Silverlight Terrace Pisok
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
The marks from the elk hooves left prints upon the snow, up the terrace to where the ground gave way to a stretch of snow and white. The markings that had been left by the herd suggested that they had bed there for a short time before moving on. Kannoyak drew in the scent of the prey and it filled his senses with the promise of a feast.

Lifting his plum stare to the distant rock, the hunter licked his chops. The elk could have traveled south, around the fixture of the spine. It seemed more likely that they would have sought the cover of the weald. Dark trees loomed in the distance. Kannoyak lifted his head to call to any nearby hunters – the spirits had granted them a feast! They needed only to chase it.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,277 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Following her reunion with Meerkat, Sialuk began to step her way toward Moonglow. Her mother's spirit tugged at her own each day, and Sialuk knew that anaa would have many questions about her journey away. The raindrop had met many hunters and wives, soaking up the knowledge that they had let freely flow to her. She had rejected offers from many who would take her as a wife, knowing that she could not remain away from the mountain that called her home.

Sialuk knew coming home would mean options would open up to her. As the thought crossed her mind, she heard the call of such a hunter, and she deviated from her path. She intended to observe rather than participate. Perhaps there would be more than one viable hunter for her to greet.

When she caught sight of the swarthy figure, she let her eyes linger long on him.
Atkan Aleut
1,044 Posts
Ooc — ebony
*hoards* hope its okay i assume mojag is along! <3

"when you come across a deer, you should not chase it at first. walk toward it. if it shows you its antlers, save your strength. it will be a struggle you cannot win. but if it runs, then like the wind, you go too!"
he was speaking to @Mojag, who he had taken on a tracking excursion beyond the borders of moonglow. the seal-hunter was just about to answer any questions the younger boy might have when the sound of another wolf filled the air. "he is too close to the village," chakliux grunted.
the son of waking shark had a pointed eye on the stranger but he relaxed. "you want to hunt with my brother and i? we have a village that is close. we will take half."
the stranger would have enough meat with part of a kill to himself. chakliux tested the trade. and then he let his eyes come to the woman, who was pale as the others and had the eyes of a she-hawk. pleasure lit his gaze.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Hunters in the area approached on the white man. He drew his plum gaze to their faces, nodding in approval to each of them. The woman looked confident, watchful, careful with her gaze. Kannoyak could tell that she swallowed information about him through the glint in her eye. The tradesman did not know if she would hunt the elk or if she merely had joined to see who called for brothers and sisters of the chase.

The man said that he would hunt, that their village was close. It was asked that they take half of their prey, if successful.

Your conditions are agreeable to this one.

Kannoyak squinted on the boy at the man’s side. If the woman were to join them, they could certainly fell an elk for the village and the lone hunter. He was confident in their skills, even without knowing the Moonglow wolves who had joined him.

This herd looks to have journeyed to the trees. The white hunter nodded to the weald in the north.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He had watched the herd from afar with Chakliux, and listened to every bit of knowledge that was spared. Just as Mojag was about to ask his questions he noticed the other wolf - not Sialuk, but a stranger - and cast his eye carefully upon them. Chakliux was the one to make the trade and at once Mojag felt agreeable to having another body to help; he was also aware of Sialuk being there, and wanted to make a good impression.

Maybe that had to do with his other conversation with Chakliux from when they had met. The one about women. However, Mojag still did not fully understand - he only wanted to do well now for his new friend, and to impress those of his village. It was a complete turnaround from his previous doubts and his desire to give up hunting altogether.

I could coax them from hiding, or wait and ambush. He looked to his friend for guidance and otherwise was dismissive of the stranger, although truthfully his interest was growing and his curiosity was at an all-time high.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,277 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Another viable hunter joined the first, along with a younger, darker companion. Sialuk noted their different features, the beat of their words, and the way they regarded one another. The second large male spoke of a village nearby, and the raindrop wondered if he was one of Moonglow's hunters. She did not recognize Mojag, for he was many months grown now. Not yet a man, but somewhere between that and a boy.

She did not offer herself to the hunt, but instead regarded them cooly. If they wished for her help, they could ask it of her. She had hunted both by herself and with others in her life, and she would not be useless to them. However, it would be easier to observe their worthiness if she was able to watch from afar.
Atkan Aleut
1,044 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the man accepted. chakliux reluctantly pulled his eyes from the striking woman and grinned at the man. "we are a good hunting party," he observed. mojag looked to him for direction and he was proud at that. "remember what i told you not long ago? use that when you go into the trees and choose the one we will chase."
he himself would defer to the hunter who had called them; chakliux approached with a friendly air. 
his eyes went back to the woman who had not spoken, and he could not resist calling, "will you come with us? or will you watch how strong men hunt in winter?"
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The boy offered to coax the elk from their hiding place, or to wait and ambush them. Kannoyak looked at their group with confidence. He did not believe that they needed a lure. If they followed the trail of the wandering elk, they could find one that would fall to their fangs. The boy would be helpful with his teeth and his speed.

Kannoyak was stoic to the other white hunter. He was charming and talkative. Plum eyes locked with the sharp berry color of Chakliux’ stare. Only the faintest smile was given. This was still a great honor, for Kannoyak was not an expressive man. His tail fluttered from side to side before his attention was returned to the woman who had not spoken to them.

The other hunter asked if she would join them or if she wished to observe how men would hunt in snow.

Kannoyak did not care if she joined or if she watched. He lifted his snout to regard her with a cool expression.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Mojag nodded to his friend, and turned a look to the silent other man; he began to step away from the two hunters when Chakliux called out to the woman, and for a moment Mojag was frozen with indecision if he should go now or wait for her answer - but he was not part of that conversation, and so he eventually pulled away from them entirely to go and track something.

Chakliux' advice from earlier rang in his head; he would be mindful of the trails, and more importantly he would keep an eye on any stags with their crowns. He was intent to prove he could hunt as well as any man despite not bearing the same marks as Chakliux, or the age and strength of the silent man.

Whatever the three others got up to, Mojag was focused on his job. He ranged further from them than he intended and in doing so, he spooked something from among the wilderness. A grunt erupted from alongside the boy's flank - followed by the sound of snow crushed underheel - and he turned in time to see three potential targets splitting away at a run across the snow; two does, and a much lazier stag pacing behind them.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,277 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
One of the older hunters let his voice run like a stream, while the other seemed to have dammed it like a beaver. Sialuk contemplated names for them, but her attention came again to the one who wore pride on his pelt when he asked if she would participate or watch the hunt. The quiet one did not speak.

I hunt with you, she said. Sialuk gauged their responses evenly, wondering if they would work well together or if they would fight to impress her. The younger dark wolf had retreated, and Sialuk's eyes flashed when the three deer were flushed. She caught the eyes of the two older wolves only briefly before she took to the chase.
Atkan Aleut
1,044 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the pounding of hooves! the hawk-eyed beauty joining them! chakliux let out a whoop that ended in a brief hunting chat, one beneath his breath as he exchanged a look with her.
mojag had worked well; he flicked his brother's shoulder with his tail as he soared past.
they would cut the weakest from the running herd. he snapped to test the stag, swinging left.
sunberry eyes looked for the lead hunter, the man who had called. chakliux would align himself there.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
They had formed a hunting party. The group did not waste time in their chase.

Kannoyak raced with the speed of a seasoned hunter. He watched the herd respond to the threat of their teeth and the glint of their eyes. The other white man had found a stag and tested its heart with a snap of his teeth. The plum-eyed wolf saw her then, an older cow. She did not look as swift. She did not look as though she would escape their speed and might.

The white hunter chuffed aloud. His paws churned snow as he corrected his course to block the cow from escape. His lean body had been tempered by the snows of the north. Hunting in the weald was a treat. Kannoyak locked his gaze with the cow. His lip peeled into a snarl.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The last time Mojag had hunted with others like this was upon a beach, and it had not been with those seasoned by years of training, but with a priest and his acolyte; it had been very dangerous, and Mojag had been foolish. He would not be so hasty to prove himself here — fast, yes, and using his body as a bulwark to ward the splitting bodies one way or another, but he would not insert himself for fear of the stag's crown or the doe elk's tines. He would not race ahead half-cocked and require a rescue.

He would be at the head, for a few lunges, but then would be overtaken by both Kannoyak and Chakliux; and as he sidled one way, he saw Sialuk, and bayed a sound to startle the old doe which the group had targeted. Mojag's dark body moved across the snow in an obvious arc. He would be easier for the prey to track, being dark on light, and he used that to his advantage as much as possible.

They were all skilled and proven, he knew. This was his chance to show off what he'd learned and he would not waste it.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,277 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Swift legs carried the raindrop forward, taking cues from others as they singled out one of the slower, older does. She went to the creature's flank, opposite of where the dark hunter now gave chase. This way, they would separate her from the herd, and the two larger hunters could bring her down without interference.

Her mouth pooled with saliva, already feeling she could taste blood on her tongue. They would feast today, she knew.
Atkan Aleut
1,044 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mojag! chakliux whooped and it ended in a snarl. the hawk-eyed woman joined his brother. the seal-hunter veered away from the three and barked a challenge for the stag, snapping teeth charging the heavy antlers; snow puffed from underfoot as he led the male away from the cow who by now must surely say end-chants to her own gods.
all of them would eat well!
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Working together, the hunting party had focused their sights on the cow. With the stag drawn away by Chakliux’s trained taunts, she was free to be taken by the others.

Kannoyak looked to the youngest – the boy. His plum eyes followed the motion of the darker wolf. Though he was not seasoned by many hunts on the white earth, he had done well to keep pace with them and to show himself as reliable. The white man thought that he was a skilled wolf and he would make his village proud.

The hunter woman made her move, as well.

Trained on the cow, Kannoyak found purchase in her flesh. He held fast for the others to assist in their kill.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Mojag knew better than to take the initiative here; he had been taught as much on the island, and now hung back when the others moved for the cow. One white body after another, until it was only Kannoyak who hung back in wait. Mojag took one glance over his shoulder to the plum-eyed man as if waiting for permission or a cue, then drove towards the cow with the intent to help with the chase or the kill.

He was nervous the closer he got to the creature's hindquarters. He came up the left side and then caught the snow funny, sliding and missing a step; then with a lunge, righted himself and rebounded to chase the cow from the right side instead. It was being chased by both Chakliux and the woman by now - their harassment would be more than enough.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,277 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The plum-eyed hunter sank in his teeth, and Sialuk followed, springing forward to attach herself to the creature's hind end, claws gripping as well as they could. A deep growl gurgled in her throat as she tore at the creature, ripping skin and muscle from bone. Soon, the cow would come down, and one of the white hunters would be able to put an end to her suffering.
Atkan Aleut
1,044 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chakliux danced before the stag!
the animal tried to stamp him harshly. the scarred hunter dodged away.
the frenzied prey charged, its antlers swinging. chakliux held his ground until the last second.
a tine nicked his throat. he bit for its eye, sending the animal jerking back.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Their fallen cow was silenced with the grip of eager fangs. Her kicking ceased.

Breathing heavily, the white hunter lifted his head and gazed upon the wolves who had helped to bring her down. They had been strong. They had succeeded without injury or mistake. It was pride that swelled in his chest, then.

Good hunt, he offered in compliment to the hunter woman and to the young wolf who had helped to bring the cow down. Chakliux had danced with the stag. To him, Kannoyak’s plum gaze wandered. He hoped that the other hunter might retreat from his game. They should feast on their spoils together and then call for the other wolves of their village.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,277 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
skipping mojag, as he's npc'd. also, last from me!

The cow fell, silence came. Quickly, replaced by the snapping of teeth on flesh. Sialuk had no village to call her own, and so she would eat for herself this day. Belly full, she would retreat as the others continued their feast, and she would move to the ring of mountains—mother waiting.
Atkan Aleut
1,044 Posts
Ooc — ebony
and for me!

at last the stag leapt away.
chakliux shouted out in a cry of success and pride.
all of them would feast and would carry off meat.
it had been a blessed hunt. he would forget none of their faces as he and mojag went back to moonglow.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
And feast they did.

The hunters were spoiled by their fallen prey. Kannoyak was joyous to eat with the others. He had found good company in those wolves. The youngest of them had done well to keep up with the speed of their hunt. They tasted victory because they worked so well together.

The white hunter was content. He ate with the others and talked quietly of shared cultures.

Great hunt, everyone! <333