Greatwater Lake My future seems like one big past.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
He had done as he'd said: at the first crack of the new day, before @Sialuk had even the time to sing her morning ritual, he had gone. The frost still clung to the grasses of the glen as he crossed through it, scattering like starlight underheel.

By midday Glaukos neared a lakeside and knew he would soon be upon the cliffs, and it would be evening before the familiar range of passages fed him in to Mereo. For the time being he would rest by this lake, drink, and see if he could find himself an easy meal; otherwise, he would continue on.

The sooner he returned home to Mereo and gave his report, the sooner he would know what his next steps ought to be — or so Glaukos thought. He wasn't certain of what the general might say, or what further orders could be meted out. He had already stayed away longer than intended.
who stole my toe?!
1,208 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Glaukos was absent when she awoke; when she made her morning call to the spear. Sialuk's brow creased, and she made note that Sixsix was with her before she called to @Meerkat and @Njord: "Gone to Mereo; keep the spear safe." She trusted them with the ability to do so. And then, Sialuk followed the clouded spirit's scent down the mountain. Her gait was swift, and she knew him to be slower than she was. A man so large could not outpace her!

Breathless, she saw his undeniable figure ahead.

You are quick—she panted—but I am quicker! A grin played upon her face. She did not know why he had not come to gather her, but she remembered the cloud. She remembered how she had felt all those months. Listlessness had consumed her, and she wished to cure him of his troubles.

How far to Mereo? she asked.
Atkan Aleut
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
gdi woman ur so cute

His mind was on business: the work of his route, the dread of what Germanicus might say for his lateness, his own hunger — many things. He was suitably distracted as Sialuk appeared, the antithesis of everything Glaukos was: agile and pale, and full of life!

The man was surprised by her candor, and by her very presence. At first a bristling spread down his spine but he cooled off momentarily, and with an ursine mien, motioned to the distant mountains. It is there, he rumbled.

It was not a clear answer. Glaukos had not factored in the two of them making the journey, and now felt uneasy about it. Two mouths to feed, two bodies to guard; and what of her village? How would it look if she were to be hurt, or lost? The man was full of concerns.
who stole my toe?!
1,208 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The raindrop was not unaware of the differences in their nature. Glaukos was gruff, double her size, and seemed to carry heaviness wherever he went. Sialuk was chipper, dwarfed by him, and had found lightness in her spirit since her journey away.

"It is there." Sialuk peered, trying to see where "there" fell on the vast distance that was the wilds. He went quiet then, and Sialuk took in a deep breath. This would be an opportune time to seek for any signs of Swordfish as well, the son who had gone missing from the Sveijarn-Corten's.

Will you tell me more of the general on our journey? she asked. Knowing more of him would prepare her. She wished to make a good impression upon him for village Moonspear.
Atkan Aleut
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He was not used to escorting others places, or being around civilians. It surprised Glaukos that this woman could keep up with him. Moreover, that she would want to. But he reminded himself that her desire was to see Mereo and to meet Germanicus, it had nothing to do with him. She further proved this point with her question.

The man continued to march but adjusted his tempo so that Sialuk could keep up without working too hard. He was quiet for a measure, then cleared his throat. He is an honorable man. He didn't know what else to say, and paused to think again.

His rules are important to him. His lessons can be... hard, but they are valuable. Speaking from experience, this time. I do not think I have ever seen him laugh. Glaukos watched Sialuk to see what she would make of this paltry description.
who stole my toe?!
1,208 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
She fell in place beside the giant, listening as he gave his own thoughts on the general. He laced his opinions in with truths, and she wondered what Glaukos would say of her, if he was to describe her to the general. I do not think I have seen you laugh, she countered, but it did not lower her opinion of him. There was a shadow over his heart, she knew. Sialuk recalled only now what he had said that day in Moonglow. His family had gone away—abandoned him.

Sixsix swooped down, a small bone in his beak, and dropped it near her feet before taking flight again. The raindrop laughed, though she did not have any meat to give him. A gift for the general, she said, plucking it from the earth. She fell into silence then, her mouth occupied by the bone she would bequeath to the man of Mereo.
Atkan Aleut
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Her quip made him glance at her, brows raising. He was surprised by the observation; but then, he wasn't the most cheerful man and there was no place for games in the barracks. He had learned from the best, so to speak.

Next the bird came. It dropped something that pleased Sialuk and while she commented on it, Glaukos' attention was focused on the sky and the bird as it winged through it. There was tension in his jawline as he watched the bird, until he lost sight of it entirely. Then he watched the path ahead.

He does not care much for gifts, Glaukos went on to explain, and realized he was putting down Sialuk's attempt before it was made; but it was the truth. Awkwardly, he went ahead to try and fix his mistake by commenting: Your presence would be gift enough, I think.

Onward they would go. Soon enough the mountains would loom, and then it would only be a case of finding the right path.
who stole my toe?!
1,208 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk smiled anyway. Even if the general did not like her gift, it was her intent that mattered. It was her way of showing that she meant peace with him. And perhaps it would allow Glaukos some leniency for his tardiness in returning to Mereo. They would come to know this once they arrived; for now, Sialuk remained in step with her traveling companion, glancing back only occasionally to watch Moonspear grow ever-so-slightly smaller.
Atkan Aleut