@Valette dated for the 21st!
He wanders again, set on hunting this time β with the state Outlander is in, and Korei's dependence on him, he can't afford to slack now. It's funny β he's spent his entire life running from responsibility only to be slapped with an even heavier dose the moment he leaves the last out of sight. A heavy sigh slips from him as he weaves between the trees, nose low to the ground. He'd caught the scent of pack earlier, too close for comfort β they'll have to move on soon.But right now all he can smell is the forest around him. Faint wolf scents linger here and there, broken fading trails scattered through the glade, but nothing he can recognize. He's grateful for it; each day now he wakes up to these reminders of who he really is, and he doesn't think he can stand to find another. So he focuses on the scent of fox, turning to follow the trail through the forest β surely thinking about the demons of his past will summon them, and he's tired of being the cause of all his own problems.
October 22, 2018, 05:41 AM
Sorry for the wait!!!!! <3 Weekend hit me like a brick.
The border of Easthollow showed many different landscapes, from thick forest to the open plains. They only claimed the south part of the Fox'sglade forest. That didn't mean that Valette never checked the north side of the forest. Valette liked to know what was going on in the lands surrounding them. The alpha female had a brisk pace through the forest. She didn't make much effort to stay quiet. She was not out to hunt and she wanted her presence known to others. This was close to their pack and would very much like to let that known to others. The female didn't mark the land though. She knew her paths through the forest were enough to let others know that she was around. What she didn't expect was to find a wolf hunting to close to their borders. She scented the stranger first before seeing him. "You are quite close to Easthollow borders," she commented when seeing him.

October 22, 2018, 11:14 AM
no worries!! <3
He's not alone for long; the approach of another wolf draws him from his thoughts, and he glances up a moment before she starts to speak. A dark wolf, green-eyed and larger than himself (though that's hardly surprising). Her words aren't really surprising either, though he hadn't realized he was quite so close.Oh, sorry,He says, one ear flicking. Easthollow, huh? He almost thinks the information would be useful for his pack β until he remembers that, well, he doesn't have a pack anymore. It's oddly depressing.
I didn't realize your borders were so close β I'm just um, passing through though. Not looking to cause trouble.Hopefully that will be enough to appease her. There's plenty of space in the wilds, he thinks, and no reason to conflict over a single patch of land.
October 22, 2018, 11:20 AM
Valette noticed that the male was smaller once she approached. The male apologized. Valette just dipped her head to let him know that it was alright. "As long as you have no ill intentions I am alright with you being close," she explained to him. And the male didn't seem to have bad intentions. Valette gazed over him, he looked like he went through a lot.
"Are you traveling to somewhere specific? I am a ranger, perhaps I can be of help," she offered. She would be kind enough to tell them the way, and then this stranger would also be away from her border. What a win-win situation. The male did scent of other wolves, so perhaps he was part of a pack.
"Are you traveling to somewhere specific? I am a ranger, perhaps I can be of help," she offered. She would be kind enough to tell them the way, and then this stranger would also be away from her border. What a win-win situation. The male did scent of other wolves, so perhaps he was part of a pack.

October 24, 2018, 02:45 AM
The woman seems reasonable enough, and he's grateful for it; he's not certain he could stand having to deal with some neurotic weirdo right now. He nods slightly as she mentions that she doesn't mind his proximity as long as his intentions aren't bad β and, despite his long history of brutal failures and fuck-ups, Alarian is at least exceptionally good at having good intentions. It just never gets him anywhere.
Maybe it'll get him somewhere this time, though. He pauses a beat over the woman's offer, mind immediately jumping to what running into Terance had reminded him of β his friend needs a pack, a home for the winter and maybe even past that. Maybe a ranger would know of somewhere β it would definitely save him the trouble of making another pack entirely, as he'd done last time.
Maybe it'll get him somewhere this time, though. He pauses a beat over the woman's offer, mind immediately jumping to what running into Terance had reminded him of β his friend needs a pack, a home for the winter and maybe even past that. Maybe a ranger would know of somewhere β it would definitely save him the trouble of making another pack entirely, as he'd done last time.
Not anywhere specific, no,He admits slowly.
I'm traveling with two of my friends β we're looking for somewhere more permanent to settle, like a pack that would take us in. Would you happen to know of anywhere we could go?He wonders briefly if Aditya would take them in, if he showed up at Morningside looking pathetic enough; it would suck, sure, but it would be a home.
October 24, 2018, 03:35 AM
(This post was last modified: October 24, 2018, 08:48 AM by RIP Valette.)
Now she had a better look at the male she noticed that he was rather skinny and was covered in scars. What happened to this male? He was quite the opposite from what she expected from a male. Perhaps she had only surrounded by big burly guys. They weren't going anywhere specific. She was glad that he wasn't looking for Blackfeather woods or a pack like that. He needed a place to stay for himself and his friends.
Valette stayed quiet for a minute. This male looked bad, especially with the scarring in his face. However, he had been friendly towards her. He had not been grumpy or ill in behavior. "Well, we have room for you and two of your friends," she offered. "However, I would like to meet them first," she added. "I'm Valette, leader of Easthollow," she explained to him, if it was unclear, then he would know that she could make decisions about who was joining and who was not.
Valette stayed quiet for a minute. This male looked bad, especially with the scarring in his face. However, he had been friendly towards her. He had not been grumpy or ill in behavior. "Well, we have room for you and two of your friends," she offered. "However, I would like to meet them first," she added. "I'm Valette, leader of Easthollow," she explained to him, if it was unclear, then he would know that she could make decisions about who was joining and who was not.

October 24, 2018, 10:44 AM
Of all the things he'd expected, a second offer of a home had not been one of them β but he's not about to complain. He feels more relieved than anything; joining up with Terance might have been alright, but he's much more inclined toward a home with no memories, no ghosts of the past. No connections to his past life, or Korei's β and he has no idea who the hell Valette is, beyond her introduction. So... maybe this is a good start.
He dips his head respectfully, expression immediately grateful.
He dips his head respectfully, expression immediately grateful.
It's nice to meet you, Valette. I appreciate your offer of a place in your pack. I can offer my skills as a medic β and all three of us can hunt well enough to contribute,He pauses a beat, glancing briefly behind him to see if @Korei Julia and/or @Outlander is near.
I'm Alarian, by the way. My friends' names are Outlander and Korei Julia β they should be nearby.
October 24, 2018, 11:17 AM
Valette dipped her head. The male sounded rather civil compared to his looks. Hence why she relaxed a bit more in his presence. "A medic?," she asked and then smiled. "We are in need of a medic so that would be great for Easthollow if you could provide that," she admitted. Some might hide that from a new wolf but Valette had been wanting a healer for Easthollow for so long. Perhaps then Stark would have been better and he wouldn't have left. She was saddened by the idea that this Alarian couldn't have been on her path earlier.
It reminded Valette of the time Steady passed before she was able to have pups. It wasn't meant to be. Perhaps Stark and she were also not meant to be. The female pushed those thoughts away for another time. "That is good to know. We do mainly hunt on the bison in our territory. Not all wolves are familiar but the pack will show you on hunts," she offered. Valette dipped her head again. She looked forward to meeting his friends. That would mean that they would have three new wolves in their ranks. A lot of new ones to keep an eye on but Valette decided to give this man the benefit of the doubt.
It reminded Valette of the time Steady passed before she was able to have pups. It wasn't meant to be. Perhaps Stark and she were also not meant to be. The female pushed those thoughts away for another time. "That is good to know. We do mainly hunt on the bison in our territory. Not all wolves are familiar but the pack will show you on hunts," she offered. Valette dipped her head again. She looked forward to meeting his friends. That would mean that they would have three new wolves in their ranks. A lot of new ones to keep an eye on but Valette decided to give this man the benefit of the doubt.

October 24, 2018, 11:48 AM
He nods at her first words, and can't help but return her smile β it'd be nice to feel needed, for once. There'd usually been some other medic at the Sanctuary besides himself, and while that was fine, it certainly hadn't helped his sense of importance. What had he done around there, anyway? Fill the caches, walk the borders β like any pack wolf. Nothing like a real leader. He tries not to think about how much better things probably are without him as leader; that should feel like a good thing, but it only makes him feel worthless.
I'd be happy to do that,He tells her, pausing a beat before he continues.
But I won't be able to build up a good supply of herbs until spring comes again β it limits me a little, but not too much.He listens to her next words before he speaks again, admittedly a little unsettled at the thought of hunting bison. He can get over it, but β they're just... very big. And he is not very big. Ugh. Still β a home.
Thank you, Valette. Is there anything I should know about the pack?
October 25, 2018, 10:47 PM
(This post was last modified: October 25, 2018, 11:27 PM by Korei Julia.)
Korei Julia had lagged behind quite far. Alarian had gone ahead to look and scout out. Eventually she managed to catch up, and that's when she caught site of Alarian...and another. A female? They seemed to be talking a lot. Korei came up quietly as the spoke, coming up close to him.
October 26, 2018, 08:08 AM
Valette was pleased to hear that the male was willing to be a medic for them once he joined. She could understand that not all flowers and herbs were growing at the time of year. She was glad that they had at least someone who could do something. Now they were rather helpless in that department. "Any medical help is welcomed," she confirmed.
Valette was about to start to explain about Easthollow when a pale female approached. She was quiet, no introductions. Valette tipped her head. "You must be Korei Julia then?" Unless Outlander was a female name these days? Valette offered her a smile. "I'm Valette, leader of easthollow." She then motioned to the territory behind her.
"Easthollow is a family oriented pack. We are all really close and treat each other like they are our family. We have part of the forest and open plains in our territory. Along with that, on top of a grassy hill stand our Standing Stones. They mean a great deal to us. These stones are the meeting place for the pack but also our burial site. Past leaders and loved ones are buried there with the idea that they can attend every important meeting in our pack," she explained. "Some stones have been named after the wolf that is buried there and go to them for guidance."
Valette was about to start to explain about Easthollow when a pale female approached. She was quiet, no introductions. Valette tipped her head. "You must be Korei Julia then?" Unless Outlander was a female name these days? Valette offered her a smile. "I'm Valette, leader of easthollow." She then motioned to the territory behind her.
"Easthollow is a family oriented pack. We are all really close and treat each other like they are our family. We have part of the forest and open plains in our territory. Along with that, on top of a grassy hill stand our Standing Stones. They mean a great deal to us. These stones are the meeting place for the pack but also our burial site. Past leaders and loved ones are buried there with the idea that they can attend every important meeting in our pack," she explained. "Some stones have been named after the wolf that is buried there and go to them for guidance."

October 26, 2018, 03:10 PM
His large form seemed to bleed onto the scene from the shadows. His form was still shaggy and unkempt despite the care he received from Alarian β from being a part of the group. He came in on the tail end of the swarthy female's words. He wasn't entirely sure what they talking about and so he opted to linger behind the forms of Korei Julia and Alarian.
While he was here it was obvious he wasn't entirely here.
While he was here it was obvious he wasn't entirely here.
October 26, 2018, 09:05 PM
Korei arrives just before Valette can answer his question, and his tail wags slightly at the sight of her. He offers his friend a reassuring smile, hoping she'll understand the gravity of the encounter β they'll need to make a decent impression, especially with Outlander's weakened state. The man is certainly better than he'd been, but recovery will take time, no doubt. He turns his attention back to Valette quickly, taking in her words with a nod.
As if summoned by his thoughts, Outlander arrives just before Valette finishes speaking. He casts a slightly concerned glance over his friend, then turns to address Valette again.
As if summoned by his thoughts, Outlander arrives just before Valette finishes speaking. He casts a slightly concerned glance over his friend, then turns to address Valette again.
Easthollow sounds like a great place. This is Outlander β he's recovering from an accident right now. I've been caring for him myself, and he's well enough to hunt small game, so there shouldn't be any burden on the pack. I'm confident that he'll heal fully soon enough.Well, he has to sound confident, if they're going to get into Easthollow without a hitch. Ugh. Why does he always have to be in charge of things? Actually β if this goes well... he won't be anymore. At this point, he can't think of anything he wants more.
October 26, 2018, 10:04 PM
Korei Julia smiles back, and moves right up close to him as Valette as her name was spoke. "Yep, Korei! Nice to meet you, Valette" she greeted back, her tail wagging behind her softly. She glanced at Outlander for a moment. With their travel she glanced at him but only now did she get a good look. Korei gave him a sympathetic look, knowing that he was not in the best shape.
October 29, 2018, 07:30 AM
Valette watched as another male joined. He seemed in a bad shape, Valette kind of worried for him. Better to give them a good home, hopefully, these three would give them loyalty. And perhaps once loyalty was there, then they would maybe become part of their family. Alarian seemed the most talkative so Valette addressed most things to him. "I'm glad you think so," she spoke.
Valette looked at Korei Julia and was somehow a bit reminded of Keoni? She was not sure why that was. Perhaps she was a young female and as enthusiastic as her adoptive daughter was before her tongue was removed. "Well, I can only confirm all of what you said once you three join us, " she explained. 'So, I will allow you in the pack," she spoke. They could use some members, especially a medic.
"Follow me to the borders." Valette turned and then started to walk slowly, as she had no idea how well Outlander could move.
Valette looked at Korei Julia and was somehow a bit reminded of Keoni? She was not sure why that was. Perhaps she was a young female and as enthusiastic as her adoptive daughter was before her tongue was removed. "Well, I can only confirm all of what you said once you three join us, " she explained. 'So, I will allow you in the pack," she spoke. They could use some members, especially a medic.
"Follow me to the borders." Valette turned and then started to walk slowly, as she had no idea how well Outlander could move.

November 01, 2018, 06:20 PM
thank you !! <3 permission from the others to pp them & wrap this up
He can't help a relieved smile when Valette makes her decision, nodding quickly and rising to follow her. Thank you,He tells Easthollow's leader as Korei draws up next to him, seeming a little more chipper than she had before. Outlander is a little slower to follow, but it's to be expected; he just hopes his friend heals quickly. They have a pack, now, though β so maybe things will be easier. Maybe things will be better.
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