Ocean's Breath Plateau If there's discretion that you'd not abandoned, now's the time
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Looking for @Rodyn and @Raindrop, though others are welcome as well.

Truthfully, there was a bit of an unsteadiness in Sumac's stride as he made his way closer to the heart of the plateau. He'd never joined a pack before - no, he'd be born into his family, and never expected to have to request to join another. But circumstances were what they were, and he had to accept how the dice had fallen.

He'd been residing on the plateau for the past two weeks, happily enjoying the company of his new wife, Raindrop. However, he was a trespasser, living off the lands of another pack, taking prey that were rightfully theirs. Now, with the prospect of potential children entering their lives, he knew in his heart that thinking he could have life both ways - as both a family man and a loner - was a fool's errand. Now, he had to step up, make the commitment to Raindrop, her pack, and his family. 

The lanky Mackenzie halted, giving Raindrop a concerned glance over his shoulder, gilded eyes wide with anxiety. He knew he was prepared for any outcome, even being driven off, but he didn't want to consider that possibility. What would they do then? No, he'd do whatever was asked of him, for the wellbeing of all. Trespassing willingly had been his mistake, and only he should have to be penalized.

The miniature cougar (Raja) that persisted in following him, ambled close by though seemed visibly skittish. Perhaps the spotted cat sensed somehow that things were about to change and tasted the tension in the air.

Exhaling at length, 'Mac inhaled deeply and lifted his maw to the sky, his baritone voice resounding throughout Ocean's Breath Plateau. With this, he alerted all to his presence - no more slinking around, no more hiding. And then, he waited. He hoped someone would respond, someone of Moontide who would lead him to his fate.
…Even in the darkest night
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Raindrop walked steadily beside Sumac, his anchor should they sail through rough seas. She could see the tension, the anxious gaze he wore, and there was a part of her that felt bad that he’d have to face a fear, a fear of being driven away, or something worse. No matter what would happen, she’d stand beside him first and for most, but she hope with all her heart that it wouldn’t have to come down to the nitty gritty.

She look to him, his dark face, an expression of belief, confidence, “You can do this. You’re strong, just as the mountain you called home.” Then she waited, feeling uneasy even as his baritone howl reached for the sky, the wind then carrying to the ears of her leadership.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was quick to the call and his trot eased into a walk as he took in the new faces. Raindrop and another. Yellow eyes sprang to thr spotted animal nearby and he wondered, but chose not to ask, yet.

He was beginning to lose the fat of wonter and woth it came the streamlin3d grace of a hunters form. He was loathe honestly to answer the call, only because they needed to begin to fill caches. If he wanted to trade in fall and for the new life that he had no doubt would grace moontide. And with that thought a bloasoming wche as he knew none would be his or Samani's all strangers.

You called? Hello Raindrop. I'm Rodyn Ardeth. Leader of Moontide.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
'Mac held his breath as a figure approached, his head instinctively lowering respectfully. He kept his sunshine eyes fixated on the russet-colored man that neared, finding himself slightly in awe.

Apparently, fortune had favored him, as the stately figure identified himself as the very leader of Moontide. Sumac felt his nerves fraying, trying desperately to keep himself from quivering with nervousness as he cleared his throat.

"G-greetings, Rodyn. I am S-sumac Morningbreeze," he replied, turning his gaze to the ground. It was no surprise to him that his stutter made an appearance, given the state he was in.

He paused a moment, deciding, turning things over in his mind. No - no more hiding, it was best to come clean up front. Regardless of what Rodyn would think of him, the man deserved to know the whole story.

"I... I am the husband of Raindrop. F-for the p-past two weeks, I've been residing on your lands - t-trespassing. Taking your game; o-occupying our den on the Plateau. I'm really sorry. I d-don't feel I've acted properly. I should have done this sooner. I want to make penance for what I've done, and if you'll h-have me, I'd like to contribute to your pack," he explained.

The fear raced through Sumac's body as he prepared himself for judgment. However, he had a feeling, given all Raindrop had said about Rodyn, and now seeing the man in the flesh, his pronouncement would be fair. Tail folded against his belly, nose practically to the ground, the young man waited obediently.
…Even in the darkest night
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Rodyn had come almost as soon as he was called, and Raindrop stood close, pressing against her beloved as the alpha came nearer. He had changed, thinning from the winter weight some wolves put on, shedding the cold weather coat also added to the thinning appearance when spring came around.

She watched Sumac as he spoke, he stuttered some, she knew this happen only when he was nervous, unfamiliar with someone. Her eyes then flicked to Rodyn’s, and she lowered her just slightly, because he was still her leader. A pleading look in her eyes said much, but she spoke with a gentle voice, “He’s a good man, Rodyn, a wonderful provider. We want to grow our family here, where the ocean is.” A sigh, “But only if you allow it.”
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A thin line snaked along Rodyn's maw. As his eyes narrowed slightly. A trespasser had been among them and no one had caught them. Rodyn was not without mercy, but he was also not one that liked the thought if interlopers. But he had not noticed either. So if anyone were to blame it be him.

He settled a severe gaze on Raindrop. But there was mercy in there too.

So you, Raindrop, took advantage of my kindness?

He frowned in thought and then looked over this Mack. Good of limb. Strong. And apologetic.

But I also clearly didn't mind the borders or the territory well enough.

He hummed softly. His tail lashed behind him once, twice as he thought. He had no intention of chasing them from the land. Nor did he have any ill will towards them. It was his own fault for being to trusting and unobservant.

Clearly I was too trusting, but that doesn't mean that the fault lies only with you Sumac. I am also in part responsible for your blatant rule breaking. When i didn't notice you. Therefore, i will not chase you away. Nor will I make you pay any large fee. All that I ask is you do 2 hunts with me for large game to fill our caches that you ate from. And Raindrop. Please don't take advantage of my grief or my kindness again. Welcome to Moontide officially Sumac.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Sumac was immensely grateful for Raindrop's presence, the feeling of her weight pressed against him offering him a steady source of reassurance. Yes, he was doing the right thing, regardless of the outcome. This was a clean slate, a fresh start - from here on out, 'Mac resolved to be above the board, ensuring his actions were in accordance with his personal code of ethics. The fear abated a little at this thought, and resolution began to steady his quivering muscles.

The young man's ears focused intently as his wife spoke, having only words of praise for him. 'Mac dared to allow his gaze to dart upward, catching a glance at Rodyn's expression. Though much of his face wore an expressionless mask, his eyes were stern, austere - and had their places been switched, Sumac felt certain he'd wear the same look.

He winced, squeezing his eyes shut as Rodyn accused Raindrop of taking advantage of the situation. So much of him wanted to raise his voice in protest, throwing all of the blame on himself and redirecting the alpha's displeasure back onto himself. Prudence sealed his lips, recognizing that any backtalk would only be to both their detriments. 

Then, Rodyn shouldered some of the blame himself, his demeanor easing somewhat, and 'Mac found his respect for the other man elevate. Rodyn seemed to be a steady, compassionate, and humble leader - someone the mountain boy found he could come to respect fairly easily. Perhaps this truly was the best place for him.

And then, the pronouncement. Rodyn would not chase them away; in fact, he welcomed 'Mac into the fold. And his penance? Join the alpha on his hunts, helping to bring down larger game and replenish the pack's stores. Sumac lifted his head slightly and gave a few eager waves of his tail.

"I'm honored, Alpha. You are m-most generous. I will gladly join you on these hunts, and I will make it my mission to help replenish our r-reserves," he replied, his voice growing stronger with determination.
…Even in the darkest night
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Rodyn’s words were like stepping on a sharp shell or a rock, and with a wince she lowered her head, averting her ashamed gaze, ears flat against her head. 

She would never intend to do something so low, so disgraceful, surelt the rest of the pack would find out about this mishap at some point, but what could she do? She was young and in love, but at least in the terms of love, she made no mistake there, this was true.

She looked back and forth from Rodyn and Sumac, her eyes dulled with shame. It was partially her fault as well as the men's, she should've come to Rodyn before she and 'Mac eloped.

She listened intently as Rodyn spoke firmly, but not unkindly to
Sumac, informing him that he would not be chased away, and his only due was to hunt with the Alpha, to help fill the caches. She was relieved to know that Sumac would not face punishment. When she finally spoke, she lifted her head, her voice hushed, “I am so sorry. I should’ve come to you in the beginning, but rest assured, this won’t happen again. I am more than willing to help pay what is due.”

She then look to Sumac, as if to almost ask telepathically the question of whether they should bring of the life she possibly carried.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn looked over the dark man and nodded. Then onto Raindrop where his eyes softened a touch. He could see the change in her demeanor.

Don't berate yourselves too bad. Mistakes happen. The important thing is to learn from it and grow from it.

He shook his head gently. Forgive me for assuming, but you said grow our family. So I can only hazard a guess that you already maybe pregnant. Yes?

His throat tightened and he pushed past the lump lying therein.

You will rest and just worry about growing your little ones. And Sumac.

Rodyn eyed the other man with teary eyes. Take good care of her, yea?

He dipped his head.Go get resettled, rest. I have some borders to refresh.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
'Mac's discomfort abated somewhat as Rodyn freely gave Raindrop compassion.

It was shortly thereafter that the mood seemed to change - Sumac could practically taste it on the air but couldn't quite put a name or description to it. He flinched a bit, anticipating another potential pain point arising in the fact that Raindrop could already be carrying children. Rodyn was certainly perceptive.

However, Rodyn's attention was brought back to 'Mac, with a question that was more of a command.

Take good care of her, yea?

The young man lifted his head, determination shining in his gilded eyes.

"Always - for as long as I draw breath." A vow, and one that he had full intention of keeping.

Sumac then lowered his head and tail once more in respectful parting. "Thank you, Rodyn. P-please do not hesitate to call on us when we are needed."

I'm good with a fade if everyone else is.
…Even in the darkest night
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Rodyn, once again had shown Raindrop mercy, forgiveness. She managed to bring her eyes upon him, of which his eyes were touched with a softness.

As he said, she would learn from this mistake, and a small smile drew from the corner of her lips. But when Rodyn spoke to Sumac, her beloved, his words touched even her. She lifted her head enough to look upon her husband, love overflowing, as he vowed "Always - for as long as I draw breath." Raindrop rubbed against Sumac affectionately, before the two would turn and leave. “Thank you, Rodyn.” Was all she said, with a warm tone and a nod. She then followed swiftly alongside ‘Mac.

A fade is fine with me, thank you Danni, Rainchaser. :D
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