Thunder Dome from the art of mirrors
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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greymoor wolves? :o tags for ref!

there had been no court to which they might return. teya had not cared to stay; she had come after the silvergrey man and the redmasque, growing more and more wary the longer they moved from the willows. 
on a well-traveled plateau they settled; teya frowned at the unsure feel of it. 
it was not the hunt that drew the girl away that evening; it was lightning dancing around an odd peak. she drew closer to it, not telling either of the pair that she had gone off; when at last time passed and showed teya the breadth of the place she had come, the stars glinted coolly above, half-hidden by sharp flashes of electricity as thick clouds began to gather.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
The clouds gathered curiously here, roiling and churning at the mount's peak, pulling him from his own. It was good to get away now, after he met with @Solpallur upon the summit of the Watch, good to release everything from his chest that had been weighing so heavy upon him and get his brother's opinions. Stepping away this night would allow him a break, a breather, and so he made the journey to the peak where lightning gathered and struck over and over.

There was another drawn here, it seemed. The color of her fur became fire under the flash of lightning, the wind ruffling her pelt to make that fire and flame dance along her form. Quietly, he strode close, drawing up alongside the woman so that they both peered to the dangerous peak. Odin must not like the mountain, He voiced, glancing sidelong at her.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
as she stared toward the unholy mountain, teya considered her lack of purposefulness in the world she inhabited. constrained by her twisted tongue and debilitating worry, the girl had grown gnarled and arrested, a half-choked daisy on a browning vine.
and suddenly she was broken from it by a suntouched man who dwarfed her in size. teya startled a step backward, and then another for good measure, thoughts gone to mush in her mind as he seemed to boom odin and her ankle twisted in answer. down with a cry lost in the next crack of lightning.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
He had no intentions of startling her but intentions meant nothing in the face of reality. She stumbled and he moved to brace her, the action automatic and instinctual; he did not want to be the reason she tumbled down the side of the mountain. Though thunder swallowed the yelp of pain, Stjornuati saw it etch its way across her face, her jaws splitting in soundless form. Immediately, his mind took upon the mantle of healer, careful to steady her as his mouth moved nearer her ear, the better for her to hear him. Lie down. Allow this one a look.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he was near her, too near, too near. teya tensed, near beside herself with apprehension; ears splayed swiftly and embarrassment followed the anguish.
his voice was accented and careful; she clung to the unfamiliarity of it and stared at him, dry-mouthed but malleable in spite of her terror.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
To the ground she went, though it was not until she settled there that Stjornuati's gaze moved to her face, noted the whites of her eyes and the flaring of her nostrils. The odor of fear permeated the air around them and it was with realization that he stepped back, suddenly giving her space rather than tending to her injury. His head ducked, apologetic, trying to make himself seem a touch less imposing than he was at full height.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
it perturbed teya more that he had drawn away. no logic here, no immediate awareness that he meant to assuage her fears. only horror, exacerbated by being away from those she knew and a land she trusted.
as the moments ticked beyond, however, teya relented. pain was beginning to course through her left hindmost; at last she lay back, sides drawing quick breaths. but a single uptick of her tail allowed him closer; she shut her widewater eyes and forced her mind to the beauty of the old court before the rains had come.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
Only when her muscles slackened did Stjornuati move to her side once more, watching the woman's face for as lightning flashed above them once, then twice. Her eyes shut, she looked as though she had fallen asleep, a coping mechanism that the star-eater would not begrudge her. This one is going to check your leg, He offered, a softer rumble of thunder shaking the sky above them.

His head dropped, the bridge of his nose running along the length of the injured ankle. While there was some swelling, upon further inspection, it did not appear to be damaged more than that. Satisfied, he nosed her shoulder to gain her attention, stepping back once more to give her the space she seemed to want. This one has jurtir, medicines, near this place. This one can either go to fetch them or help you walk there.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
feel free to powerplay!

she wanted to shake her head when he was finished, when the thick accent gave way to words that stated she must be carried off. bridget and sundance were close, but could not come to her.
and teya did not want to stay beside the seething mountain, alone for the teeth of bandits to pick clean her bones. a strangled whine broke through the tightness of her jaw; she at last gave a nod to the stranger. if he had wished to end her life he already would have done so.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
Her consent was given, wordless and tense; the girl yet drowned in the scent of her own fear of him, though Stjornuati could do nothing to assuage such a feeling. He and his brother had always been of imposing stature, though Solpallur moreso than he, for he was of willowed frame, lithe and athletic where the sun-eater was more stalwart, built like a brick shithouse.

Guiding her to her feet and down, away from the churn of the storms above, Stjornuati would help his newest patient to the lake of the Watch, careful to mind their pace so she did not injure herself further.
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