Northstar Vale Epidexiótita
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Ooc — Teo
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Backdated to @Rodyn's visit. Arsenio is going to learn how to keep hides ^^ <3

The man had been left to hunt in their vale for a time. There had been no need to oversee his activities. The work of tradesmen was common in his homeland. He had seen similar workers, traveling with their skills and their wares to seek something in return. It was hard work and it put many miles on the trader’s paws. It could be powerfully rewarding, though.

Arsenio sought out Rodyn of Moonglow, hoping that the other man would have gathered enough resources to share his trade. When they had first met, the Arche had requested to be taught how to keep the hides and furs of prey animals. They had struck a deal that had made the redstone man happy.

Rodyn of Moonglow, are you here? the burly red-furred man called out.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had been left to his own devices, and he had tried to do as well as he could. He had filled caches with small prey, and had caught and separated a goat and a small elderly doe.

His mind had traveled to the male Aresenio as he had separated all the pieces. In front of him lay the haunches of the beasts, and smaller pieces nearby, he was in the midst of digging a cache, when he was called.

Russet head was lifted and he smiled, lifting a paw in greeting. It is good to see your face, Leader Arsenio. How do you do today?

He motioned at the pieces nearby. I brought goat and deer, this way I can show you what to do on one and you can work on another. I have always learned better by doing than watching.

He flicked his tail and waited patiently for the man to speak again.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The redstone wolf had never heard such a greeting. The blue of his eyes sparkled with interest when he had been told that it was good to see his face. Such kindness must have been a trademark of the Moonglow wolves. Arsenio thought that they would be a good ally, if they sought such partnerships. The vale would allow their wolves to hunt during the winter and gather medicinal herbs for their stocks.

Planning of that sort could be left for later. The mercenary was keen to begin learning how to tend to the furs. As Rodyn spoke, the Arche eyed the pieces they would be working with. The man had been sharp enough to say that he was someone who learned through action and direction.

We are alike in this. I hope that I will do an adequate job, Arsenio answered with a hearty laugh. Where do we begin? The red man lifted his head and fixed his gaze on the tradesman’s face.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn would gladly take a message to his leader for allies of Epoch. They could share knowledge and they often hunted with other packs. Rodyn felt glad to be able to help his pack in these ways. To form bonds with others. It was truly a gift he felt to give back to those who had taken him in.

Rodyn chuckled and dipped his head. I felt we were kindred spirits in a way. Ah.

Russet boy motioned towards the furs. I will tell you the steps and then we can work at it.

He motioned for the other to join him at whichever skin he wanted to work on and then he would go to the other. Though he did offer one word.

The goat skin will probably be more comfortable and warmer for any future children.

Then he waited, speaking quietly, but firmly. First we strip the tallow from the furs. It goes very well with berries, but it can also just be eaten as a snack. Then we place it in a nearby river, with rocks to hold it down. The fish will nibble at any pieces we have left. IT will need to stay down there for 5 hours, it would be umm.

Rodyn was thinking and then nodded. Long enough to track and hunt a small deer. Then when we pull it back up. We set it in the sun, rocks on the corners and we let it dry. That is really all there is to it.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The tradesman instructed that the goat would do well for future pups, that it was warmer than the other fur. Arsenio eyed it, wondering if the man who was practiced should work on it instead of giving it to the first timer. Ah, but he would need to learn.

The redstone figure listened closely as Rodyn explained their first steps were to remove the tallow from the hides. He said that they would make for good snacks with berries. Arsenio thought that he might take some to his wife. The days to come would bring him opportunity to practice what he learned from the hunter.

When explained, the process seemed simple. It would take time, but the steps would not be forgotten by the Arche. He understood what they must do. While their hides were nibbled at by the fish in the water, the men could hunt for more meat and furs. The process seemed sound – a circle that made sense.

Let’s begin, then! Remove the tallow. Show me how you like to do this?

Arsenio eyed the other wolf.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Whomever worked on the fur it didn't matter. The process for both was the same. And this male, Arsenio already had his future set in stone. Rodyn didn't. So it made sense to the black and russet boy to allow the other to have the goat. It would be good for his mate and future pups, that were certain to come, in spring.

Rodyn chuckled and showed with teeth and claws. How to pull strips from the meat. It was both fun and time consuming, but it was a nice way to pass time. And whilst in between they could certainly talk about whatever they wished. Not that there was much for the two to talk about as of yet. They had only met briefly.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It was grunt work, but it had purpose.

Arsenio worked with the hide, peeling away strips that did not belong. It was pleasant for him to picture their fish growing well-fed off the furs they washed. They would have fattened fish for the winter, if they could keep an eye on the rivers that didn’t freeze over. Another strip from the skin. The flavor was tempting to swallow.

They will dry slower in these cold months, yes? Is it best to do them in the summer months? Arsenio inquired of the other man. He eyed his fur, but his attention was trained to Rodyn. If they washed the pelts and left them to dry in the sun, it could take days. The cold would freeze the water to the furs and would turn them to rigid planks.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
This was hard work. Tiring work. Tedious. But it lined dens and made children warm. It helped to give something back.

It also served to feed those that fed them. When you could not find a meal, there was always fish, frozen rivers, push rocks into it, it would break the thinner layers. Rodyn had found this out when traveling before he had settled.

Correct. You want to find a place to put them with constant high sun during the colder months. You could certainly also strip as much as you want off and let them to dry without the water, but then you have pieces of jerky and meat. Which could work I suppose for teething babies.

Rodyn closed his eyes happily. We hunt during the winter months, caribou and elk and deer with different packs. Collect the furs, dry them, as well as the meat for jerky sticks. Then we have meals throughout winter and warm places to sleep.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The redstone wolf listened to the instructions. He would need a place that was high and basked in sunlight. This would be a difficult thing, during the colder months. He feared that he might have to find a means to block the elements from any potential suntanning location. Arsenio’s mind drifted to the stones on the mountain, thinking that they would be his best bet. The rocks were slanted enough that they did not hold much snow and they had been smoothed from the running of water.

It sounds like a smart way to live, Arsenio complimented Rodyn on what he shared about his pack. They were intelligent with their kills, and they used many portions of the prey animals to service the wolves that they had. It would be smart for Epoch to adopt something similar. If nothing else, hunting and skinning to keep the skins for dens would provide them with warmth during the colder months.

We hope to be a place of learning, so I would like to share this skill with my children… when they are old enough.

Arsenio believed that it would be a valuable piece of knowledge to carry with them, wherever they ventured. Did Rodyn’s pack have a similar goal? To learn and to teach their skills.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had not traveled among the cliff sides or rocks enough to be able to give a place. But he had trust that this red wolf would find a way to do what he needed to do to make the furs soft and clean. There was no doubt that Rody had taught one who would utilize what was taught and well.

Rodyn laughed. I like to think so, but I maybe a bit bias.

Rodyn had found a purpose in the pack of moonglow. Had taken the lessons they had taught him and flew with them. He was pleased to be part of such a pack as that.

Moonwoman often teaches others. And we teach the young all our skills as they age. When I return I will be responsible to teach some of the younglings how to hunt. Shikoba our first hunter, it is her job to teach all the hunters and keep track of game and herds.

They would spend the day in quiet work. Learning of each other and their packs, and hopefully becoming friends.

Tacking an ending on <3