their match. Third, to forge new bonds between packs — alliances, trade routes, friendships."

He looked among them, his bright eyes expectant; excited.

"If you think this message worthy, I will tell you more."
173 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Simbelmyne had been tending to a pelt she worked with, and when she heard Dutch call out for scouts, she thought she might go to see who would be leaving- perhaps give them a glimpse of the face that hoped to draw in suitors...But she would need to finish what she was doing, and was certain it would only take her a moment or two longer...

It did not, in fact, take only a moment or two longer. She lost track of time, involved with her process. Once or twice a little tiny voice begged for her to simply leave it, that it could wait until the meeting was over- but she was too focused on the handicraft, too near completion to let it sit. She finished her work, and went on her way. 

She arrived in time to hear Dutch begin to speak to a gathering of wolves. She hesitated slightly, embarrassed to be joining them once the meeting had already begun but...She couldn't just walk away now, not without looking like her presence had been a complete mistake. 

She was careful to be quiet with her approach, like a late concert-goer sneaking into the auditorium. She would sit at the back of the group, and took a moment to look them all over. She knew their scents, but she knew none of their names- something she hoped to remedy soon. 

She returned her attention to Dutch in time to hear him invite them to listen for more, giving him a brief smile in the interim.
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
As the crowd grew steadily larger, Ulloriaq watched contemplatively as a girl cloaked in shadows arrived - Sulukinak - and then a man with a greying muzzle. That must have been Aditya. Her heart twinged uncomfortably as her mind wandered briefly to her own father.

But, her attention was soon stolen again as Dutch began to speak of the task at hand. There would be a gathering once the months grew warmer. It reminded her fondly of the salmon-hunting season, when villages would gather on the banks of rivers to feast and mingle.

Though all relied heavily on the cooperation of other packs, for a village still finding its feet: "I think it is a wonderful opportunity," she piped up once he had finished. "There are villages to the East; Hearthwood and Sapphique - they may be interested." She omitted the Rise, though, perhaps, it was worth a second visit. "Beyond that, there is the Valley." Though she did not know all the villages by name, the girl Esma and her endless curiosity came to mind. The West, she regretfully knew next to nothing about. Still, she hoped the information would prove to be useful and, at the very least, show her enthusiasm.

And then there was the matter of loners, travellers, and those in between. Her gaze flicked between faces to gauge their reactions, pondering how Dutch planned to achieve this.
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
i walk my days on a wire
350 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
she knew many of the faces by now, and some of the scents, but there were some sulukinak refused to spend time around. perhaps that was due to the season and her age — but she was listless and wandering among the outskirts of the gathering as if to stop was to invite some bad energy. when she finally caught the eye of dutch, some part of her simmered and became content; then she saw the elder, aditya, and was surprised to recognize him, but before she could think to move she heard the voice of ulloriaq and planted herself to listen.
Bearclaw Valley
230 Posts
Ooc — metic
she watched as the masses gathered, absinthe eyes roaming over each figure as they materialized. most appeared visually unremarkable. the majority of those who were in attendance were women, which immediately left nephele disinterested in the bodies who rest near. of the men who did show, one was not to her preferences and the other, though surely a looker in his prime, was so aged now that she thought him a corpse walking.

so instead she left her focus to the only one she found pleasing to look at — dutch.

a benefit it was that he was also the one necessarily to listen to. she thought his words curious, if not insignificant. she had never traveled for the purpose of joyful gatherings, and the idea was so foreign it left a metallic taste on the tip of her tongue.

it was at his third point of interest that her ears swiveled forward with intrigued familiarity. yes, she could support the idea of alliances.

her eyes remained locked on the figure of the chieftain — they spoke of her interest more than her words ever could.