Ocean's Breath Plateau New Horizons
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,730 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Pack Formation 
Will change this to pack formation maybe. @Heph, @Samani mostly for reference, but you can join if you so like.

Rodyn made a day trip to the Plateau that Samani had loved so much. He wanted to get better aquainted with the area and the food sources. It would hurt to have his scent on everything either. Quicker way to make a claim, and spring was coming fast upon them, it was the perfect time to move. They could start caches, maybe some group hunts if they had enough people and perhaps even secure the future of hte pack either with their own children or Rhaegal's and Vaire's if they so chose to come with them.

Rodyn first moved throughout the shrubs, the tall trees, winding his russet body and fur against the trees leaving long claw marks in their bases. There were places that could hurt you if you fell in some of the hollows. But they weren't terrible. There wasn't an abundance of large game nearby, but he could go into neighboring forests for that. And if they kept their ties with Moonglow and Moonspear, they would all hunt caribou together. They would do well. Their future was secure thus far.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph had traveled a little around the coast, and when she noticed the signs of someone making the first markings at the base of the plateau she began the work of mentally shifting around the route, but a moment's attention had her recognizing the scent as Rodyn. Her tail lashed excitedly, she had not been sure when Samani and Rodyn would return to the coast, and was curious as to how he had been. She began making her way through the area, following generally the path laid out by the markers, but straying occasionally to better catch sight of her surroundings.

While she did not find much evidence of larger prey she found plenty of signs of smaller life-forms that would be good hunting if she were inclined. Eventually, she caught wind of the wolf she was following and took a few bounding steps to close some of the distance. "Fancy seeing you here!" She smiled in greeting, taking in more of her surroundings, so much of the world visible at a slightly greater height, and she thought probably the sea as well if one found the right spot for it.

Thought I'd throw her in if you don't mind ^--^
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,730 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I don't mind at all. Thank you. <3

Rodyn hadn't know how long it would take them to build something here. But he had never been a procrastinator. So it was with these thoughts that he had started working on building teh dream that Samani had given him. It was her dream, but he was breathing life into it.

It was here where they had forest and sea and they would have a nice little home built. He had already come up with plans and where he wanted things to be.

A happy voice called out to him and his tail whipped behind him and he lifted his head to meet the gaze of Helph.

HIYA Heph! he called out with a loud laugh. He motioned around them. We found a place to settle, what do you think?
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
She heard Rodyn's reply and responded with a grin to his own laugh. The sea breeze whipped around her, gently ruffling her fur but it carried laughter and words well enough giving her a feeling of levity that she often associated with an all out spring. "I think it's beautiful," She approached, closing the distance and looking around a little bit more, but could not help but add teasingly. "Aren't you worried Samani will spend all her time looking out on the land instead of admiring your handsome face?"

But though a soft chortle trailed on the end of her question as her lungs turned breathless she took in the air that tasted of salt-water and added, words carrying the weight of the new air entered into them, infused with warmth from her own chest "It is gorgeous, defensible and full of prey too, a perfect place for a pack." There was a practicality there, something that she could hardly remain ignorant of, and if this was the place that they had chosen to settle she hoped that as they marked and attended to the land it too would offer them the safety and haven that it had in all appearance.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,730 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn's tail wagged. I think so too. It has the sea like Samani wanted, and it has forests for me to hunt. I think we are going to base a lot of our pack on trading and bridges with other packs. I figured you'd like that as well. The ability to still travel, not being chained to the land.

He chuckled and shook his head. Throwing a paw around the shoulders of his friend and spoke in jest. Who could resist this handsome face.

He couldn't keep a serious face. Honestly though friend mine. If she's happy looking at the sea instead of me. I'll accept it.

Yes and we already have two allies in Moonglow and Moonspear with full permission to walk among their trails too. So we have help if we should ever need it and there will be group hunts.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph was slightly surprised at the consideration, but she was glad and it filled her with an unspecified warmth that Rodyn and Samani had thought of making the pack a place where she could thrive as fully herself. If it had come to she would have contented herself to settling down, making occasional trips, but if she could return at will with news and aid in forging these new bridges that they spoke of and perhaps trading as well then she would be able to truly throw herself into helping with this new pack. Even if she did not plan on spending every night within its borders she wanted it to grow strong and well. "I will my friend. Although this is certainly a place and people I'll be glad to return to."  And she meant it, there was always a risk of packs failing, but she had grown more confident in her own abilities and was ready to put them towards an effort, whether or not it was successful.

She laughed, slightly breathless at the sudden swing of Rodyn's paw around her shoulder but she gave him a companionable nudge in response. "I'm sure she'll love it, and having you near." It reminded her of her promise of hunting games, and with the pair settled perhaps it was a prudent time to go hunt down a gift. Though she did not know if there were any moose nearby they would be shedding their antlers in preparation for spring and would make a fine gift if she could find some that had not already been scavenged or beaten up too badly.

Her ears perked up and there was a contemplative gleam in her eye. More challenging prey could be had the more sets of fangs there were on the side of the wolf and she had gotten the impression that Moonglow was a large enough pack to make the hunting at least as exciting as running down prey with Rodyn. "I look forward to those, hunting with you is fun, but perhaps I'll make a few more friends to show off to." A teasing note entered in her voice, another playful half-shove of her shoulder. She and Rodyn worked well together hunting, but she had a feeling that if the opportunity presented itself she might be able to find some others who would enjoy the baiting out and the kill.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,730 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had known from the get go, that Heph was her own wolf. And if he wanted her to join them, then she needed to have her own space to grow and move forward and that was by giving her a niche she felt comfortable in.

And it will be joyous each time you join us. He teased, though he was serious too. It would be. They'd always be pleased to see her.

It's always a special time. Moonglow goes all out and there are many hunted at that time. Enough to fill all the caches and furs for all dens. It's truly a magnificent time.

I think you will hunt well with two wolves Njord and another named Kannoyak. Both are good hunters. Chakliux as well. He is also good, but he is a flirt so be warned. He has already gained one wife.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
She listened intently to Rodyn's description and found herself growing excited at the prospect. While she could not say for sure that she would work well with these wolves she had enough experience hunting to make the venture profitable for the pack.As he described the wolves she nodded along, committing the names to memory in case she ran into them without Rodyn or Samani there to introduce them. She would hardly pass up the opportunity to match her skill alongside someone else's if Rodyn thought that they would work well. At the description of a wolf who was flirtateous despite his marital status she could not help but let out a slight chuckle. "Well as long as his wife does not come running after me when I return the favor I'll enjoy the company." Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned after all and while she would risk many things she usually did so in good fun - it was only occasionally that her idea of good fun differed fro her compatriots.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,730 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn chuckled and shook his head. She probably wouldn't come after you. She maybe displeased, but it is common place in his tribe to take more than one wife or lover. I don't know all the intricacies, it is not my place to ask or wander. And despite that I like him. He is a good hunter brother. Pride just tends to get in his way.

That was the truth of it. But Rodyn could see these things for what they were, perhaps it was because he wasn't a prideful wolf. He preferred being humble and behind the scenes. Making sure everything worked out well. he would be the one to check on his packmates.

Then he grinned again. I cannot tell you how glad my heart is that you will join us Heph. And Samani already holds you in as high regard as I do.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph listened curiously to his description. It seemed an odd arrangement to her, but she supposed he was right that she had met neither wolf nor their people so she could hardly judge either. She could not imagine herself happy entangled in a situation that might leave her entwined with someone who brought her hardship, but one could hardly choose who to love at any rate and there were plenty of struggles to be had in any sort of relation no matter the circumstance. His description of pride though she would well relate to. Heph considered herself fairly well appraised of her own skill, any carelessness on her part was its own causa sui rather than welling up from pride, but she had seen it in a few wolves. "Well with pride either the wolf lives up to it or it gets knocked down enough to not be a hinderance." There was a breathy chuckle to her words, but no malice in them. After all, if he had survived this long and his hunting came recommended by Rodyn the pride was most likely at least mostly earned. But in the unlikely case that it was not then she would hopefully have a chance to run laps around him.

She returned the grin, smile spreading softer and less wolfish. It was difficult for her to say, but she wanted to be honest in turn and it was difficult for her to express what it meant to her to have two wolves willing to accept her among their ranks and as friends as well. "I never thought I'd find such good friends, I'm thankful to you both even if it's sometimes difficult for me to believe that it won't all disappear like waves on the shore." There was a hint of a laugh at the end, she knew that her views of change were at times unfounded. It was simply her experience that things did not last, but somehow that fear had not been enough to deter her from chasing after this possibility.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,730 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The hunter felt it was odd too, but it was not his place to comment on the life and villages of others. No. He would do as bade and he just briefly wondered if Samani felt that way, but then quickly shrugged it off. It was not for him to think on, if that was the case he'd speak with her later.

Rodyn chuckled. This is true. I have never been very prideful. My father knocked that out of us young and if he didn't our mother did. So I know very well to stay humble.

Rodyn's tail wagged and he gave a soft whuff, and then shook his head with laughter. Enough mushiness he felt.

We won't disappear my friend that I promise. Shall we continue marking our new home?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph laughed, while her parents had never been so direct she had had a verifiable bevy of elder siblings who had no compunction in showing off the added skill their age gave them so she could agree easily enough. She herself was far from humble, but she certainly knew better than to overestimate herself in relation to others - appearances could be deceiving and even though she had outstripped more than a few siblings in size by her first year that had not stopped them from either running circles around her in hunting games or pinning her in spars.

Her chuckle tapered off into a smile at his reassurance, but she was not prone to sitting in contemplation so when Rodyn suggested going about and finishing marking what they could of the territory she agreed readily. "Let's, hopefully before anyone else decides to finish up the job." The cadence of her voice held a playful bark to it, nothing she had come across suggested that the claim would be competed for by another pack or band, but time never stopped flowing. She let her legs carry her forward at a brisk pace borne more of her comfort of movement than any rush as she moved from spot to spot that looked suitable for scratches and scent markers. Her own fur rubbed off on more than a few branches and would hopefully tell other wolves that the place ahead was not uninhabited.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,730 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Last from me. <3

It was good to hear her laughter. It made him smile. He barked and raced after her and if she would allow it. He would entice her in a game of chase while they marked the borders. Leaving fur and urine and claw marks all aross the ground and the trees. It was a good day and he was happy.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph laughed and chased after Rodyn, allowing him to duck out of her immediate range before bounding forward. And then also bursting ahead willing to exchange places in the game. The running kept her heart beating out a happy rhythm and she was glad to cover the territory.