Hoshor Plains allowance
Sword of the Morning
544 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
It was into the evening when he next awoke, his burnished gaze flickering open to meet rose gold. He very nearly jumped, but the warm weight of @Sulukinak against him kept him in place. Instead, his tail beat against the ground.

"You look happy," Dutch said to his cousin, his voice low so as not to wake the sleeping shadow.

"Oh, I look happy," Valiant replied with a quiet, huffy laugh.

"Hush. Tell me."

Valiant told him — about Minnow and Vaire and Easy and Kukutux. The hunt had been a wonderful whirlwind of events for the isbjorn, and now he had a path set before him that he was eager to walk.

"You must introduce me," Dutch said slyly, and then he thought he must have said something wrong — for the isbjorn excused himself shortly after, abrupt in his departure. The panther stared after him for a moment before the approach of another drew his attention.

"Cloudwoman," he said warmly, his eyes twinkling. He'd heard about recent events involved her as well. He shifted, each movement ginger both to keep his injured haunch still and to keep from disturbing Sulukinak's slumber. "It is good to see your pretty face."

writing letters addressed to the fire
719 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Although it'd taken her longer than expected to visit Dutch, she finally reached the Moonglow camp with a satchel of bison meat. Valiant was just leaving when she arrived, and she was unaware that she was the reason for his departure. Another thing she immediately noticed was the sleeping woman curled at his side, whom she didn't recognize, and she offered a questioning glance.

Her confusion was distracted by his kind greeting, and she smiled. I am so happy that you are here, Dutch, she said once she'd placed the package close to him. You had me worried! I thank you for your help hunting down the evil man. She sat, her tail wagging.

How can I help you heal when we return to the glacier? Anything I need to know? she asked.
Sword of the Morning
544 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"I am happy to be here," Dutch replied, although the words did not ring true. He wanted to be back at the glacier, where he hoped he might feel a little more at home, and just a little less bereft. "Although I would be happier if I had brought you this man's head."

That, at least, was true.

He shook his head, not eager to be fussed over by yet another today. He felt silly lying there in the sick camp, even knowing that rest was what he truly needed.

"So long as I keep it clean, it will heal like all the others," he said firmly, pointing at his hip with his nose. His flesh had torn almost cleanly where the bear's claws had scored him, and he'd lost no permanent range of motion. He only had to allow his flesh time to knit back together, and then he would be right as rain. "I will be back in hunting shape before long."
writing letters addressed to the fire
719 Posts
Ooc — Chan
His head will come in time, she promised. He will get what's coming to him. Then, just in case he needed to hear it because she knew it was true: You did a good job, Dutch.

He went on to explain the healing of his wounds, and she nodded. She wouldn't interfere unless absolutely necessary, and she would give him the time to be ready to hunt again. Speaking of hunting: You were missed at this hunt, she remarked, pushing the parcel closer. I brought you some bison for when you are hungry.
Sword of the Morning
544 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Dutch nodded along with this words, resentful of them despite having spoken them to Chakliux in almost the same tone. She spoke true, though, and he accepted even her praise with grace — or he appeared to, at least.

Something ate at him, then. He looked down at Sulukinak, but the girl slept deep; it made him wonder if she wasn't sleeping well at other times. Either way, it served him now.

"I thank you," he said, accepting the meat with an unusually grave look on his face. "There is one thing: when we hunted this man, he summoned a bear to repel us so that he might escape. We thought you and moonwoman might make us talismans to carry — something to keep him from calling on this power."

He spoke quietly; it would be for nothing is Sulukinak was awake after all, but he hoped to keep this unpleasant truth from her, for now.

"Can this be done?" he asked, burnished gaze searching her fine features for answer.
writing letters addressed to the fire
719 Posts
Ooc — Chan
The man Dutch and Chakliux sought seemed to have powers beyond her comprehension. She had never heard of a wolf summoning a bear, and with a heavy pause, she considered his question.

This is something that I am not trained in, but there was someone who was; she fondly remembered the Moonspear girl who'd brought her medicine. But I know individuals who are—their name are Alaric and Seal, and they live in Moonspear. Seal brought me a healing crystal for my leg, which has worked wonders. She truly believed it helped speed up her healing process.

When you are in hunting condition, you should go to Moonspear and learn how to do this—Seal was willing to teach me, and I am sure she would teach you, too. She couldn't speak for Alaric since she hadn't met him.
Sword of the Morning
544 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Dutch didn't think he knew the name Alaric, but — "Seal?" he said uncertainly. "The little love of the seal hunter boy?" Perhaps it was just a popular name! Or perhaps she was quite a bit older than he'd imagined. Even Ariadne seemed young to him, so much so that he would not ask for her aid in this without also asking for moonwoman's.

He hoped that Alaric was older. Perhaps Seal was apprenticing under him.

"I will seek them," he said, feeling uneasy but determined all the same. "Thank you, Ariadne."

With that out of the way, he relaxed just a fraction. "How are the others?" he asked her. "I worried for you all while I was away."
writing letters addressed to the fire
719 Posts
Ooc — Chan
"Seal? The little love of the seal hunter boy?" Dutch asked with uncertainty.

I do not know, Ariadne admitted, perking with interest at the gossip. But I know she is young—Alaric is her mentor. She smiled to herself, thinking of young love.

She considered the select few who'd attended the hunt and considered how they did. We did well for ourselves. No injuries, thankfully, and most stayed behind at the glacier to keep our borders protected.

I worried for you, too, Dutch. I knew that you were capable, but it has eased my spirit to have you here—home.
Sword of the Morning
544 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The panther nodded, relieved to hear this news. "They two attended a wedding together in the south," Dutch shared, sensing her interest. "Raiyuk is taken with her." Dutch would like to meet her too, now that he thought of it. He would seek them out.

"It eases my spirit as well," he replied, glancing down at Sulukinak. "But I will feel better when we return to the glacier and see the rest of their faces. I fear I could not properly express to Fallen Sun how long I would be gone."
writing letters addressed to the fire
719 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She is a sweet girl with a good head on her shoulders. They would make a good pair, Ariadne said, knowing she would have to gently pry the next time she saw Seal. That is good news, I am happy to hear it.

Dutch mentioned Fallen Sun in particular, and nodded in understanding. I have been trying to teach him ptero, too—that is the language that silent hunter uses to talk with her paws. I have been getting lessons from her. He wasn't a quick learner, but he'd picked up on a thing or two.
Sword of the Morning
544 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"So have I," said Dutch, surprised. But, now that he thought about it, this explained a few things. He was filled with a fierce longing to be back with those others, and he hoped that they would soon leave the plains and travel back to the glacier. Without Chakliux beside him, he wanted to be surrounded by every other familiarity that he could secure for himself.

A small, wistful smile overtook his features.

"He will dote on your children," Dutch suspected, his tail thumping the ground. "I have been keeping my eye open for a woman that might suit him — but I suspect there is someone in his past that still holds his heart."
writing letters addressed to the fire
719 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Wait, you know ptero? she asked, surprised by this turn of events. Has silent hunter been teaching you, too?

The mention of her children caused her expression to soften, and his remark of Fallen Sun's past piqued her interest. He hasn't opened up to me that much, she admitted. But that would make sense—he seems very loyal.
Sword of the Morning
544 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The panther huffed out a quiet laugh.

"Not very much," he admitted, "But yes. I have been trying to learn. It is important for a storyteller to know many languages."

On the topic of Fallen Sun, Dutch gave a soft little sigh. "I think that he would, if only he had the ability," he said of the quiet man. "That is the impression I get, anyway. He has much love to give — and for this, I find him easy to love."

Thoughts of the makeshift family awaiting them warmed him, for a moment. He thought that Tulugak in particular might enjoy his tale of daring do.

"It is a good group we've put together," he said to her, a twinkling smile in his eyes. "You should be proud, cloudwoman."
writing letters addressed to the fire
719 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Dutch was full of surprises, and he never ceased to amaze her. I'll help however I can, she offered. If you want lessons, I will host them for you and Fallen Sun. I can't say I'm an expert, but I've picked up a bit. The more wolves that learned, the more accessible communication became for their ragtag gang of misfits.

When he praised her, she smiled and shook her head. We should all be proud—we've all made this work. It was her hope that they would continue to grow; she knew more would join them in the spring. Thank you for all of your help—you have done a lot for village Moonsong.
Sword of the Morning
544 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The panther's tail thumped once more.

"I would like that," he said sincerely. "It would be good to invite all who wish to learn. Silenthunter should be able to communicate with all of us, if possible."

As for himself...

"I am sorry, Ariadne," he said, his gaze drifting to his paws for a moment before he forced his gaze back to her eyes. Umber burned around inkblack pupils. "I feel at times that I should not have left. Or that I should not have been gone for so long."
writing letters addressed to the fire
719 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Dutch apologized for leaving, and Ariadne quickly shook her head.

It is okay—really. Chakliux needed help, and you were the best wolf for the job. We managed in your absence and will thrive again now that you're here. In many ways, he was the glue that held the pack together; he wore many hats within their group. You do not need to feel bad for what you did. You helped run out evil in our area, and I should be thanking you for that.
Sword of the Morning
544 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The panther allowed these words to soothe him, though he felt a little as if he'd forced her to speak comfort to him. And she was so young to be addressing such hurts! But she was a leader, too, and he felt a small stirring of pride and relief as her kindness washed over him once more. He remembered now what he had felt when he first met her, and what he had forgotten in his worry while he was away.

"If you say so, I must accept this," he replied, his smile warm once more. "Peace be, cloudwoman. And blessings of multitude upon your hearth."

Now his tone turned just a little sly — he meant to send her back to her husband, where he was sure Kaluktuk and she both wished her to be.