Redhawk Caldera cakes with threatening auras
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
It was time to blow this Popsicle stand.

Using @Glee’s face as a springboard, Frolic dove headfirst for the exit. It took quite a lot of kicking and pushing—and she got stuck for a minute or two—but suddenly the warm pressure vanished as she squeezed from @Maia’s body and into the world.

There was so much space out here! Frolic kicked, squirmed and twitched just because she could, mindless of what—or whomst—she smacked with her tiny peets.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
20 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Glee and her sister were not exactly on the same page when it came to being born. While Frolic was struck with sudden impatience that spurred her into motion, Glee was content to continue snuggling into her mother's warmth until Maia decided to urge her out.

That being said, when the encouragement came unexpectedly from Frolic in the form of an impromptu head bonk, Glee took it with good-natured curiosity. For why had she been bonked? She did not know, but that was okay with her. She simply smooshed around until it was her turn to go down the water slide into the living world.

Glee landed with a plop beside her sister with a mild, curious squeal. It wasn't as warm out here, which instinct told her meant she should cry until it became warmer. So, she did. And she would carry on until she was snuggled and fed to her satisfaction, which would not at all be hard to achieve.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It felt early, but Maia wasn’t about to try and argue with children who were clearly ready to experience what the world had to offer. She was taken by surprise when the pain came, but luckily was still home and hadn’t set off on one of her slow walks around the copse.

She sent up a call for @Eljay, grimacing with the contractions, but he likely would barely have time to get back. Between their apparent rush to get out and the fact that there was only two this year, it was over before even she knew it.

She plucked each of them up and gave them a warm-up, then curled around the two and settled in to watch. Two daughters again, both perfect.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay was out hunting for Maia. He never went far these days, because he knew he was slow to get back as his body was not as cooperative as it used to be, but nevertheless he returned empty-handed and late. When the call went up, Eljay grimaced, and he bit through the pain of his stiff joints as he galloped on home. The image of his dying mother flashed before his eyes. It was so many years ago - over half a lifetime - but it had made such a heavy impact that he would never be able to forget it.

It wasn't fast enough, however, and by the time Eljay arrived, the children were already born. It seemed, however, that all had gone well; a blessing, especially considering he was so late. They are beautiful, said the caretaker as he glanced at the two children, after briefly inspecting that there would be no third. Eljay then settled himself beside Maia with a stifled grunt. His muscles were sore, but his heart was soaring to see the latest additions to the Blackthorn family.
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She should’ve been exhausted. Instead, Frolic was exhilarated. Even with limited senses, there was already so much to perceive on this new plane of existence. Her flailing limbs kept hitting something soft but solid (Maia’s belly) and when she turned her head, her nose pressed into something squishy (Glee’s bum). There came a gentle force (Eljay’s snout) guiding her toward something that smelled incredible.

She latched onto her mother’s teat with a ferocious squeak. The taste was even better than the smell! Frolic smashed her face against the soft skin of Maia’s underside, cutting off her own air supply. The tiny puppy choked and spluttered, instinctively wobbling backward to give herself some breathing room whilst refusing to let go of that delicious nub. Milk bubbled and frothed on her lips.

Still she didn’t sleep. Eventually detaching from her mother like a bloated tick, Frolic made a valiant effort to lift her head but failed miserably. She began to scoot, with no particular purpose or destination in mind. Frolic just wanted to frolic for frolicking’s sake.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
20 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
It took all of about ten seconds for Glee's desires to be met in full.

✔ Snuggles
✔ Food
✔ Happy baby

And while that didn't seem to be good enough for her sister, it was perfectly okay for Glee. She gave a contented mewl as she stretched out her wriggly little limbs, smooshed herself even closer to Maia, and went right to sleep.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
One seemed content while the other continued to rustle about in the cutest way. She was about to agree when another wave of pain hit, rather abruptly, stealing her breath. Was something wrong?

Maia stifled a groan and tried not to panic. It felt like another coming, but late… was this one the last? Please…

bonus bab! For @Whip
1 Posts
Ooc — Ryan
Did you think this was over?

That's cute. I mean, it's nice to have a moment to breathe and all. In. Hold it. Out. All that good stuff. A brief but welcome respite from an undeniably traumatic experience. Shame then, that someone could just come along -- and well, ruin that.

Surprise! One terrifying bodily function later and this is what was wrought.

Callahan was but a nameless, thoughtless -- idiot thing. Healthy, by the way his stubby little limbs squirmed instinctively toward any source of warmth, but little more than a slightly perceiving plant or rock. He fought hard along the den floor, making little to no progress on his own.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
What is it? Eljay asked with a worried frown on his face when Maia looked in pain. As soon as he tried to inspect, a third, late pup came out. Eljay allowed Maia the room to lick it clean and snuggle it to her stomach, assisting her only where she indicated to require help. Then he smiled at her — after making sure all was well — and said softly, I'm proud of you. Though he was older than her, Eljay could feel age gnawing at his joints, and he could not imagine what it must be like to birth children on top of that.
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Her parents corralled her if she managed to squiggle a little too far, though Frolic persisted in her “zoomies.” It was just wild, having all this room to roam and air to breathe!

Frolic’s nose bumped into the newly arrived Callahan. Her head wobbled as she drew in his scent, more accidental than deliberate. Her mouth opened and she gave the room at large a gummy smile. Frolic then climbed right up and over him, face-planting into their mother’s soft bosom on the far side.

The gang’s all here! Frolic might have thought, if she did such conscious things. She was currently on a much more basic operating system, though there was something about her brother’s late arrival that finally pulled the plug on her frenetic energy.

Frolic burbled happy noises as she crawled underneath Maia’s armpit and finally laid still.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
20 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
While the additional excitement may have been unexpected for her parents, the fact that she had a brother was old news to Glee. She chirruped with some annoyance when her snooze was briefly disrupted by his arrival, but it was a small sound. She was simply too sleepy for this nonsense. And so, she went right back to sleep before she was even tucked back in.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It was over fairly quickly once again. This year was far smoother than last year but it was always exhausting.

Maia gathered the pups tiger and then leaned back heavily against Eljay. At first it seemed like they might be restless but they settled in after a moment. They’re perfect. she replied, totally content. A surprise little boy on top of two beautiful daughters. She was so happy that they were here and healthy.

can be last from me!