Stone Circle How far I'll go
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Steph knew she hadn't been extremely social over the past several weeks, and she blamed it on the funk she was in. But, she didn't want to wallow, and forced herself out of her den this morning. She shook the dirt from her fur, and stretched her body in the morning sun. 

She immediately set off to find @Valette, and assumed she was at the rendezvous site.. Her younger siblings were old enough to not have to stay in the den all the time, and therefore the pack could visit and mingle as they wished. Steph loved her brother and sisters and found she could not get enough of them. They lifted her spirits, and they probably didn't even realize it.

She approached the site, automatically looking for @Keen, @Merrit, and @Arlette, even though she wasn't directly here for them. Still couldn't hurt, right? Her tail wagged when her eyes settled on Valette and she went over to her, attempting to nose her neck in greeting. Hey, Momma, she greeted fondly. How are things? she asked, sitting down on her haunches. 

Tags for visibility, though you are welcome to join in, if you like!
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette was taking a break during the hottest time of the day. She had found a cool spot in the shade and watched over her brood. She deserved a rest after taking care of Stark and making sure that he would get enough water during this heat. She let the pups play around and explore the clearing and some of the wooded area around the clearing. She was getting far more relaxed with letting her children explore.

Valette raised her head when she heard someone approach. She instantly smiled when seeing Steph. She was so proud of her daughter though she realized she hadn't seen her around for a long time, perhaps a few times in passing but not much after that. "Hi Steph," she greeted and nuzzled her back. "Good good. With me at least. Stark seems to be under the weather. I'm only a bit worried. Everything is going great with the pups. Though Keen still seems a bit timid, the other two are doing great. They look happy." Valette then glanced over her daughter. "How have you been?"
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette excitedly looked at her big sister approaching from under a bush. The girl was quite lively and was eager to jump people and make sure they played with her. An exciting glint was in her red colored eyes before she dashed from the bushes, jumped over her mother, who was still lying down, and tried to jump Steph. Of course, that was not so easy with the other being taller. The female sounded out playful growls as she jumped up against Steph to get her ear. "Play!!" Her tail was wagging enthusiastically. She had already tried to bribe her mother to play with her but Valette didn't seem to be in the mood for it. Hence why Arlette tried to find another victim. 
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Steph opened her jaws to reply to Valette, but all of a sudden, a flash of white fur was assaulting her. Steph feigned a loss, allowing Arlette to grab her ear as she fell over onto her side to give her little sister more of an advantage. AH! she hollered. A beast is attacking me! she shouted. Someone help before it EATS me! She threw her legs around, faking an attempt to get Arlette off of her, but of course Steph didn't really want that.

She opened her jaws to attempt to grab one of Arlette's leg, and while she was mostly gentle, she also wanted Arlette to get the impression of what it was really like for someone to grab it. While her little sister was just a pup, she also knew rough play was a great way to train young wolves for serious fights in the future. She glanced over at Valette to gauge her reaction, making sure she wasn't upsetting their mother with the play. 

In between play growls with Arlette, she did ask, What's wrong with Stark? In her self-imposed absence, she hadn't realized Valette's mate had been sick. In an instant, she was reminded of Murdock and how she hadn't known he was sick, either. But, had anyone?
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette watched as her pale daughter jumped over her and went to attack her sister. Not really a way to greet someone but Valette was certain that Arlette knew this. She probably just needed to spend her energy before passing out for a nap. It was quite adorable to see and how Steph was playing with her younger sister. She remembered when Steph was as young as Arlette was now.

"We don't know," she sighed. "He is keeping a distance since he doesn't want the pups to get it. I'm not a medic though," she frowned. "It sounded like the flu or something like that. He just feels bad." Valette was very fearful of losing Stark, though she wasn't telling anyone that. Stark wasn't dead yet. But now her children were growing up again without a father figure. She hoped their bond would be alright in the end.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette cried of joy when Steph got to the ground and she could try and climb on her sister while trying to nip her. They weren't very rough nips. Arlette was not that big that she could really hurt Steph in a way. The female gurgled and squeaked excitedly in play. She tried to mouth over Steph's mouth when she was grabbing her leg. Only when Arlette heard the name 'Stark' she looked up from her play. "Daddy!," she beamed and then looked around the clearing with so much hope in her eyes.

She moved away from Steph, to the log and then looked out over the clearing like she would see it better. "Daddy?," she questioned softly to herself and then turned to look over her shoulder to her mother and sister. 'Daddy?," she asked as if they knew when she would see him again.
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Realizing now that Stark's condition might be worse than she thought, she offered, I could go to one of our allies and see if their healer can visit him. If it was a prolonged sickness, Steph worried it would continue to get worse. She would be more than willing to go and find someone to help him.

Steph could feel Arlette's teeth, but she didn't flinch away from the bites her little sister was imposing on her. She was glad to see her instinct was her to put her maw over Steph's to try and get her away, and Steph released Arlette when she did so. The play was short lived, however, when Arlette figured out who they were talking about. Steph looked to Valette, unsure how she would handle Arlette's questioning. 

She wasn't ignorant of her mother's fears about raising another litter without a father. It made Steph want even more so to get a healer to see if they could make Stark better.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette glanced at Steph and nodded. "That might be good. Maybe you can ask for Pema at Morningside? Maybe she knows,' Valette spoke. Then Arlette decided to call for her father. Valette's ears fell back briefly, a hint of her fear show. "Arlette," she called her back to her. "Steph is here now. Daddy will be back later, little one,' she assured her. Stark would at times show his face.

She looked at her youngest daughter and then offered her a soft smile. She was good at hiding away her own worries for her children. Valette looked at Steph. "I just hope he gets better soon," Valette spoke a bit softer to her
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette heard her mother call and turned on her heels. She trotted to her mother and sister. She was told that she would see her Daddy later. The youngster then looked at her sister and grinned. "Steph here! she mimicked her mother's words. She liked her big sister. The young female was quick to be convinced. She wasn't that stubborn. She wormed herself between Steph's legs and plopped down. She was quite tired anyway and fell asleep quickly. 
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Steph nodded quickly when Valette suggested she go to Morningside and ask for Pema. I'll set out tomorrow, and go as quickly as I can, she promised. She didn't want to waste anytime, in case Stark didn't have it. The sooner someone could help him, the better. Her mother seemed to handle Arlette's worry just fine, and in a moment, Arlette was focused on Steph, rather than the absence of Stark.

Her heart swelled with love as Arlette chose to curl up between her front legs and fall asleep. Steph gave her some gentle licks as she drifted off. Her gaze looked up at Valette when she expressed her worry over Stark. He's a strong and able wolf, Mom. It'll take more than this to stop him, she said with confidence. She was worried about Stark, yes, but she refused to let it dash her hope that he would be alright.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette nodded. "Maybe just ask for advice. I don't think it is so severe that she needs to come herself," Valette spoke. "So we know what to do or what herbs to look for," she spoke. It would be helpful if Steph would go and ask them. "Or perhaps they have a spare healer that can come and visit us. I know Pema might have children of her own."

Valette smiled as well when Arlette decided to sleep between Steph's legs. It was adorable. "I hope so," she admitted with a sigh. "Otherwise I have a curse," she frowned looking rather sad. She quickly shook her head. "I shouldn't think like that," she corrected herself.

Won't be posting with Arlette anymore so your turn <3
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
She nodded her understanding of Valette's instructions. She hadn't realized Pema might be pregnant, let alone have given birth recently. She certainly wouldn't want to leave newborns to go trekking across the lands. But, Steph would gladly pick her brain, if she had the time for her. I'll definitely ask, she confirmed. 

She frowned when her mother brought up the question of being cursed. You're not cursed, she said adamantly, even though Valette had corrected herself. I know you don't want to raise children by yourself again, she said softly. But, you have the pack behind you, she reminded her mother. And you have me, she added. Steph couldn't be a father, but she was sure she could help out enough that her mother didn't bear the brunt of the upbringing all by herself. 

Steph was doing well at letting her depression go. She felt better every day, and was much more interested in what was going on with her packmates than ever before. Of course, she focused on her mother and siblings first and foremost, she wanted to get caught up with everyone.

There was something else on her agenda that she hadn't spoken with Valette about yet, but she figured now was a good a time as any. Actually, she began. I was wondering what you thought about me working my way up the ranks, she added. To be your Beta, she clarified. She didn't want the position given to her, but she did want it known that it was a goal of hers to help lead the pack.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette dropped her ears back with quite a guilty expression. 'I know. I know I am not," she quickly spoke. As she was extremely blessed with wonderful children and a wonderful pack. Stark was still alive. Just a bit ill. Steph's words helped. Slowly a smile came upon her lips. Steph was really wonderful. She shifted closer and licked Steph's muzzle in thank you. She could see herself so much in Steph. She offered the same support to her own mother at the time. 'Thank you," she spoke and smiled warmly at Steph.

Valette wasn't too aware of Steph's depression as she had her focus mostly on her youngest children. She only saw Steph in a supporting role. The female perked up her ears when Steph wanted to ask her something else. She didn't know that Steph had the ambition to lead the pack with her. Valette instantly wagged her tail. "Really?," she asked, sounding surprised. "I didn't know you were interested but I think you would make a wonderful Beta," she spoke. Perhaps Steph would need some mentoring in a few things but in general, she saw her daughter as very level-headed and calm. She hadn't seen Steph that authoritative yet only defensive when meeting Greyback. "Once the pups are a bit older, I'd like to travel to Sunspire or maybe see some other packs for myself. Perhaps visit morningside for a day, that could be good practice for you."
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Steph, lost in her depression, hadn't noticed, or maybe she hadn't cared, if anyone knew about her emotional turmoil. It was hers, no one else's, and she dealt with it alone. It wasn't something she needed someone to coddle her about, it was just something that she had to work through. Thankfully, she did, and she was back to the living. 

Her smile brightened with her mother expressed she was on board with Steph working her way to Beta. Steph wasn't sure if she could do it without her mother's approval. Well, especially since Valette was the one who would have to promote her into that position in the end. Is there anything...specific I could be doing? she asked. She knew Beta's were the supporting role of the Alpha, but she couldn't exactly just act like she was Beta. She didn't have the power, after all. But, maybe Valette would give her a task or something she could help with. 

She nodded, understanding her mother's dreams for the future. Obviously, they could not happen without help. With Stark sick, he could not pick up where Valette would leave off if she wanted to go visit other packs. In the meantime, if there are any packs you want me to visit, just let me know, she said. Steph wouldn't mind going on short trips as a messenger, if Valette needed that.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette thought about what tasks Steph could be doing. She wanted to see Steph be more assertive. "I'd like you to be there when loners come to the border and want to join the pack. I want to see if you can handle that," she explained. After all, Easthollow was usually friendly to outsiders as well, if they were respectful. She wanted to see how Steph balanced that. She could remember with Greyback that she had been rather defensive.

"I also like you to keep an eye on things. So maybe you heard about members having a dispute or if something isn't right with the territory. Stuff like that. Keep your eyes open," she explained with a quick nod. That was a good start, to begin with. Then, later on, Valette might travel herself for a bit and then she could see how Steph was handling the pack. Would other members accept her being in charge?
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
She nodded in agreement when Valette expressed she'd like Steph to take a more active role in their potential members. The only wolf Steph had ever intercepted was Grayback, and she had met him with aggression. In her defense, she had thought he was a trespasser. In hindsight, she figured that would at least show she was willing to fight for her pack. But, she didn't think that was the reason for Valette's current request. If she was going to be a leader, she would need to learn how to be diplomatic, too. I'll keep any eye out for them, she replied. Newcomers didn't exactly come by every day, but Steph would make sure to be there when one did.

Her next request was a little less understood on the yearling. Steph knew arguments happened between pack wolves, but she wasn't usually one to get into the middle of them. If there is one, should I attempt to mediate? she asked. She wasn't sure how the others would feel about her probing into their personal business. At the end of the day, though, she would just be trying to help.

The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette nodded in reply when Steph said she would keep an eye out for new joiners. That would already help her a lot. The female was often busy with leadership tasks now Stark was still ill. Valette tried to tend to him as best he could. But she was growing more worried every day. "Well don't go out looking to stick your nose in someone's business, but if you happen to see someone that needs comfort or looks like they need a talk, be there for them."

Valette thought of the times Cebra came to her or how she would usually know something was wrong by talking to members. "Try Cebra, with her memory loss she might have a difficult time now. Things like that,' she offered her daughter. Besides if Steph was a support system for other wolves in the pack they might accept her more easily as a leader. "And you might want to think about a second trade next to hunting,' Valette added as well.
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
She had to grin at her mother telling her not to go purposely sticking her nose into others' business. Steph should have realized that before, knowing her mother wasn't an invasive wolf, and wouldn't want others to be, either. I'll be respectful, she promised.

She nodded when Cebra was mentioned. She hadn't spent a ton of time with the other female, but she supposed it was a good idea, even if to just strengthen the bond. She thought a moment when Valette suggested a second trade. Well, we need a healer, but learning would require me to go elsewhere for a while, she mused. She wasn't excited about going anywhere else for a lengthy period of time, especially when her mother needed her here. What about a ranger? she asked. I could take short trips here and there, wouldn't have to be gone long, but I can learn what the lands are like outside of Easthollow. While Steph had always been a homebody, being a Ranger would give her a chance to see the world outside home, while always coming back.

The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette nodded at her daughter. She was convinced her daughter would be respectful. She had raised Steph to be kind and polite. She would be surprised to see Steph being rude to someone. "You could become a ranger like me, but that would also mean you would be away more. I cannot really use my ranger skills as a leader. Not as much as I did when I was still a pack wolf," she explained to Steph.

She gave another look at her daughter. "What about a counselor or advisor?," she asked her daughter. 'You seem the right fit for it. You already counsel and help me when I feel sad," she explained. Steph always made her feel better or made her see things differently.
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
She considered Valette's words carefully, understanding that the trade she choose needed to be helpful to the position she wanted. She was appreciative that her mother realized she always tried to help her, but there was still a problem with the counselor trade. I do try to help you alot. You're my mother, she said with a smile.

But her smile faded slowly. But I'm not that close with anyone else, she confessed. After her father failed to show, and Murdock passed away, Steph had sealed herself off from the others. Except, of course, her mother and siblings. She glanced down to the sleeping Arlette, not able to lift her eyes again. I don't know if they would even accept me as a leader, she said softly.

The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette smiled at her daughter. Perhaps then Steph shouldn't help her so much because she was her mother but because she was her leader. She knew that Steph had been less social when she became more of an adult. It was probably the deaths in the pack as well. "Perhaps that can be the task you work on," Valette encouraged.

"Did you know the reason I became a ranger? Because I got lost all the time. So I chose that trade to work on myself," she smiled. "I'm not saying you should as well, but if you haven't been so social but want to be the leader you will have to work on how the other wolves see you," Valette motivated and smiled. "You could even ask if they would see you as their leader and if not, what their reasoning is."

They had good wolves at Easthollow. There wasn't much dominance or fights at all. So, Valette didn't expect much trouble but then again, Birk did leave them when Stark became the dominant male. She didn't have a clue that Birk thought of it that way. Perhaps she would need to ask some members as well what they would think of Steph becoming a Beta.
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
She nodded, understanding her mother's suggestion was for Steph to take what she did for her, and apply it to others. She supposed it was a good start, but she knew it would be awkward for her in the beginning.

Her ears perked when Valette told her why she had become a Ranger. She understood. Valette took a weakness, and made it a strength, and she was suggesting Steph do the same. Steph wasn't confident that she was as strong as she knew her mother was. But, she supposed it was worth a try. I'll do my best, she promised. She was not sure at all about flat out asking her packmates what they thought about her being Beta, but it was something she would turn over and over in her head for the next few days at least.

The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph