Lion Head Mesa oasis
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
tamar led @Kasmut down the winding hallway.

this time of day, pharaoh would be within his throne room, perhaps with one or all of the mazoi. 

the shadows opened into the smooth stone room. pharaoh lay across his couch. @Sayf and @Sayyadina flanked him. the royal's laughter and their own filled the air.

ramesses quieted as the pair approached. tamar felt his eyes upon her.

"divine one, i have brought a new prize to akashingo. she is kasmut."

breath held in her throat.
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Kasmut followed Tamar into the mesa, into the chambers where the scents of wolf and coyote mingled with that of berries and drink. The ghostly figure peered at each passing item with only a moment of interest. Her eyes always returned to the slender figure of Tamar, the warm colors that danced through the woman’s pelt and faded at her brown eyes.

Such a treasure, the white coyote thought.

When the two figures entered the room where Pharaoh sat with his people, Kasmut’s eyes belonged only to him. She stared at the sharpness of his features, the kohl that lined his riverlight eyes. He was a remarkable thing, a brilliant man to behold.

Pharaoh, your name is whispered in the sands of Khembe. I have come to you, a diamond of the sands.

Kasmut bowed her head, deep below her shoulders.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
voices quieted as pharaoh's eyes grew spearlike and riveted.
his gaze followed tamar and the slim pale figure at his side.
his mind, his vision, his body; all reacting in the memory of maggie, whom ramesses had never forgotten.
but where her eyes had been the blue of cold oceans far beyond his memory, kasmut was crushed alabaster and rose-sand.
he descended his throne and strode forward. a flick of his tail dismissed tamar.
pharaoh lowered his mouth between kasmut's shoulder-blades. "how far you must have come."
another wave of his plume, to sayf and to sayyadina, and as they filtered out, he sought the flower's gaze.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tamar out!

how quickly all paled to nothing before the glowing kasmut!

she wanted to be in the eye of pharaoh.

so let her. tamar bowed and stepped backward from the throne room, grateful and clutching for breath as she ran back to the rooms of the queen.
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Even his breath so near to her body felt like the warmth of sun melting away the snow. Kasmut smiled sweetly to him, the pink of her lips rising into a serene expression.

The diamond watched with pleasure as he instructed the others to leave the room. She was elated at the thought of being alone with him, of allowing her eyes to gaze upon him without restraint. The coral jewels turned to his features with a fluttering of her lashes.

I would have traveled to the end of all things, Pharaoh, she purred to him. Your name is like a blessing to our ears. Your voice is a gift, to me especially. I have traveled every day with the thought of your eyes upon me, and it has been more than enough. Kasmut moved slowly, turning to him, moving to wrap herself against his chest.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ramesses found his own gaze half-lidded and wanting.
in these moments of newness he found he could forget satsu, satsu, who bloomed an obsession across the back of his royal mind.
kasmut was worshipful, waiting. 
pharaoh teased her with a deliberate slowness, lowering his mouth toward her own, though he did not yet touch her. she smelled of sweet things, the sand outside akashingo. herself.
"if you stay in this palace you will belong to me," he warned quietly.
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The pale figure was held breathless and captivated in his lazuli stare, half-lidded and wanting. She could not help but smile sweetly at him. Kasmut had never felt so serene, so at peace with herself and where she stood. In his palace, beside the handsome shape of the ruler, Akashingo appeared to be perfect. The diamond would not rest until she had it for herself, and him.

No other, Pharaoh? Only to you, please let it be so, she whispered to him, voice rising only where it was needed.

Kasmut did not care then for the sweetness of the Mazoi she had met outside Akashingo’s claim. She had all but forgotten the kind way he had addressed her, had fumbled through his words like a young boy might. Pharaoh was all the light in the room and the sun beyond.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the idea caught and snared ramesses; he looked down into the pale-rose eyes and at the teaflower mouth and wondered —
ah, but the idea of her caught in rougher arms than his was titillating. kasmut gave herself entire and belonged to him by her own admission. she was his to do with as he pleased.
his voice was smooth, teasing.
"what does a fellahin care for the order of a pharaoh?"
persuade me, the dazzling lazuli eyes demanded.
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo

Kasmut smile to him, and her eyelashes fluttered. She pulled her muzzle away from his proximity, aiming it for the ground and her paws. The Pharaoh was a coy man, so sharp and dangerous with his tongue. She could feel it in his words, in the very tone that filled the room they occupied.

It is your gaze I care for, your tongue, your kisses upon my flesh, she breathed huskily to him.

The very idea of your body upon mine is a blessing from the Gods, just as you are to Akashingo.

When Kasmut returned her eyes to him, it was with chilling understanding. What did a Fellahin care for the order of a Pharaoh? It was all she cared for; all she would desire. His order could make her a queen.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
can post and archive or fade here <3

she flattered. she compelled.
kasmut had rendered pharaoh her own entire, at least for these moments. even tamar had left him; he only was encircled by the pale aura of kasmut and her thrumming power.
his voice was roughened with want.
he fell into her eyes.
"then worship me now."
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo
And worship him, she did.

The pale flower of the desert fell into the man with all of her charms.