Redsand Canyon leren
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vague af but wanted some more mereo based threads for her!

tierra — she had decided after their trip — was the best teacher she could have asked to have in mereo. even if she was younger, the girl taught her both sides of things. ways to be cunningly fun and then how to straighten up a bit for business around home.

minne had, by accident, drifted into more rogue ways. but she could not deny the comfort in coming home to mereo. even if a canyon would have never been her first pick, she was well kept here.

so maybe her happy little swagger in her doggish movements should have come as no surprise as she headed south through the canyon.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
another character <3 lol! I have a lot of catch-up to play but couldn't resist

Regardless of how their conversation ended, Fennec was shaken by it. Apparently she was cursed to be constantly tying herself to men who didn't know what they wanted. Now she couldn't shake the suspicion that one of these days, Germanicus would realize it was never her, and that everything between them was just a mistake. It wasn't rational, but it played on repeat.

He'd promised, but everyone always promised. Things changed.

She had been happy for a little too long, she thought sardonically, wending her way through the canyon on her way to her gardens. She was overdue for a kick in the metaphorical balls. She smirked and, again, found herself missing Penn. Fuck him entirely for leaving when she needed him, but damn, she wished he was here.

An unfamiliar gait nearby pulled her up short. She didn't catch the scent of any strangers, but she didn't think she'd met this packmate either. It always took a while to identify them though - it could have been the one she spoke with last time. Hey. Are you in a hurry somewhere? Whoever it was, maybe they could have a chat.

She wasn't about to get too deep into the why of it, but she could really use some ideas.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
83 Posts
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>:] <3

for a brief moment, she hoped it was tierra. ready to rock and roll off to somewhere else for sights. but a quick flick of her narrow head and she was greeted by a pale woman.

definitely not tierra, but no biggy, right?

nope. she confirmed with a swing of her head. unaware (for now, at least) that it wouldn't be seen. what's up? got a task?

she had mostly certainly been spending too much time with her ruddy mentor, her language becoming looser despite being in a place full of soldiers.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Okay, shit. Now how did she ask what she wanted to ask normally? Germanicus had come to her straight, but she didn't really want to give the rest of the pack any impression of Mereo being in trouble. Especially when she didn't really think that was the case; at least, not yet.

No, nothing like that. I just didn't think we've met yet, and wanted to ask something. I'm Fennec. She smiled faintly, then tipped her head, ears focused on Minne to read anything she might give. I wondered what you thought of Mereo.

Maybe it didn't fully encompass what she was looking for, but hey, it was a start. This girl was perfectly welcome to tell her to fuck off if she didn't want to answer. She sounded enough like her sister that Fennec wouldn't put it past her.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
83 Posts
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it felt like a...trap.

what did she think of mereo? who asked that if they weren't looking for gossip? maybe she had been spending too much time around tierra.

i'm minne and, well, uhhh. it's been...nice. i like tierra and she's teaching me how to be a proper something here so.

her voice was most certainly not the most convincing thing in the world once she spoke beyond tierra. her mentor/blossoming friendship was about the best thing she did have going for in mereo.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
This was a little awkward. Fennec hated small talk, but she'd told Germanicus she would think about things, and the way she had chosen to help was to crowd source opinions. She wasn't aware yet that it was unnecessary - and that he'd already planned to host a meeting that would serve the purpose all at once.

Minne reminded her of her younger sister in a lot of ways, but quieter. There was the same feeling of distance and of casual judgement. Fennec felt her fur prickle a bit, but let it roll off with a subtle flick of her tail tip. They were welcome to think what they liked, and she got the sense Minne wasn't feeling particularly friendly.

That's surprising, that Tierra would be a proper anything. Her sister, her right to dunk on her lightly. You're a soldier, then. As far as Fennec knew, that was what Tierra trained in.

Any interest in sparring? Maybe it would help to break the ice a little. Fennec might be shit at talking at times, but sparring? That she could handle.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
83 Posts
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oh no.

minne had fucked up royally to invite a spar. mainly because she figured that anybody here could beat her. her body was nothing like theirs and her experience was always less than. awkwardly she shifted her weight.

yeah, sure. but you are gonna win. i hope you know that.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec couldn’t help laughing at how sure she was about losing. Genuine outbursts of it were rare enough that she even surprised herself.

Is that a fact? She squared off and listened carefully, tracking Minne as she began to circle. I can’t see you. I’d think you would take it as an easy win.

Most did, and it was interesting to her that Minne didn’t underestimate her. Fennec barely remembered sight well enough to truly understand it’s advantages, but she knew the ways she’d been treated in the past. It wasn’t hard to read the way some of her successes came as a surprise.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
83 Posts
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this is older so would we like to just time skip to a winner (we can roll for it or i am happy to have fennec win!) and wrap up for fresher stuff? :)

a w k w a r d.

mmm, i'm so bad that it's actually probably for the best you can't see me. a smooth recovery! tell somebody how good it is to be blind, minne.

she watched as the blind woman stalked her. then found it hard to think of how she was blind and so graceful — which was definitely not a good thought. so quickly she tried to act.

used her lean form to dive in at once towards a hind leg.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I’m fine with assuming Fennec ‘won’ if Minne is actually that inexperienced <3 she isn’t looking to really fight her hard. Feel free to power play and fade if you like! We’ll have to have another for sure!

Oooh, Fennec liked this girl. Which was extremely surprising considering her usual company. She smiled genuinely at the joke, but didn’t allow it to stop her from engaging as Minne lunged to kick things off.

Unlike previous spars, Fennec wasn’t looking to trounce anyone or let off any steam. Fighting Minne reminded her of fighting with Killer and her younger siblings as they grew, teaching them and showing them ways to avoid mistakes that would cost them in the future. She wasn’t as good at it as Towhee; she didn’t have the ability to teach them ways to use sight to their advantage. But she could show them how to get out of a hold, or how to leverage their weight to their advantage.

It wasn’t long before their spar turned into more of a lesson than anything else. If Fennec got the upper hand, she would explain how Minne could take it back. And if the other woman managed to pin her, Fennec wouldn’t press as hard as she might have in a true spar to escape.

She enjoyed teaching, and it had been a while.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!