Sun Mote Copse Make it a point to tell me when you get to the end
gubraithian fire
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She didn't feel as terrible today, though the malaise definitely lingered. If @Eljay voiced any concerns, she reassured him. She also did her best not to let the kids know she wasn't feeling well. They were too young to notice that sort of thing much, though perhaps they would sense it otherwise; she didn't want that. And, well, @Kiwi had absconded. Wildfire wasn't sure what to make of that yet, though it weighed on her heart.

Taking advantage of a small burst of energy, Wildfire breakfasted with her family and then went to pay a visit at the Blackthorns' den. @Finley was there, with @Avery, Sugar Glider, @Crow and @Penn tucked beside her. Their eyes were just about due to open, the Sovereign was fairly sure, so she checked their little faces as she settled down across from her godmother and cooed over them in turn.

Out of nowhere, there was a tickle in her throat. Despite the swelling in her lymph nodes, her throat had never bothered her... until now. She coughed dryly a few times, yet that only seemed to make it worse. Soon she was practically choking. Wildfire sprang upright—as much to avoid jostling the youngsters as to dash out of the den for a drink of water—when she produced a clot of blood, which she accidentally sprayed all over the closest pup (sorry, Suge).

*sets on 5/17* :)
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
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i'll keep vague who's watching the elfire pups. let me know if any assumptions are not ok. :)

Eljay had been very overwhelmingly worried about Wiffle. He kept insisting that he should check out the lymph nodes but even when he did check them out he couldn't make much of them. Eljay had it very high on his priority list to go ask Raven for help, even though Wiffle said that she had already visited Raven. But still, this couldn't possibly be a healthy thing and Eljay doubted it'd go away on its own. And so he set off to follow Wiffle when she went for a visit to the Blackthorn den. He didn't want to be a stalker, but honestly, he needed to make sure that Wiffle was alright.

So he set off after finding someone to play with the pups for a little bit. Eljay loitered around his parents' den as Wiffle was inside, until he heard a few coughs. Eljay creeped a bit closer to the den, when he heard sounds of choking. With a worried frown on his face Eljay raced to the den's mouth. Wiffle?! What's going on? he called out, just in time to see her spray blood all over one of the pups. Eljay's eyes widened in horror, and despite being a new father and having had plenty of worried moments over the wee babs, Eljay had never looked more worried in his life than he did now as he looked upon his mate coughing up blood.
74 Posts
Ooc — Kim
As if on cue, Avery’s eyes opened.

Her first glimpse of the world wasn’t a glorious one; in fact, she was looking right at Penn’s round little bottom. Of course, everything was pretty blurry and she obviously didn’t know that what she was looking at was her brother’s butt, but it still held her attention for a few long seconds.

Movement in her newly-discovered peripheral vision caused her to turn her head towards Wildfire. She peered blearily up at the fuzzy red shape, finding that she liked its bright coloration, and proceeded to happily gaze up at the Sovereign.

Then Wildfire began to cough and abruptly took to her feet. Avery gave a startled little cry and promptly fell over even as her aunt hocked a bloody loogie on poor Sugar Glider. Now she was back to looking at Penn’s bum again.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Wildfire's eyes widened in horror when she saw what she'd done. It was alarming to see the blood spatter, naturally, but what really troubled her was where it had landed. "Oh," she gasped, "oh no. I'm so sorry." She wasn't sure if she was apologizing to the pup or her parents, probably both. Thinking little of herself, she bent to begin cleaning poor Sugar, tears springing to her eyes as she mostly just managed to smear the girl's downy gray coat and make matters worse.

Unable to look at her godparents for fear of how they must be looking at this shit show (for lack of a better term), Wildfire released the pup and turned to step outside when she realized Eljay was blocking the way. His cry of alarm registered with her only belatedly; she had been too caught up in trying to clean the poor puppy, she hadn't even heard him.

Her mouth opened and closed, unsure what to say. She was sick. She wasn't sure how sick. And though she had a feeling she wasn't contagious, her insides recoiled at the thought of possibly passing on her illness to Sugar or the others. She should never have come here.

Slipping past Eljay with a shake of her head, she moved outdoors and promptly began to cough again, tears now slipping from the corners of her eyes.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
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Master Sitter
It was as if Wiffle didn't quite realise that he was there at all, which alarmed Eljay even more. Wiffle, it's me, he said to her with a frown but instead of reacting to him Wiffle got to her feet and pressed past him out of the den. Eljay went out of her way instinctively, though the worried frown never left his face. She departed the den wordlessly and then started to cough again.

Wiffle -- what did Raven say? What's -- do you know what's happening? Eljay had a little medic experience now, but not as much as Raven and he certainly didn't know what was up with Wiffle now.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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No more blood spurted from her mouth, thank goodness for small miracles. The coughing jag lasted a moment longer, then Wildfire recovered enough to blink away the tears and look up into the concerned face of her mate. She grimaced. She'd been shielding Eljay and the kids from this, though she supposed she couldn't do that anymore.

Frowning guiltily in the direction of the den's mouth, Wildfire looked back at her mate. She tried to rearrange her face a little into something more reassuring, yet she failed absolutely. Instead, her eyes began to stream again as she admitted, "No, I don't. Raven didn't really know for sure either. But I'm—I think—" Her voice quavered.

Rather than continue, she tried to steady herself with some deep breaths, then asked him, "Could you tell your mom and dad I'm really sorry about what happened? And then can you walk me home?"
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Um. Whatever Aves--Penn's butt was the most glorious thing in the world, and your face doesn't even deserve to be looking at it mmkay.

Unlike his sister, Penn's eyes remained glued shut, which appeared to be a blessing because he would've otherwise seen some real dang gross shit. The disturbance of Wildfire's movements roused him, but he merely squirmed politely in his spot wedged between his siblings and settled down to sleep a bit more. It wasn't until that terribly offensive smell of the grossness penetrated his senses that he grew distressed, and even then, the boy just wriggled deeper into Finley's coat until his face was buried in her fur. Problem solved. Penn wins the game, and Avery gets her bum shot back.

All's good here, pals.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Cameo maybe? Since it looks like the thread is moving away from the den now :)

Fin, however, was not as easily convinced as her youngest son that everything was good. Not even close. She had been alarmed at the sight of Wildfire's shoulders and not in the least placated by the girl's insistance that it was nothing and she was fine, even Raven had said something medical and fancy and whatever about them (all things I'm assuming had happened because powerplaying is kind of my thing). And when the girl stood up from her coughing fit, Finley was downright panicked.

She blinked mutely as Wildfire took her daughter and cleaned the blood off of her. The blood that her goddaughter had coughed up. Instinct was freaking the fuck out on her and telling her to get Wildfire the fuck away from her children, but shock kept her frozen in place until it was all over. She stared at Sugar Glider who had been placed back beside the others just before Wildfire darted out the door. She hesitated just a single moment, then snatched the little girl and pulled her away, dropping her between her arms and going to work cleaning away the mess. The blood. The disease.

Finley was shaking as she worked, fear tightening hard around her heart. I sure as hell hope Elwood was there to calm her down, but even he would have trouble keeping her mind from going to dark places. Fin had seen disease before. She had seen it spread. Even now as she cleaned it all away from her littlest pup, Fin wondered if it would be enough, or if...
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Wiffle confirmed Raven didn't know what was going on either, which worried Eljay even further. If Raven couldn't help it, then how was he supposed to stop it? You think you're what? Do you know what this is? How do we stop it? Eljay himself had never seen disease in this way and he didn't know how on earth he was going to stop it from destroying Wiffle with, it seemed, every passing second. He was worried sick, and was now beating himself up that he hadn't taken action before. He'd seen that she had some things going on that he had checked but hadn't been able to fix, but he didn't know she was this sick. He should've known, though. Should've practised harder at being a good caretaker.

Wiffle, I'm so s-- he started, but she asked him to inform his mom and dad about what happened and then walk her home. Eljay nodded and he turned back to the den; he looked quickly at Wiffle to make sure she was okay, then poked his head into the den. Worry and fear written clearly on his face, Eljay said: Wiffle's -- dying. S-she's sorry about the -- about what -- that she -- Eljay's breath came out in steady heaves of panic. I'm b-bring her home. to die. It was hard not to break into a heap of tears, but Eljay reminded himself that he had Wiffle to walk home and he didn't want her to feel bad in any way about being sick. This was obviously all his fault, after all, but he knew how Wiffle could get and that she might try and blame herself.

There was a cracked smile-ish grimace on Eljay's face as he turned back to Wiffle (assuming Finley wouldn't react directly to his message) and said: Let's go. You should rest. He wasn't really sure if she should rest, honestly, but he didn't know what she did need either and rest had never hurt anyone.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
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Master Ranger
Her mate pressed her for answers but Wildfire could only grimace apologetically and shake her head. She didn't have them. She didn't know what was going on with her. Even man, with all his technological advances, often couldn't detect disease until it was too late. And she was only a wild wolf, they all were. Raven and Eljay could study medicine for years and still never be able to diagnose the stealthy malignancy that had taken root in her long before any symptoms had ever manifested.

Eljay disappeared for a moment to pass along her message, though it wasn't long before he rejoined her and the two began making their way back to the den. They walked slowly, Wildfire nodding at his suggestion that she rest. She wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and hide from whatever this was. Of course, she couldn't escape her own skin, nor her mind, so actual rest wouldn't be easy to come by.

She could practically feel the waves of fear and worry emanating off her mate. Wildfire's first instinct was to reassure him but instead she found herself admitting in a voice almost too soft to hear, "I'm scared, Eljay."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay's heart was already racing without Wiffle's admission, but when she said that she was scared, Eljay's frown deepened. He couldn't keep himself together then, and while he kept himself standing on his feet Eljay, that was all he managed to keep together. Eljay's body shook with sobs while he murmured a broken, S-sh, I'll make it b-better, even though he had no means to at all. He was scared too. He didn't know what this was and if Raven didn't know what this was, well, then nobody did. It has to... get better. Because Eljay and Wiffle had only just found each other, and he couldn't imagine a life without her by his side already. They had two beautiful babies that they had to see grow up together, that they would see grow up together. Why was this happening?

All the while he supported Wiffle physically still as they made their way back to the den, and while he was sobbing Eljay managed to hold himself together relatively well while he supported her -- the real crash would come when they reached the den safely.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Her mate seemed almost more shaken and overwrought than Wildfire herself. Normally, she would've gone above and beyond to reassure him, yet the Sovereign was too caught up in her own feelings to offer much help. She swallowed thickly as she watched Eljay try to keep it together, only to fail miserably. Her steps slowed, then stopped, while there was still a short ways to go to the den.

"Eljay..." she spoke softly, not really sure what she wanted to say. Wildfire realized she was trembling. She looked imploringly at Eljay, not only unable to comfort him but needing him to comfort her this time.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay wished that he could speak with more confidence, that he could make it all alright for Wiffle. He really did wish that, even though he had no idea how to sound more confident about it. He really wished he could make it better, but he just couldn't seem to. Wiffle stopped a little while short of the den, even though Eljay was barely holding himself together so they could reach the den before this all. We have to keep moving, Eljay said, but it was too late and she had already stopped. Eljay made sure she could lean against him, and he placed his head across her neck and closed his eyes for a moment while she spoke his name so softly.

What are we going to do? Eljay thought. I don't know how to fix this. But none of his thoughts were constructive and none of them would make her feel any better or do her any good right now. But what would? He just didn't know. I love you, he ended up saying, because Eljay didn't think he could say anything that would make it better right now, but he could let Wiffle know just how much he loved her, at least... I brought back a stone from Redhawk Caldera that you gave mommy when I was born. I was going to give it to you. I — His voice faltered and Eljay fell silent as he moved his head so that he could nuzzle her cheek. He didn't know what he could do, and all of the love he felt for Wiffle only made it so he knew less what to do.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Master Ranger
He might not have known what to say, yet there were no words that could help her plight anyway. He held her, which was all Wildfire could ask for in this dreadful moment. She clung to him shamelessly, trembling, a lump forming in her already aching throat when Eljay mentioned the caldera. Wildfire realized abruptly that she may never get to go on that trip they'd planned. She felt as if the bottom was dropping out of her world as she struggled to suck in shallow breaths.

It would be some time yet before Wildfire realized she was actually past the point of no return and acknowledge the end of her days and just how much unfinished business she would leave behind. For now, she just clutched Eljay all the tighter and began to cry, stripped bare and utterly vulnerable in the safe circle of her mate's arms.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay, too, realised abruptly that he would never get to take Wiffle back to the Caldera, or show it to their children alongside her... Eljay could not help it as he began to cry, too, wishing that he was stronger but honestly, he just wasn't. As soon as Wiffle's tears started to fall his did too, and Eljay tried to be there for Wiffle as best he could while he tried to grasp the seriousness of the situation himself. He'd been sick once -- surely Wiffle could get better. She had to get better. He needed to believe that, and he would continue to believe that -- on the surface, anyway -- for the coming days, until she would call them to her side to say good-bye.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Master Ranger
They cried together a while—a long while, to be honest—and Wildfire's sobs only lessened because she had utterly exhausted herself. The crying had been cathartic in a way. She wouldn't have said she felt refreshed, though some of the jagged edges of her mental anguish had dulled, the hurts less now.

"Eljay," she spoke into the silence, "can you... promise me something?" Her watery eyes sought and found his, which were rimmed with red. "If this is what I think it is... if..." Wildfire had to stop and suck in a shaky breath, collect herself a bit more. Her voice sounded utterly wrecked. "Will you make sure the children don't forget me?" Better yet, "Will you make sure they remember me?"
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
It felt forever that they just cried. Eljay completely lost control over himself and his emotions there, unable to be there for Wiffle in the way that he wished. Eventually she stopped crying and so did he, though the pain still felt raw and ungraspable to Eljay.

She asked for a promise and he bobbed his head, even though he wasn't sure if it was something he could even do. She asked that if she would... She asked to make sure the children would remember her. Eljay froze and tried to process what exactly she was saying. He wanted to believe she was still going to be okay. So then it wouldn't be very hard to make them remember her, because she was right here. I... He frowned as he fought tears that threatened to come up again. Of course. I promise. They'll remember you. Eljay smiled a watery smile and told himself that he'd just make sure that Wiffle stayed right here so that he wouldn't have to worry about fulfilling that promise. She was just sick. She'd get better... Surely...
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Master Ranger
She half expected him to deny the necessity of such a thing and was glad when he didn't. She didn't have the strength right now to fight Eljay's nature. She sank against him when he readily agreed. Wildfire did not think to question the ease of it or what it might mean about what must be going on inside his head. She tried not to think much at all.

Instead, she simply nuzzled against him, breathing in his scent. "Thank you, Eljay," she murmured against the curve of his throat, voice muffled by his damp furs. Thank you for everything.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay leaned his head against hers and closed his eyes as Wiffle nuzzled against him. He wished there was something he could do to make her better. He wished he could make this feeling of sadness into a feeling of happiness somehow. But it seemed there was nothing that either of them could do at that moment. I love you, Eljay said, his words almost a whisper, the words clearly meant only for Wiffle's ears.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
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Master Ranger
"I love you too," she murmured back, words equally as quiet, though heartfelt. "You mentioned a stone..." she brought up in the next breath, finally ready to complete their trek back to the den. "I'd like to see it. Will you show it to me now?"
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
His heart was so full and at the same time it was shattering into a million pieces so hard. Eljay wished he knew what to do with all of these feelings, but for now they were just tearing him down all at once. Wiffle asked about the stone he had mentioned. Eljay'd already forgotten mentioning it at all but now he nodded into Wiffle's fur and said, It's at home -- at the den. Eljay supported Wiffle, though only moving back towards the den again when she herself got into motion to make sure he wasn't pushing her beyond her limits.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
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Master Ranger
She nodded when he reminded her it was at the den, then prepared to walk the final steps there. She still felt weak and weary—once she reached the den, Wildfire knew she wouldn't be leaving it anytime soon—but she managed the strength to get there.

Slowly, she crept inside and curled up on the ground. Her body ached for sleep, yet her mind whirled. Anyway, she really did want to see this stone. Her chestnut eyes sought her mate's.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
At least the stone was a good motivation to press on towards the den and get her there. Eljay was relieved when they reached it. The copse was home, but the den was especially home. Eljay nosed Wiffle's cheek and then left the den for a short moment to retrieve the stone that he had hidden closeby. He removed some old leaves from a nook by the tree where he found the sparkling stone. It was beautiful, just like Wiffle.

He picked it up carefully and as he entered the den again, put it down in front of Wiffle. Mommy said you brought this when you came to visit me after I was born. Do you remember? It was a long time ago, so Eljay wouldn't be surprised if she didn't. Maybe seeing it again might spark her memory.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
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Master Ranger
When he stepped outside to fetch the stone, Wildfire realized she couldn't bear being alone right now. He'll be right back, she told herself, feeling panic bloom in her chest and creep up her aching throat. She wanted to call out to him.

And then he reappeared. The Sovereign was so relieved that she didn't even pay the stone any attention at first. Fighting her weakness, she reached her smudged snout up to nuzzle him, then tried to coax him to curl up beside her.

Only once he obliged her did Wildfire turn to look at the shard, lustrous even in the den's dim interior. She didn't respond right away, trying to dig back into her past, but she must have been only a few months old at the time. She didn't remember.

"I'm sorry, I don't," she whispered, "but you know what I do remember? When I was thinking of moving to Moonspear, I came to visit Aunt Flea and you were there too. You begged me not to go, because you were afraid I'd get hurt. You told me you loved me. I guess that was the first time." Her eyes crinkled at the corners as she recollected.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
When he returned, Eljay looked a little startled when he looked at Wiffle's face. Did he recognise the traces of panic there that he himself so frequently fought? He frowned, but didn't mention it, unsure if he had seen it correctly and not wanting to further spook her anyway. He just wanted to be with Wiffle in this moment and not think too much about what might come or not. She'd be better again, and until then he would keep her company. They would get through this - together.

Wiffle didn't remember, which wasn't really a big surprise. They had both been young then, and Eljay only remembered because he was the one who had the stone, and he'd asked mommy about it and she had explained. Wiffle might not remember, but she had a different story to tell him. Eljay didn't remember this one, in turn. He vaguely recognised the panicked feelings of her departure when she told him about this happening, but he must've been young at the time. Eljay grinned and said, Really? I guess I must've already known then. It was a joke, of course, because Eljay hadn't really realised that he loved Wiffle in that way until very recently, and Wiffle herself had loved the Heda in between. I do remember when you found me near Drageda and brought me to the Heda to get me shelter and food, when I was out on my own. It was the silliest decision that he had made in his life, to leave Redhawk Caldera to strike out elsewhere, but maybe, looking back, it had all just been another chapter in him shuffling Wiffle back into his life so that they could end up together, here, and raise their children together.