Stone Circle When the birds fly high, and the squirrels burrow low
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
1 Marten Pelt, 1 Otter Pelt

Rodyn didn't want to feel discouraged, but well he was feeling discouraged. Not many of the wolves had been as receptive as he had thought they'd be and granted he still had quite a few to go to. There was a few he wasn't sure about.

IT wasn't disheartening, but he continued doggedly forward. He'd do his best. That was all that could be asked right? And it wasn't like he wasn't trying. Many just seemed mistrusful. And he didn't blame them, not really.

He found himself near a packlands that smelled stale. Oh there were wolves here, but they didn't number many. And it seemed they didn't go to near their own borders. He frowned, hoping they were alright. He lifted hi smuzzle to the sky, making sure to stand at least ten feet from their borders and he offered out a call.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
270 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
His paws were killing him. Or, his left back paw, anyway. The two fang marks had long since stopped bleeding, partly due to the swelling, but there wasn't much blood to begin with. 

He'd rested that night, after teaching the scaly fucker a lesson. He assumed he would wake up to mild pain, but it seemed more intense than it had been. The decision to keep going was made after much debate, but he knew if it got too bad, he'd be stuck, and if he was stuck, he couldn't hunt. So he needed to move, maybe find a pack that would generously have him until he recovered. Maybe a pack that could actually help him recover. 

He moved with a noticeable limp, careful to put pressure--of which his body offered plenty--onto the throbbing paw. He was tough, but this was the sort of pain felt deep within, the kind that traveled with each heartbeat. 

The howl was a welcome sound. Unexpected, and he did a double take at first. The air smelled faintly of others, but it wasn't fresh. 

But, whatever, he knew a direction now. 

As he moved closer, he stopped to offer a call of his own. He told himself it was to give whoever he was approaching a heads up, but he knew the real reason was the growing blackness along the edges of his vision, the increasing heaviness of his paws. He didn't think he would make it, and at this point, he would rather be found unconscious than left to bake in the sun. 

He'd never known snakebites to kill wolves, but then again, he'd only ever seen them treated shortly after, with the affected individual given the opportunity to rest in a cool environment. He hadn't been afforded the luxury.
81 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
As the summer continued on, the temperature continued to rise. Ujurak would have happily waited out the midday heat in the shade had he the opportunity. Unfortunately for him, a voice rose into the air. Pulling himself to his paws, the Stone Prince set out to meet the visitor at a brisk trot. His urgency increased as a second voice split the air. So too did his suspicion.

An autumnal man stood at their borders. Alone. Ujurak's tail waved once and a polite smile set upon his face. Masking the trepidation he felt at this meeting.

Halló. You stand at the borders of Kvarsheim. I am Ujurak.

Turquoise eyes surveyed the surrounding fields. Did he not hear a second voice? He looked back to the stranger. Clearing his throat, Ujurak decided to be pointed. Where is your companion?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I'm Rodyn Ardeth Alpha of Moontide.

He looked around himself concerned. Forgoing to say no more until they figured out where that howl came from.

That is no friend of mine. I am not sure who it is, but they sounded a little in trouble. Would you like to go with me to check it out?

Rodyn turned before the boy could answer and headed towards the sound at a fast clip. He didn't know who it was, but he did know it didn't sound good and he was filled with trepidation.

His voice pitched low if the boy had followed. Just be careful we don't know if it's a friend or foe.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
270 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
It was one of the last things he did, the howl, before an exhausted "fuck me," was uttered. Whether it was perceived as a cry for help or not was something he wouldn't know. He had managed a few more steps, each one exasperating the sharp jolts of pain he felt with each heartbeat. His sight only grew worse, then his hearing. He heard only a high-pitched ring, every other sound becoming muffled. The last thing he would remember would be taking a seat, though it did little in keeping him conscious.  

The snakebitten, dehydrated wolf would fall forward, though heavy breaths ensured that he was still alive. Sort of like a forced nap. 

The two wolves, if they chose to approach, would find the large male lying unconscious. The area just below his ankle would be abnormally large with two visible puncture wounds sitting right on the center of the swelling.

He can be skipped while he eep
81 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Moments after the Moontide man introduced himself he turned to investigate the second howl. Ujurak moved to follow. The possibility of it being a trap did not escape him. The stone prince turned the idea over in his mind, taking Rodyn's warning to heart. Rodyn too was a stranger, but Ujurak thought well of the man's inclination to investigate.

It did not take long to find the downed man. Ujurak's heart skipped a moment before seeing the haggard rise of his chest. Tentatively, Ujurak paced closer. The stranger reeked of blight and it took little time to locate the affected limb. After scrutizing it, Ujurak looked to Rodyn, hoping the older man had some degree of medical training.

We have a creek that he can have his wound soaked in, but we are not healers.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn frowned. Not sure what to do. The man was still alive, but only just if his shallow breaths were anything to be said for him. There was an air of desperation to him and the limb that lay black and pulsing with warmth and venom, was not one that could easily be missed.

The youth was quick to offer their creek, but they had no healers. Rodyn wasn't much of a healer either. He could make a paste that would take the sting, but poison.

The most i can do is make a paste to take away the sting. Are there any neighboring packs to call? Who may have a healer?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
81 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Skipping Pepper w/ ooc permission as he is unconscious

Ujurak's lips turned into a taut frown. His gaze cast down to the injured man, hiding the way his teeth dug into his lower lip. In times of need we have previously received assistance from the River wolves. Ujurak still remembered every step of the way to lost creek hollow. Unfortunately they have since left the valley. Relocated.

A frosted paw stretched out to touch the wounded limb. Hot and festering, the stone prince had not encountered many serious injuries, least of all a snake inflicted one.

Nearest to us are the Bearclaws in the mountains south of here. Our interactions have been limited, I do not know of their abilities. The wolves of Swiftcurrent Creek are northwest, they may have a healer, but there has been ah, a disconnect with them. In the past.

Ujurak's eyes did not stray from downed wolf. His jaw tightened. His body hot with shame as he relayed the little he knew. The little he had to offer. He did not voice the helplessness he felt as he turned once more to the Moontide alpha.

Will you help me move him to the creek? It is shaded and he will not bake there as we attempt to address his injury.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The young male in front ofhim was young. Far too young to have leadership thrust upon him. Rodyn's heart went out to him. He gave a soft nod as he listened. He knew the creek wolves to an extent. Had met them recently. The leader had seemed fair.

He shifted and dipped his head. I will help you carry him.

He bent to the task of carrying the unconscious wolf to the creek. It was no small feat and he would have to dig for some wells of strength he wasn't sure he held
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
81 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Ujurak helped the best he could, trying to alleviate the strain on Rodyn's back by taking the trailing limbs of the unconscious male over his own shoulders. Awkward as it was given their difference in height, the stone prince managed to verbally guide them to the sheltered creek. There he would take the opportunity to cleanse the wound to the best his abilities.

There would be no antiseptic he could provide, no salve to stave of further infection. Nonetheless, Ujurak acted upon what he could provide for immediate attention.

I cannot say how effective this will be, Ujurak admitted to the Moontide man, I'm not sure even if this is right for his type of wound. But running to another pack costed time, even if it was to the Bearclaws.

Ujurak fell quiet for a time. What brings you here, Rodyn? He briefly looked away from the injured wolf. I assume it wasn't to help tend to a stranger's wound.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Luckily Rodyn had spent years carrying furs and meat upon his shoulders. It was still a strain but he could manage. And thr youth was a great help.

Rodyn shook his head. I will make a stop at the neighboring borders on my way through. And send someone if you like?

He dippwd his head. I came with trade and to invite you and your pack to a group hunt in the fall for elk. There will be many packs invited.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.