Jade Fern Grove I walked alone
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Large black body, with red ascents walked and tramped through the area. White rim around eye glowing lightly in the dusky shadows as the night fell. Arric had yet to meet any wolves of any type of interest to him. Sure they were kind enough, but most were just passing, fleeting conversations.

There wasn't a set time he had to find a pack. he knew he could survive in winter, if he must. He had done it before. It was merely a matter of caches in neutral territory and holding down a spot for the cold months and moving on after it was over. He could do it, if he put the work in.

There was still a small ember of hope that he'd find something, anything worth meeting and staying for.
146 Posts
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Calida had wished for something more elsewhere.

Baudelaire had not. His vision was here, his desires were here. So their arranged marriage had failed rather fast, but he blamed not himself. Selfish and boyish still.

But now he was in unknown lands. Far from any loves or familiar places.

Yet he was not alone, another prowled through and he sought to hunt them down. Ghoulish hawkish eyes yearned for a glimpse of them.

Closer and closer.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A sixth sense warned him of another approaching. Large brutish head lifted and looked around, wandering, leering. Sky blue eyes fell on body of brown pelage.

He turned ot meet the new comer with head and body forward. Hello? Deep voice curled out and around the larger wolf, and he waited. Neutral. Passive.

A low sweep of tail, up and then back and he studied.
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It was a man of similar build to his own.

For a long moment he thought of Adlartok, and missed the man suddenly and deeply. Only to remind himself that his man was not him.

Evening, He offered — nothing more than neutral until he knew more. Familiar with here at all?
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric didn't miss the wistful look that flittered and fluttered across the other's face, but it was fleeting. So miniscule, he may have been wrong were he to ask about it. So he spoke not of it, and instead tilted black ears forward.


He returned the same greeting. There was not much to be said of his words, but first impressions and first meetings were always so awkward, no matter who you were.

Shake of black head. Afraid not. All I have is the current places i've roamed and my father's memories of the place. Though based on what My father had told me and this place, much as changed. Much.
146 Posts
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I'm convinced things change fast around here.

He answer with a soft roll of shoulders. Look how quickly things had tumbled down for him! Although perhaps he should have read into that himself. Seen the writing in the stars, so to speak.

He had never been much of a poet or astronomer.

What do you make of this place though? Based off of what you know, what you've heard.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric gave a deep chuckle. Isn't that the way of things though. Everything changes eventually?

He thought of his father and a gentle sadness worked into his heart. He missed him, that had been something he had said as he was growing up. 

Arric tilted his head and dipped his muzzle down, down. I always wanted to come here. My father talked about it all the time. And thus far, it proves as beautiful as he had always said. It seems friendly for the  most part, well populated with both prey and predator. Many waterways. Many forests and mountains. Lush and easily built upon.
146 Posts
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Sure, he supposed. Yet he was still young. Inexperienced. He had not anticipated everything to swiftly change around him with what felt like every day.

But it was fine.

Just missing faces, I suppose. He teased warmly, a soft sway of his tail as he padded a bit closer. I take it you're not apart of anywhere in particular.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric knew that truth. He missed both his parents fairly hard. But his father had done what he could to keep younglings safe and his mother, well she couldn't help it that sickness got her.

I know that feeling. I often miss faces of those I loved.

I am not. Though I'm not adverse to settling down, preferably by a river or waterway. And forest. Like my dad.
146 Posts
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A respectable type of place to wish to settle. All things well for survival.

He commented, feeling like it was small talk but knowing it was more. Rather that it could be more.

Did he wish for more?

Have any company at all or are you truly alone out here?
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric tilted an ear forward. White rimmed eye, studying the other wolf. This is true. I caught many prey scents on my way in both large and small. Also many wolves, so it shouldn't be that hard to find a home amongst a pack. If I should choose too.

Arric smiled. I am alone out here, but I am used to it. My father died sometime ago, and it has been me since then. But I can feel him here. I remember his stories of this place and it doesn't feel so lonely.
146 Posts
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If he chose to.

Did he not wish to? He wondered about the other man's motives for the first time. Was he implying he wished to make home here? In these woods with this water?

It was not such an impossible though, but certainly harder with a lack of bodies and dropping temperatures.

You should be a poet. He laughed warm but tentative. You have a whimsical way with words. Remembering and speaking of your father how you do.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric wanted to join a pack, but he hadn't met anyone of any yet. So he needed to think on it and decide. There were places to go, but he wasn't certain if he wanted to seek them out yet, or if he simply wanted to weather the winter and then join one come spring. 

Arric grinned. Dad made sure i was as well learned mentally as i was physically. He says all individuals should be well-rounded. And dad. He liked deep things. So thank you.
146 Posts
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Your father would be proud then.

But did he need a stranger to tell him that? Most likely not. Still Baudelaire offered something kind. Appreciative to meet such a friendly face in a dark place, a dark time.

Baudelaire, by the way.

In case they somehow ever crossed paths again.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric smiled. I like to think so as well. I strive to make him proud. 

He knew his father was proud of him, Jace had often told him as such. His father not one to shy away from sharing love. However, it was still nice to hear it from another. 

Arric tilted and ear forward. Arric.

Your name sounds like something from far away?
146 Posts
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I could say the same of you. He teased lightly. Although truthfully, the name did not seem so odd in a place like this.

It reminded him of a lover, and the ache returned briefly. A struggle to pack it up in his heart.

I do come from far away, though. A place befitting kings and queens, knights and nobles. Although his voice likely conveyed his exhaustion with such a place.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric gave a chuckle. Deep and full. I suppose you could. Though it is my last name, that would give you wonder. At least the one I have for now.

He hadn't thought of his father's truth in years. How he and his father and his father before him and all down the line, had left upon the world in search of such a name. ShadowSinger, then Du-andris. Now Arric himself would need to find a name.

Arric frowned in thought. I always thought a life of royalty lonely. So many airs to put up. So many rules. Yes I don't think i'd like that much.
146 Posts
Ooc —
fade? <3

He snorted softly, filled with humor.

Then a word of advice — avoid kingdoms, their kings and queens, heirs. They are all lonely. He was filled with humor despite the word of warning. A slow sway of his tail in a friendly display.

I hope to cross your path again, Arric. You are a good face in these wildlands.