Moonsong Glacier shining twilight
Sun Mote Copse
376 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
All Welcome 
While Seal had been away at the coronation in the desert a new village had been founded! @Sialuk gave Seal the small errand to deliver a parcel of medicine to her sister @Ariadne, which she easily obliged.

Wrapped in her fishercat fur, Seal arrived at the glacier's boundaries and called. Even though the Moon villages could cross one another’s borders, the young woman felt it would be more polite to knock first.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
There was a howl at the borders, and Ariadne did not recognize the voice. Slowly, still groggy from her afternoon nap, she lifted her head and cupped her ears forward, straining to hear through the stuffiness that'd developed from her cold.

Please, come in to the territory, she croaked in reply, howling from her bed. If it is not too much trouble, please follow my voice and come to my den if you need me.
Sun Mote Copse
376 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
A response beckoned Seal towards Moonsong’s hearth. She quickly trotted, package in tow, towards the howl’s origin until she reached an ulaq.

“Greetings,” she called into the den, a bit apprehensive, in her usual Scottish lilt. Then, she poked her head in to spy a woman who resembled Sialuk’s description. “Ariadne?” she asked. “Ah’m Seal… Ah’ve brought a care package from Sialuk for you.”
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne pushed herself up and sat when Seal arrived, craning her neck to get a good look at the young woman she didn't recognize. Although there was no familiarity, the scent of Moonspear was upon her; a moonsister, regardless of whether or not they knew each other.

Yes, she answered, squinting against the light outside. I am Ariadne—please, come in. It warmed her heart to hear that Sialuk had sent medicine, and she was grateful for her older sister's generosity.
Sun Mote Copse
376 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Seal ducked her head in a semi-bow. “Tis a pleasure, Ariadne,” she smiled shyly. Though the young apprentice was wholeheartedly an extrovert, she couldn’t help but feel coy in the presence of such an elegant and poised woman. She was full of admiration!

“I’ve brought a few things…” Seal began as she rummaged through the items.

“This is root of sweet-sedge,” she explained. “Chewing on the roots can stave infection if you feel feverish. And this is willow bark, Chew on it to ease pain – but no swallowing.”

“And this – ” Seal pulled out a small piece of crystal quartz, wrapped with a ribbon of alder bark with a blue bird feather ornament. “Is a charm I made tae help draw out evils from your wound and encourage healing.”
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Seal was an impressive young woman who toted a wealth of knowledge regarding medicine and charms. Ariadne listened, visibly impressed, as she learned what to eat and what not to eat. Can I swallow the sweet-sedge? she asked. Or should I not swallow either of them?

Then came the charm—it was beautiful in every way, and Ariadne already knew she'd place it front and center on her altar. It is beautiful, she marveled, looking at it closely. How do I use it?
Sun Mote Copse
376 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
“Yes, you can swallow the sweet-sedge,” Seal advised. “But the longer you chew, the better its effects will be.

Then, Ariadne’s question made Seal think of another point. “Also, the willow bark is too potent for children and expecting, or nursing, mothers,” her brown eyes scanned Ariadne’s expression. Would she have children this spring?

@Alaric taught me how to make them,” the young woman said as Ariadne admired the charm. “Place it near the wound – here.” Seal took the charm gingerly in her teeth and set it atop Ariadne’s leg. “I said prayers as I made it, so it should attract good spirits,” she explained.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne nodded. I hope I am rid of this before my season arrives, she said, looking at the materials on the ground. She had no idea when it'd come or what would happen once it was here, but she felt that instinct would take the lead and guide her.

The charm was light enough to rest on her leg, and she watched it with awe. She only pulled her gaze to meet Seal's eyes. Will you teach me how to make one? she asked.
Sun Mote Copse
376 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
“Of course,” Seal chirped when Ariadne showed interest in learning this craft. The young woman had never fancied herself a teacher – she still had so much to learn! Seal felt Ariadne could be a good mentor, as well.

“You are hoping to have children?” Seal asked as she scooted closer, eyes big. Ever since Orca had dispersed, Seal had been deprived of sisterhood girl talk.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Okay, whenever you are ready to teach, I am ready to learn, Ariadne didn't expect them to jump straight into a lesson, especially if Seal hadn't anticipated teaching today. You just let me know when it is time.

She grinned at the next question, noticing how she crept forward with curiousness in her eyes. Yes, she confirmed. I want many of them— a whole village worth if I can! She laughed at this, knowing it was nearly impossible for her to fulfill this wish. Do you think you will want children? she asked next; Seal still had time to change her mind, as she was still a year off from her first season.
Sun Mote Copse
376 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
“A whole village!” Seal laughed with Ariadne, admiring the fearless woman. But Seal wondered… had she been informed how much it hurt? How badly it could turn out?

Then, the question was flipped right back at Seal! “Uhmm,” she waivered, biting her lip. “I do not know!” she admitted earnestly, sheepishly with a laugh. “I think so. I love kids and I love my family.” So wasn’t it simple math then? To create her own family? Seal wanted to be so decided like Ariadne!

“How did you know you wanted children?“ Seal asked, hoping for insight.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne was naive and thought that she'd endure the pain of childbirth with the same grace as the moonwomen before her.  But, unfortunately, the experience would teach her otherwise; the pain would be tremendous and, at times, almost too much to handle. She would learn like the women before her.

Seal seemed unsure, and she offered a knowing smile. You have a lot of time to figure it out, Ariadne assured her. It is a big responsibility, and you must be sure it is your right choice. It was a huge undertaking that included responsibility, lifestyle, and other various changes; it wasn't for everybody.

When asked about how she knew, she shrugged. I just have always felt like I would be an anaa, and knowing all my nieces and nephews, and loving them, I feel like it is the choice for me.
Sun Mote Copse
376 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Last from me!

Ariadne’s decisiveness inspired Seal, though her reassurance meant a lot to a young woman in the throes of change.

She nodded her head and thought of Moonwoman’s words: ‘You will choose many times.’

“I feel your future will be bright,”
Seal said with a gentle smile.

Suddenly, realizing the time, the girl jumped to her feet. “Oh! I must return to Moonspear. I will see you again soon, Ariadne!” she called over her shoulder as she bounded away back toward her home village.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Thanks for the thread!

As will yours! she returned, her words genuine.

Then, unexpectedly, Seal jumped to her feet and announced that she had to leave. Although Ariadne was sad to see her go, she understood. Safe travels, Seal, it was nice to see your face! she called after the adolescent's fleeting form.

Then, louder, And please thank my sistraa for the herbs!