Northstar Vale Maybe this goodbye is forever
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,159 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
<3 Maybe one day I will return to Wolf <3
@Nyra left some evidence of the kidnapping
@Mulberry feel free to make an exit post

Arlette had made it to the Vale. It was a different place than the Redsand Canyon but she did feel more at home here. She was busy trying to find a good place for her new medical stash. She explored the edges of the territory, the steep rocky cliffs that sheltered the valley. The female had her children in tow. Which made it all more fun. She liked them explore the world, and it was so fun to see how they did that.

Arlette climbed a more gentle slope, knowing she would cross the border. She noticed Thyme behind her and she looked over her shoulder, smiling at her son. She was perhaps happy in the first time since Derg left which was saying something. Having Mulberry and Thyme in tow while exploring was nice.

Then sudden there was a shadow dropping over her. Her guard hairs shot up. Arlette turned but as soon as she noticed. "Chil---," her voice cut out. She felt a dull pain on top of her skull, making her vision black out. Within minutes all that was left of the mother and her two children, was some tufts of their fur and drag marks on the ground...
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
<3 <3 <3

Nyra was originally on patrol. 
Until she felt something was wrong. Deeply wrong.

Sprinting, Nyra rushed to find Arlette and the pups.
There was nothing.

Except bits of fur and drag marks.

Immediately, something deep within Nyra sparked and turned dark.

She's gone she's gone she's gone she's GONE--

Nyra searched high and low with fervorous panic for hours.
Still nothing. Not a scent to follow, not anything.

In the night, Nyra curled into her den and wept.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls