Dragoncrest Cliffs Out of Bounds
Sun Mote Copse
971 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
All Welcome 
Directly after this thread

At first, Njord sprinted away from the indomitable @Kigipigak, wheeling across the fields to put as much space between him and the Watch as possible. Eventually, the fire of adrenaline seeped from his veins completely and his gait changed into an excruciating hobble. The seafarer’s right ankle was torn up and swollen while his left cheek was punctured. Blood oozed into the dense fur of his ruff, staining his pelt until the red turned a murky brown. The march back home was painful, sad, and embarassing.

By nightfall, Njord crossed the borders with a hurt body and a heavy mind. Not only had he lost Valmúa to a challenger, but he had lost it to someone he had met before – someone he might have been friends with. And the fight had been so fast… Even with the woman’s assault, Njord could not best the Northerner. He felt utterly worthless and sorry for himself. Again, he had been beaten by someone like Aegir.

Ashamed, the firebrand moved silently across the territory to find a hiding spot where he could bury his head in the sand. He moved with a terrible limp and wanted nothing more than to be alone and lick his proverbial (and actual) wounds.
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Babe, there's something wretched about this
477 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Once again he was on his way out to go search for the lost boy - and once again, he would be stopped on the way out by another. The scent of blood filled his nostrils first, carried by the ocean's breath that was slowly becoming less distracting to the senses - but it was not perfect yet. He couldn't tell what the blood was, wolf? Prey? Was it the scent of carrion carried by the breeze? And so, he ignored it for now, focussing on the pack's borders to begin his long journey to search for the lost boy. 

Annoyingly... the reason for the stench came into sight. A broken man trying to remain undercover, unseen, but for the ever guarding Rosencrantz, the suspicious behavior was quickly spotted. A single golden eye watched the man for a moment... then the direction of the borders... With a sigh and a gentle roll of his eye, the man turned to walk up to the flamekissed boy. A sharp steely stare focused solely on him. What happened? His tone was less than friendly despite his good intentions... he still had some work to do on his manners.
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Sun Mote Copse
971 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Unfortunately, the buccaneer’s best efforts to creep through Sapphique undetected were thwarted. The pale knight with the ravaged face intercepted and scrutinized him with a honeyed leer. Njord visibly shrunk at his packmate’s approach. Both Rosencrantz and Kaertok has impressively cut figures - a steeliness and quiet ferocity sewn into them. On a good day Njord felt like he could stand besides them… maybe even dream of being like them. But today, he felt like a little fishing boat next to the Titanic.

The seafarer glowered at the other man with a swollen, oozing face. One eye was starting to close up. His ears crumpled against his skull as his dry mouth shut, holding words. No rapport had been built between them, and Njord felt Rosencrantz was pointing a condescending figure in contempt.

“I got in an’ fight,” he managed to say, words slurred. He paused, “ov’r a girl.”

Njord braced himself for punishment, verbal or physical. He diverted his gaze, red tail tucked beneath him.
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Babe, there's something wretched about this
477 Posts
Ooc — Noki
There was a long way to go for the battle born berserker to soften up a little, to ease up with his hardened stance and less-than-friendly resting bitchface for a lack of better words. His face shifted as the boy spoke - well, somewhat, it was hard to understand - brows furrowing and a frown only deepening as if that was any way possible. The embarrassed lad cowered in his presence, which was slightly annoying but honestly, what didn't annoy him other than the Alphas? 

Who is she? Nevertheless, this boy was accepted by the sea-queens, and so, as said in the meeting, they had to take care of one another as "family". Rosencrantz didn't see anyone as a family if he was being honest, it was a strong word to use... Rosalyn had a child with him, and he saw the wives as something closer than just his leaders or friends, but family? He wasn't certain...
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Sun Mote Copse
971 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
I’m gonna assume Njord knows Rosencrantz’s name for pack cohesiveness, but hasn’t really had much dialog with him

Njord waited to be ridiculed, laughed at, or dismissed entirely.  It was the only way his raptorial family knew how to operate. His Father and Aunt had bones of kindness in their bodies – but not his brother and certainly not his Grandfather. To them, failure was disappointing and repulsive trait only for losers. After one too many failures, Njord had just given up entirely on many things in life and had become aloof… though he felt this bothered Grandfather even more. It gave Njord satisfaction to get under his skin.

Teekon was supposed to be a mulligan… but being bested by Kigipigak siphoned up feelings of worthlessness all over again. Yet, despite the knight’s sharp appearance and curt intonation, he did not jeer. He simply stuck around to hear the seafarer out.

“Gosh, Rose… if only you could see ‘er,” he started, trying to level with the other man. “We met on the plains. ‘Er name’s Valmúa. A Northern woman, gorgeous coat of copper an’ ash with a blonde ruff. Most beaut’ful woman I’ve ever seen.” His non-swollen eye looked day-dreamy. “We flirted… she liked me ‘an I wanted t’ court ‘er. I showed up to ‘er borders…” Here the story got a little complicated and Njord sucked in a breath, expression darkening. “Another man, Kigipigak, showed up too. Me and him, we’d met b’fore. I thought we was mates. He looked at me like the devil, Rose.” Anger flashed across Njord’s Frankenstein face. “He said t’lady wasn’t goin’ anywhere. Well… t’lady didn’t like ‘im speakin’ for her one bit. I didn’t back down and… well…” Njord looked down to his shredded foreleg, dejected.

“I think I’m in love, Rose,” he said, still looking at his wound and thinking about all the crazy things love made you do.
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Babe, there's something wretched about this
477 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Yep! That works for me! <3

There was some judgment on the guardian's thoughts, but if he was being honest, he too had done some brash things in the blinding fury of the moment. Though his were less of the romance type other than Rhaella, but even then it was the lies and secrecy that drove him mad instead of the loss of love or partnership. 

The boy's story sounded like one most men encountered in their lives. A fight for the right to a woman - unfortunately for him, this one was lost to him in a fight. What do you want to do about it? The boy could easily just forget about his "love" and move on with his life, there are many women out there for him to court after all. Perhaps not in the male-dominated Sapphique.

He had to go visit Erzulie about his wounds, but before escorting the injured man to their main healer and alpha, Rosencrantz wanted to hear what plans he had for this. Would he continue to try for this woman? If so, he had to be smart about it this time...
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Sun Mote Copse
971 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
In some ways, Rosencrantz was like a soundboard to help Njord sort through the torrent of feelings tearing through his brain at the speed of light. What do you want to do about it? he asked plainly. Simply. As if the situation wasn’t very nuanced at all and the answer could be crystal clear. Njord furrowed his brow, a bit frustrated – immature in his understanding about how to get through the tough times in life. Wasn’t wallowing in pity enough for now?

A long, stretchy strand of spittle drooled freely from his puffy jowl as the gears turned inside his head. Sllluurrrpppp, Njord sucked it back up with a painful grimace. “Do about it? What’dya mean do?” he asked with a harsh tone. He didn’t mean for his anger to be directed at Rosencrantz. Njord was just angry at the world and his impoverished situation. His potential love affair had been snatched like a rug out from under him. “I already did it. I lost. It’s done.”

Hakuna Matata?

Njord breathed a heavy sigh, realizing he was being a little immature and rude. “Sorry,” he mumbled, swallowing a gulp of bloody spit. “Jeez, I dunno Rose. What would you do? I can’t go back ov'r there.” But he also wasn’t ready to let Valmúa go. If only he knew she was a total gold digger, maybe he would change his mind.
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Babe, there's something wretched about this
477 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Perhaps he worded it wrong - the boy questioned the guardian and even got a little upset. To which, he frowned at the situation. A deep crease forming between his brows. Njord was frustrated, that was obvious even to the less than socially inclined frost-bound warrior. And if Rosencrantz wasn't already a drooly slob due to the lack of face he had, perhaps the slurping of saliva would have disgusted him a little - instead, he was nearly oblivious to its presence, having to deal with it constantly himself. 

Are you ready to let her go? It was more so a question to get him to think, rhetorical in nature as a pause lingered long enough for Njod to think it over. Or are you going to do something stupid? The last thing Sapphique needed now was a love-struck boy making enemies with a new pack all because he wanted to get his dick wet. Were he alone on this would be a different matter... but with Sapphique's scent all over him, the pack would be involved whether they wanted to or not. 

If you are planning on stupidity, it's wise to let Erzulie and Rosalyn know that they must prepare for a storm that might be coming our way. It wasn't a matter if Rosencrantz was willing to help Njord get the girl of his dreams - but a matter of whether or not the Alphas were willing to protect this boy who might be bringing trouble to their doorstep all in the name of "love".
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Sun Mote Copse
971 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Are you ready to let her go, the knight asked. In that moment Njord’s heart and pride hurt more than his busted face. He had to give up something he never had in the first place – something he was stopped from having by no accord of his own. No I’m not, Njord thought to himself begrudgingly.  If anything, the seafarer wanted Valmúa more than ever, now.

Or are you going to do something stupid? Rosencrantz quipped. The boy continued to look at his feet, mulling it over. Yeah, I wanna go kick Kigi’s ass, that’s what I wanna do. Angry steam seemed to fume of his ears like a cartoon, but the older soldier had a valid point. He was the voice of reason. As soon as Rosencrantz mentioned Erzulie and Rosalyn, the tension in Njord’s body loosened. He had a responsibility to the pack. Sapphique, his new family, didn’t deserve to have troubles rain down because of his actions.

Guilt tempered his selfishness. The staccato darts of his blue eyes alluded that Njord was slowly processing the wisdom bestowed to him. He let out a heavy sigh that turned into an agonized groan. “I don’t want ‘ta do anything stupid. But… I don’t wanna let ‘er go… She wanted me, too, Rose.” If only Kigipigak hadn’t gotten in the way. How could he reconcile this conundrum? “What if you train me, Rose. Train me to fight. I could challenge ‘im again.” Njord’s half-shut eye glanced to the other man, who was just a blur. “Just b’cause I was knocked down once, doesn’t mean I’m out of the running, does it?” he asked, optomistic.
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Babe, there's something wretched about this
477 Posts
Ooc — Noki
The colorful one finally found his center after the mention of the wives being brought into this, no longer wound up and ready to snap. At least he still had some senses left in him, enough to see how dangerous this could be if he didn't think things through. Was it hypocritical of Rosencrantz to think that? A little, he wasn't innocent for acting upon emotion, but at least he tried to think things through these days... to the best of his ability.

She wanted him too, the stoic, stone-cold facade of the knight softened lightly, just enough to lose some wrinkles between his brow and let his lip fall to a more natural state. No, it doesn't. Second time's the charm isn't it? First we get you medical help, then we let Rosalyn and Erzulie know. They would be prepared this time for him to come and try again to take the lover he wanted - but that was a conversation for another day. One thing at a time...

and after that we can talk about training. Certain steps had to be taken so that Sapphique as a whole wouldn't be dragged into this love affair... even if Rosencrantz or one of the wives themselves would come with him on Njord's second challenge to make their intentions clear that this was personal, not pack related... it was a dream, but possible if the other's would agree to the terms. A shot in the dark, but a necessary precaution if both packs could see eye to eye.
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Sun Mote Copse
971 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Last post for me! Off to see mama zulie!

Even through his bloated lids Njord could recognize the knight’s softening expression. Rosencrentz had a game-plan and a desire to work with him as opposed to against him. That was all the young buccaneer needed: redirection. His desire was like a great amount of water, Kigipigak the dam, but Rosencrantz the river. Njord’s face lit up at the thought of training with the paladin (well, one side of his face did… he sort of looked like he had a stroke), and nodded – but flinched abruptly from pain.

“O-o-o–o-o,” Njord groaned. “’Aight Rose,” he acquiesced, transitioning into phase one of the plan (finding a healer), “you’ve got ‘yerself a deal.” He was lucky to have run into a man with a strong sense of diplomacy and good foresight. The islander slowly moved to his packmate’s side, a new stiffness setting in. However, he felt relief in knowing that Rose had his back and he wasn’t in this fight alone.
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Babe, there's something wretched about this
477 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Unbeknownst to the paladin, he had gotten himself a little companion of sorts. As far as the archangel knew, his presence in the pack was ghostly - rarely cared about the others in the pack other than some roadside freakshow with a torn face to gawk at. At least now he had more to do than wander the borders alone and keep an eye out for the young wandering pup lost in the sea of trees beyond the cliffs. 

With a rough Hm. and a nod to accompany it, he took his place next to the ginger tailed man and escorted him along to find one of their healers. Maybe with some planning and preparation, the young man would be able to fight his rival male and court the woman he desired successfully in time. 

Exit! <3
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