Ocean's Breath Plateau Summer Green, Sky Blue
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
All Welcome 
Heph was indulging in some laziness, a concession to the summer heat. While the sea breeze and cool sea were a welcome respite she could hardly swim all day. Meandering along the cliffsides she was making no particular effort to track down any prey, although she spotted rabbit dens she would circle about to see if she could flush any out in the area. But for the most part she was content to reassess the lines of the territory under the summer sun, familiarize herself with the coast, and survey what she could see granted the height of the plateau.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was renewed life in Rodyn's bones. He was ashamed to say he had let the darkness touch his mind for a time when Samani wasn't near him. Outwardly it hadn't shown and he had done his best by his packmates and friends. But there was something else to be said for the fact he had been a sad boy.

But she was back. They may have children on the rise. He actually should probably head to moonglow and let Kukutux know, but he wanted to check with Samani first. Because this was her news and they weren't entirely sure anyway. So no use jumping the gun, but he was excited and scared.

Luckily a welcome distraction came in view. In the form of his friend.

Heya Heph! He called out.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Seeing Rodyn approaching she wagged her tail in greeting, trotting up as he called out and answering with a grin and bump of her shoulder. "Rodyn!" While the other wolf had continued to lead well in the absence of Samani and little of his sorrow had shown outwardly she knew that he must have felt her absence. In truth Heph had as well, her own travels made it easier for her to put the gap from her mind since she was gone as well but it still weighed on her at times.

But he seemed in a good mood and she was always glad to see a friend happy. "How've you been?" It had been awhile since they had caught up properly besides hunting since her slightly extended journey a short while ago and she was eager to hear how he had been and Moontide as well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had done the best he could while Samani was gone. It hadn't been the same. But he had tried to keep them all together in the way that she liked. Tried to make sure she had a place to come home too. And caches and dens. The like of all of that. He had tried. Had he succeeded he thought so. Though they had lost a few to their numbers.

I've been alright. Samani is back have you spoken with her yet. Though honestly she was probably sticking to herself or had been sticking to herself when not with him, until her heat was gone. Then a small little smile lit up his face.

I might be a dad.

I hpe it's okay to forward date this a little to after.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
At the news that Samani had returned Heph pricked her ears forward "No." She was not sure how she had missed the return of Samani but it was good news, but before she could comment further Rodyn added a second piece of news  that had her tail picking up a wag again as she exclaimed whole-heartedly. "That's wonderful news! On both accounts!" It made sense then if the other alpha had recently returned and they were going to be parents that she had not seen her around and Heph had looked forward to having more little paws running around. While she was working to help Marina she had not had much of a chance to meet her pups. 

Settling a bit her expression was warm when her mind turned to other matters. "Do you both have the den to your liking?" The summer was a good time to prepare and gather materials, Heph had been slowly building up her own den but she was not above trading to help fill any gaps in materials.

of course! :D
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had failed to realize Samani had only been home a bit before. But it fell upon him now. And for a breif moment his insides froze. Did she only come home for that? Did she truly want to be here. Then in true Rodyn he rejected that idea. Preferring as always to think the best of everyone.

A sweet smile. Heph was always happy for him. She was his dearest friend outaide of Samani and Void.

He nodded. I think so but Samani may change her mind and if she does I'll seek your help.

This was Samani's choice where she felt safe and comfortable enough to have their children.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded and accepted the answer with a smile. Perhaps she would have a chance to meet with Samani herself and see if there was anything the expectant mother wanted. Or just something that Heph could think to bring. Marina's own birth had felt abrupt and scary, at least to Heph. "I'll look forward to it." But Rodyn was a fine hunter as well so it was not surprising that their den was already nicely furnished. 

Thinking back to the mother pack and with talk of pups her mind turned to something a little while past. Her voice was somewhat stilted and awkward asking about it, relationships and finding them and seeking advice on them was rather new to her and she was not quite sure how to approach the topic. "Speaking of Moonglow, I kind of forgot, but did you ever have a chance to speak to Moonwoman about matchmaking?" Rodyn was a good friend and she didn't think that he would make fun of her, whether he had made the journey or not and regardless of what Moonwoman said but she couldn't help the thread of nervousness.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Marina's birth had not been well handled. Rodyn knew this. He himself had made mistakes. By not taking care of her, by not watching. He should have been more mindful. And he would make sure to be so with Samani. So much so that she may get sick of him.

Rodyn nodded his head. I did. She took it all to advisement and said she would stop by when she wasn't so busy to talk with everyone.

Though what he didn't say was that he told Kukutux that he thought Samani may want to make Heph a wife to her. He didn't know if Samani did, but he knew that was often the way of things in the pack of her mother and she and Heph got along well.

We will find you a good one I am sure of it. Moonwoman is very good at matching. SOmetimes it seems it is crazy but it always works out. It's almost spooky.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded, mating and whelping and hunting made the spring and summer months busy. And besides, despite being eager she was in no rush to find someone - it was not the sort of thing that she would want to rush into or desire someone else to choose her with haste. "Crazy works, I think love brings that out in the best of us after all." Laughter chased her words, suffused with warmth and a bit of jest. To be fair Rodyn was skilled and intelligent, but at least from what she had seen she thought he would agree that he was also a bit of a romantic when it came to Samani. "Thank you, and I'll be sure to thank Moonwoman when I see her next." Given that the packs were interconnected she trusted that she would have a chance to see the white wolf eventually.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had not cared much for the spring activities before and he only had cared about Samani this time. he probably should have a better thought process when it came to it. But if his pack mates wanted children and they could support them. He really saw no reason not to allow them to have children. Now were they scarce, limited and no caches he'd probably have something say for it all.

He chuckled an nodded. It does. And I can certainly be crazy. I have found. Love does strange things.

Rodyn wagged his tail. But what have you been doing? You've seemed so busy.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled, her responsibility towards Moontide as well as her desire to linger especially with Samani off in Moonglow and Moonspear and pups about had kept her near the territory. The time had passed surprisingly quickly, and more pleasantly than she expected and she felt more accustomed to both. "Mostly just patrolling and hunting around Moontide, and a bit up the coast back towards Sapphique." Whlie she had not made much contact with the pack since she remembered their plans for a hunt and hoped that such a thing would be made possible soon. It would also be a good opportunity for Marina's pups to see a larger scale operation, they were getting to an age where watching hunts could be done more safely. 

Thinking to a brief time ago when she had wandered further afield than usual she remembered the bits of news she had picked up. "A little while ago I journeyed south and came across the borders of a few packs as well as rumors and sights of melting glaciers opening up a new pass." She had traveled up a mountain to see it, not quite believing the whispers she had heard but the view had been undeniable. A great piece of ice, partially still remaining although most likely gone by now, had begun to sink into a water feature leaving a way open to travelers that had not been there before. "The journey would be long, I know you spoke of trading with many packs but it would certainly be an effort to keep up communications that far away. But if the trip was made alongside scoping out these new lands it might be worth it." Truly she was not quite sure who would make the journey. She could if Moontide could spare her, she did not think that Chakliux or Marina wished to be separated from family for that long, and Rodyn and Samani would both be parents soon, while Ray showed promise in his ability to scout she also did not know if it was something the wolf would have an interest in, and he was hardly an experienced wanderer to be sent so far. Maybe it could be a joint task - perhaps someone in Moonglow or Moonspear would be interested.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn made a mental note to have a pack hunt soon. Because they all deserved one and they needed one and he wanted to make good on his promises. He was not a wolf that wanted to be known as an oath break. That was horrifying.

Rodyn thought about it and he nodded. Samani has often mentioned she wishes to travel some. SO perhaps either before she is close to delivery or after the pups have been weaned. One of us or both of us can go. Perhaps we will make it a trip with the pups when they are old enough?

He would be interested to see this place and also meet with other packs. He wanted to make as many allies as he could, because it meant something to him to build something. IT was so often that things fell flat, but he wanted this to thrive for samani.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled, nudging Rodyn with her paw playfully, as she joked. "If I wouldn't miss it so much I'd say all three of us could shirk our responsibilities and go on a grand adventure like old times." She remembered the journey to the coast with the pair of them fondly. It was during that time that she had gotten to know Samani better, and Rodyn too although they had met prior.

At his mention of the timing she thought it was sound, although if the pups reached the age around winter it was not a kind time for the young to travel. Still, it could be done especially with strong hunters and enough preparation. "But either sounds like a good time, if the journey was made quickly before the pups were old enough then the scout could find the safest and quickest path for them." Though they were not born yet she could not help a feeling of caution that never seemed to plague her when she planned her own adventures. Perhaps she was getting older and boring faster than anticipated.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded. I'd miss it too. But it sure would be fun.

His mind turned inward for a moment as he thought of that time. It had been a fun time and it would be again, but caution was needed due to the fact that little ones were coming.

Rodyn nodded if worse comes to worse it can be an early spring trip.

Rodyn gave a soft little happy sound. Its hard to believe Heph.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded but could not help a bit of teasing. "Enough time for more little ones on the way." But early spring would be a beautiful time to travel, and a good time to hunt even on the move.

Her smile softened at Rodyn's utterance. She gave her own soft hum of agreement. "It is, but you're going to be an amazing father Rodyn. You've nurtured and protected Moontide. I'm proud to be a part of this pack and I'll be proud to see what great parents you and Samani will become." Her muzzle crinkled as her words turned playful once more. "And you'd best believe it, the pups might only eat a little bit more but once they're teenagers even the coast won't have enough prey."
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn chuckled. Perhaps, but that is Samani’s decision not mind. Her body her choice.

Though it seemed that Samani was a late summer bloomer, but he would see what this pregnancy brought and what next year brought too.

Rodyn nudged her. aw you helped me build it Heph you nurture it as much as me.

Rodyn chuckled. And of course they'll have an amazing auntie in you.

A great deep laugh. If they are anything like me. Its a sure bet.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph grinned, laughing at the nudge and accepting good naturedly. "Well I'll have a lot of hunting and games to do to live up to such words and make sure those kids don't send all the prey south." Her tail wagged and her smile turned wolfish but playful, and challenging. "A small herd recently passed through the southern edge of the plateu. Do you think the former lead hunter of Moonglow can keep up with me?"
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ear cocked towards her. He made a soft churring sound in his chest at her good natured challenge and he puffed out his chest.

I think I can perhaps keep up. But it has been some time since i hunted with you. YOu may have grown greater than me.

A grin split his maw wide. Heph knew him so well. Knowing that he loved a hunt. She did too, it was how they had become such good friends. So with a tail wag he jumped into action.

Let's go.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"Let's! There's only one way to find out." She laughed at Rodyn's puffed up chest, but did not take his words too seriously. After all it was hardly as if Moontide's caches were suffering. But she was glad that even as things changed around them and more wolves came and left from the pack her friend was happy to joke with her.

Excited about the start of the hunt she began the trek south, the path familiar and the distance long enough to enjoy the journey.

XD they're really the best bros, do you have any preference for fading or rping out the hunt? I'm good either way :D
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Yes they are. I don't have a preference. Do you need more threads to get a trade?

Rodyn couldn't hold the chest long it felt sully and he let it go with a laugh. They were doing well, but it was always good to have more.

Rodyn followed her. His own nose to the ground. Excitement tightening in his chest and back. He loved to hunt. There wasn't quite anything like it. He threw a prayer to Sedna and they were off.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Yes, I'm not sure whether I'm going for tracker or deer stalker but I'm always on the hunt for threads for them!

As they reached the south she picked up the trail she had noticed earlier. By now the original scents were older, but they had been renewed. It seemed the herd had chosen the same path to graze on that day which was the hunters' good fortune. Smiling she followed it a little ways, trying to find a place where the tracks would show more clearly so that she could see if there were any indications of lameness, infirmity, or youth in them that would inform them ahead of time of any easier targets.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn went into a lower crouch. Nose to the geound. Yellow eyes darting. Broken branches, hoof peints. Searching for any markers.

So far he hadn't seen any lameness. There were some heavier prints that was testament to their size. And some smaller ones, perhaps yearlings.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
As the herd came into view Heph lowered her body to the ground and slunk forward at a slower but quieter pace. In her traveling she had naturally developed a softer gait, but it was still not so silent as to trick an alert deer. An acrid dull scent might have indicated some sort of illness and made her ears flick with distaste.

Turning towards Rodyn she spoke "I think at least one might be ill but don't know which. I think I see a yearling near the center left." Her trouble seeing was not so much the size of the herd, but simply their distance and the way that the yearling stayed near its larger mother.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Leave the ill one alone just in case.

He didn't want to go near the ill one in case it was something that could make their wolves sick. Instead he studied the yearling and mother. They could possibly take the mother. Her weight suggested she would not run as fast.

He flicked his tail and bent to task. Alright Heph do you want to flush or take?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded. Illness was a double edged sword on the hunt and with the pair of them they did not need to rely upon disease to take down prey for the pack. "I'll practice going in for the take if you don't mind." Her voice was steady and focused. She was more experienced flushing, riding off the adrenaline of the chase though she knew how to do both. But she wished to be able to fill more roles when necessary, especially if Moontide was to soon have young hunters to mentor.