Emberwood can't shake the feeling that i'm just bad at healing
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
Vesper did not materialize.

It was with leaden steps that Blueberry waited for low tide and trudged over the land bridge. Managed to pick up bits and pieces of familiar scents. She'd let @Bronco and @Fennec know that she was going to stay behind for a little while. . .but she'd only managed to hold out—what, a week?

Surviving on mussels pried open with desperate teeth, and the occasional tattered fish that she was able to wrestle away from jabbering sea birds.

The borders were still a bit porous, but definitely there, and she drew a deep breath inward and savored that, at least here, she would not want for company. Blueberry gave a brief howl, announcing that she'd arrived, and then lingered near the fringes of the territory. Her eyes scanned the barren branches, dark limbs stark against a gray winter sky.

This place wasn't too bad—and it would look better when everything wasn't, you know, dead.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec wouldn't outright admit it, but she'd worried about Blueberry sticking around by herself (especially after their hunting trip). She understood that arguing wouldn't do much good, but she was also quietly relieved when she heard the girl's call announcing that she'd come back to them. She wished she'd found her sister, but was glad she wasn't trying to fuck off solo and get herself killed.

She was already nearby but called back, both to let the others know I got this and to let Blueberry know she'd be... around. Meeting wolves was always tricky for her unless she happened to kinda bump into them.

When she managed to pin down where she was, Fennec stopped a short ways off and quietly took stock of her scent. Welcome back. You looking to stick around, or did you find another place to pledge to? If you did, I can tell you with confidence, they don't have anything on us. She cut the joke mostly to ease the slight tension she could feel. It was clear Blueberry was here alone.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She acknowledged Fennec's joke with a snort, smiling. No, I promised Bronco I'd come, she said, dimpling. She looked around, nodding approvingly. You found a pretty good place. I bet it's beautiful when all the leaves come in.

Returned her gaze to Fennec and asked, Show me around?

While they walked (or not, whatever) she sighed. I didn't find Vesper, Blueberry admitted. She never turned up. She wasn't on the island. I have no idea where she is.

The emptiness was clear in each and every word, and in the heavy way her paws fell upon the forest path. She had banked so hard upon finding her sister, and not achieving that goal had crushed her. Even the prospect of finding Bronco again could not fully lift her spirits.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Well, shit. And here I thought it was already gorgeous. She couldn't help the joke, when Blueberry mentioned the leaves. Summer forests were quieter and muffled, with rustling branches and softer wind than the Emberwood held now. Despite the bite the wind held, she liked the bare branches and the creepy, seemingly ever-present scraping of bare bark. The only thing better was when ice got involved too.

Fennec took her on a loop of the borders, pointing them on a trajectory that would take them to the foot of the mountain first. She had this path pretty much down, but rather than explain, she listened.

Maybe she found someplace different. And maybe, one of these days, she'll show up here. Feels like family has a way of doing that. They'd run into Caracal and Killdeer at a pretty unexpected spot, after all. If Vesper wanted to find her sister, and if Blueberry wanted the same, then there was no chance it wouldn't eventually happen.

But if it makes you feel better, you can always go back and check, every so often. Fennec wouldn't be bothered by that and she couldn't imagine anyone else would have an issue with it. Honestly, she might give the girl a shopping list to take with. Some of those coastal plants were useful as hell.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
It was gorgeous, in a way. Or so she supposed. Blueberry found it difficult to find beauty in things unless it smacked her in the face. Blame her upbringing; she was accustomed to the dull.

Maybe, she remarked, shrugging. It was a nice thought, but why bother? If Vesper cared, she'd come for her. The fact that her sister had just abandoned her didn't give her much hope; she didn't think it was worth waiting around for someone who'd left her behind.

It was time to move on. A new home. Any cool things around here? she asked.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
As a kindred spirit, Fennec breezed through the subject change without another word.

I'm pretty sure the place is haunted, but nothing's whispered at me just yet. Gonna keep looking but if you see or hear anything weird, let me know. She was mostly joking, but who knew? The signs had all been there. She as taking them face-value for now. Other than that the place is pretty standard. There's a territory next door with a ton of healing herbs. Is that something you're into?

It was one of few things Fennec knew, and had shared with, Blueberry's mom. She wondered if the woman had passed any of it to her daughter or if she intended to mow her own path down some other direction. If she wanted to learn, it'd give Fennec something to do at least.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Haunted. That made her think of the creepy woman with the skull, and she shivered, though tried to keep the reflex to a minimum so as not to look like some scaredy-pup. She still hadn't quite figured out Fennec was blind (or so mercury thinks?). She'd get it one day.

Eh, she remarked at mention of herbs. Not really. I know my Mom was always really into them, but I mean—they're just plants.

She didn't need plants. She needed friends.

Blueberry glanced at Fennec. So who else is here, besides you and Bronco?
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
we can wrap this one as well if you like <3

My brother Fig. A couple others, someone Bronco met maybe, and one that I recruited. She smirked remembering how she'd had to overrule her brother on that one. She still thought she'd made a pretty damn good decision there.

It was too bad that she wasn't into plants. Fennec didn't let her disappointment show, though it was genuine. She'd rarely ever had anyone to bond with over the subject and it looked like she was still going to come up empty. So what are you into, then? She'd asked Figment the same question and wondered if she'd get the same non-answer here.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
161 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She liked Fig, too. And Bronco, of course. She hadn't met the others, but she'd deal with them when they met. As long as everyone stayed together. . .

And, that, she supposed, was what she was into.

I just don't wanna move again, Blueberry sighed. She looked at Fennec. Y'know? I'm sick of moving around.

She was fairly silent throughout the rest of the tour, nodding or humming approval at anything the woman pointed out. After a while, she would tire and retire to the rendezvous, where she'd sleep deeply,

and wonder if leaving the island and Vesper behind would be worth it, after all.
