Sequoia Coast what if i'm made of stone?
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
All Welcome 
Somewhere between WGI and OBP.

@Orochi was summoned to the border — Let me show you something. — with slight urgency. She wanted to introduce him to @Aiolos before assigning their first task, one that would likely be more intensive than border maintenance. Ying needed someone to scout the northern reach of the plains; Moonspear needed to know of their new settlement, as did Neverwinter Forest. Several other tasks needed to be completed, but neither soldier had yet proven themself worthy. Once close enough to the plateau, Ying set her head back and called for her Ensign.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos pressed forward, past the Stavenger Bay where he usually lingered to. He typically needed not stray far, for between the many rodents which lived on the plateau and the abundance of sea food between the two Bays on either side of his perch, Aiolos found finding small game (which was enough for himself) easy enough. 

Curiosity is what was pulling him forth now, interested in this pack Ying had spoken of where her family (where @Ruo) lived. That's when he heard her voice. Not the Otter's, but Ying. He padded forward over the emerald grasses which grew in the sands along the beach side and to her, though the call had been made for another. Hello, General. He greeted, dipping his muzzle respectfully to her and speaking  the little title which he had given her despite it bot being true ranking.
moonglow daddy
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Oh, what is it now? Orochi considered ignoring the call, because he was already sore from training. But if he did, he wouldn't have anything else to do. There are many things the dragon hated, being bored was one of them.

So he followed the call off the island, past the sea beasts, and to an empty spot where Ying and a stranger awaited.

Hey. He sat next to the Gēnjú's side and gestured towards the golden wolf with his snout. Who's this guy?
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
Hi, Yolos. She smiled and dipped her head, mimicking his respectful nod. Had she understood the title — General — Ying would have corrected him, so that the mistake might not be made again. Instead, she turned her attention to Orochi and scolded him with a playful tail whip.

She stepped away from both men and began to speak: You both say you want to fight with Jūnshì, so I want to see how you are fighting together. Ying wanted to assess their skills, and compare them to see where each soldier needed to improve. Plus, I want to give you things to do. There were other things to be discussed, but these were the most important.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Yolos. She called him, his name and yet formed oddly around her accented tongue. It was Greek, after all and she was far from it. He only smiled to the manner in which she said it and watched as another wolf came into view, likely the one which had been called. From the distance he could see the carmel and chocolate wolf walked with an odd gate and then realized rather quickly he was missing a leg - or at least the lower half of it, flank still in tow. His upper half was well muscled and thick, liking for compensating by pulling his back half forth. 

It was odd even more to think he was a part of Junshi. Though if he was living on an island he needed to swim too and could keep his footing on the ever changing sands, surely he had some hidden skill to be revealed. That and he barely looked like he was even a year old yet. 

He said nothing when he asked who he was, allowing the sea woman to answer freely seeing as the pup did not bother to speak to him directly. A spar hu? It seemed almost unfair. Of course, being a child, Orochi still had room to grow and with only three legs to balance  him... it was easy to see where his weaknesess lie. Still, Aiolos would not take advantage. Already he began working himself into defensive position... Long legs spread out and bent down for balance, head aligned with his spine and inched back to protect his neck, ears down, eyes narrowed, the whole nine yards...Bring it then, kid.
moonglow daddy
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Orochi didn't take to kindly to the gesture, but he didn't outright blow up. Twitching lips and a low rumble was all he did to convey his annoyance.

His mood was lifted, however, when Ying said they'd be fighting. A rush of adrenaline caused him to shoot up with a smile. He was ready to fight anyone, especially random dudes who called him kid.

Don't call me that. He charged forward, and right before he'd dive to the right, hoping he'd be able to dodge whatever attack came at him.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Orochi (whose name was still unknown to him) did not favor the term kid at all. It wasnt meant to be an I'll term, granted after all that he was still a pup, but Aiolos could understand the irritation. After all, Aiolos himself sneered to the word 'kid' and 'boy' when he was his age too even though it was obvious he was. Olo had been forced to grow up quick and likely, so had this three footed youth. 

Youth, lack of appendages, either way the red male had no intention of going east on him. The male came barreling forward, though not as fast as perhaps he would have hoped for given lesser footing. Aiolos waited patiently, waiting for his moment and instead biting, dropped low, using his shoulder and top of his skull to slam into the one remaining back leg with a foot attached. With all hopes he would send the Kid flying onto the ground where Aiolos could dominate him with a pin.
moonglow daddy
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Sometimes he forgets he has three legs, and so forgets it's a weakness others will exploit. The sudden force against his leg caught him off guard. The lower half of his body twisted to the side. He tripped. He fell. An irritated growl rumbled in his throat.

Orochi slithered through the sand, trying to get far enough so he could comfortably get back to his feet.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos charged, hoping to close the distance between he and the youth while he scrambled around to get his footing once more. Jaws aimed to snip and snap, biting at any flailing limbs so he could make his way to the male's torso and seek hold on his scruff. His tail lifted, flagging a sign of dominance over Orochi which would either cause him to fight harder or submit.
moonglow daddy
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Just as he managed to lift himself up, he was put off balance by teeth snapping at his limbs. He knew then that this battle would not be won if he tried fighting normally. Everytime he got up, he'd be knocked down again. He had to stay low.

When Ailolos was close enough to his scruff, Orochi twisted his head and tried to grab the bottom of his chin.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Random Event 
It took the youth awhile but finally he realized if he was going to get anywhere with this he needed to stay low and stop trying to maneuver faster on three legs against a wolf with four. With Orochi on the ground Olo only needed to figure out how to subdue him without getting bitten. 

As he went for the back of his scruff again, a bite against his chin sent Aiolos yipping and jerking back. Ow. Grumbling, Aiolos aimed lower and worked at trying to snip along Orochi's spine. He would make quick snaps from left to right (not really trying to grab ahold) in order to try and dizzy and distract the youth as Aiolos long legs moved to straddle him. He would pin the boy yet, he would!
moonglow daddy
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
His attack brings the scuffle to a halt. Though it was brief, it was enough for Orochi to gather himself a bit. As Aiolos backed away so did he. A sharp wince slipped through his teeth as pain blossomed on his neck. If he had tore though his skin, it'd be much worse.

And as soon as he gained control it's gone again. His opponent came at him again, aiming further down his back. Each bite is not much alone, but together they were concerning. Trying to dodge them, avoiding being pinned, and snapping back slowly drainied his energy. There was not much he could to get from beneath him. Orochi just bit at the air, hoping to grab onto something.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos could tell his opponent's energy was fading. Aiolos otherwise was a man of pure stamina. Not the strongest, more bulky powerhouse out there nor was he at all slim fitted and limber. Tall, yes, but a wolf with a stamina to keep pushing himself to the breaking point. He had to be if he were to survive the treatment he had endured as a youth. 

So he kept at it, waiting for Orochi to tire  in the same manner one might prey - wearing it down until it just couldnt put up the fight anymore. Straddling the three-footed wolf, Aiolos would go to pin him again, forcing all his weight down on him in the process to try and hold him still. He felt Orochi trying to bite at his front legs yet Aiolos would try to hold true until he 'tapped out'.
moonglow daddy
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
She barked and stepped forward, commanding the pair to stop. This had been an assessment of their skills, and Ying felt that she had gathered enough information to make informed assumptions.

She looked between the pair and waited for the sparring to end, before moving forward to assess and possible injuries. Then, she said: Orochi, you are too hot-headed. You move too fast. — Ying turned her attention to Aiolos — You move too slow. Use too much power and not enough speed, so you are tired too soon.

But, this is a good spar. You are good partners. Ying would await any questions or comments from her seat some yards away.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
He could only keep this up for so long. He tried to get out from underneath his opponent as best he could, but it's all for not. There was no escaping this. By the time Ying had intervened it was clear who had won and who did not.

Orochi scrambled up from underneath the man. Usually he'd snap at whoever dared to criticize his fighting technique, but Ying was different from any other wolf. Orochi didn't go off on her, he didn't even ignore her. He stored the comment away and he'd certainty be thinking on it later.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Ying barked and Aiolos' skull shot up, demanding his attention. Russet ears perked as he moved from over Orochi and panted after his fight, a paw lifting to wipe the blood pooling off his chin. While he knew he did not major in swiftness nor brute strength - he lied around average, it was his stamina which he excelled in. Ying saying that he tired too quickly was something he had not heard before. After being beaten plenty as a child and then more as a yearling, being able to take a beating and keep on pushing was what he had most. His jaw tightened, but he said nothing. 

Alas, if Orochi was swifter, especially if he kept his game slow and if Aiolos had more strength then he had expected from her view, perhaps the combination of he and the hot-headed male would work in battle. Orocji was quick to react, even more so then Aiolos. If he used what he had to his advantage he would be better off. 

Thank you. He said at her finishing of a 'good spar' and waited should she have more to say or if they were dismissed.
moonglow daddy
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
Orochi and Aiolos accepted the criticism without protest. She smiled, pleased by their composure, and nodded her head in silent dismissal. Regardless of their reactions, Ying made way for home.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)